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Everything posted by Success

  1. I respect your POV and there are quite a few who really like Cousins, but that is one guy I do not understand the buzz for. So average, imo.
  2. Not me. Darnold has a rough game, but the talent there is pretty clear. I’d be thrilled to get him, Rosen or Mayfield.
  3. Remember Rollerball? Brady is Jonathan E. It’s bad for the league at this point.
  4. It really has to be a bit boring to be a Pats fan these days.
  5. Love the King E. reference. It’s great to be this excited this late in the season. Hopefully this is just the beginning.
  6. That’s interesting. I would almost think arrogance would be valued in a QB. After thinking more about the game last night, I would love to see the Bills get Darnold. Bad game overall - but some of those throws were amazing. He definitely has a skill set that most do not have.
  7. It probably did take a hit with this game. Fierce pass rush, but he’ll get that regularly in the pros and has to handle it better. Still, I wonder if he’ll still come out. He’s still a top 5 pick, and the cautionary tale of Barkley probably looms large at USC
  8. He has hardly had any pocket. I understand your caution, but he’s a guy who has real potential for greatness, imo.
  9. This is good. We need to work through these issues now if we’re going to break the drought on Sunday.
  10. He’s infuriating to watch. Brilliant and careless.
  11. Bad game overall - but I get the fuss. He has made some sick throws
  12. Rough watching Darnold so far. He does look like he needs another year.
  13. I’ll root for him wherever he goes. Worked his arse off, provided a lot of exciting moments and conducted himself like a professional, even through the benching fiasco. A good Bill. But, I am also ready for the next QB, whoever that is. Unless he wins the Super Bowl this year, of course. Hey, it’s still possible.
  14. If I started a list of guys who were called busts early in their career who went on to become good or great, it would be significant. I still believe in Zay. His biggest weakness was his greatest strength in college.
  15. Only the Patriots can make me sympathize and root for the Steelers.
  16. The logic that it would have been 37 - 20 if the Bills scored a TD is an impossible conclusion for anyone who has watched football for more than 2 weeks
  17. Boston fans know this better than anyone. They were little bro to the yanks for almost a century. Then they came back from 3 down, and flipped the script. That will happen for the Bills, and sooner than we think. May even be this playoff season.
  18. The Ravens celebrated their last win like they made the playoffs. It’s a good sign. Bengals have a great chance to take it.
  19. I remember when trolls really had some heart. They’re just mailing it in these days.
  20. It’s easy to be nitpicky about some of the in-game errors. Really, all coaches have a few of those. Also, while I agree on his being conservative a bit too often, that could be more a reflection of personnel. I like what I’ve seen so far. Bad mid season swoon, but otherwise the team is motivated and the game plans are good. If he can close out with a win, 9-7 is a very solid first year effort.
  21. Well, I’ll never forget that he tried to end the career of our best young player with the dirtiest cheap shot I’ve seen, because he was upset with a ref in a 20 point win. So I guess we’re even.
  22. It would have been the ultimate stupidity to do that. What can they hope for if they make that part of the plan? End his season? End his career? It’s a Rex move. Glad and proud they didn’t go that way
  23. People laughed about the idea of trading a 1st for jimmy. I’d trade a whole draft for that guy. It’s easy to see what a difference a good Qb can make
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