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Everything posted by Success

  1. I will truly cherish the day when the football world isn’t consumed with everything the patriots do and games/calls like this past Sunday get zero attention.
  2. The Patriots never smoked anyone in a Super Bowl.
  3. Great test for McD - it’s all about the game plan against BB
  4. No one outside of Buffalo talks about this. How frustrated can you possibly be when you’re winning a game easily? Try losing to the same team for 17 years. I can’t stand Gronk. Forever dirty after that play.
  5. To me, this game is the playoffs. I’m just not seeing it at 9-7. The pats under Brady have our number, but they hardly seem invincible this season. They have had about 3-4 games as close as yesterday - if not for sheer aura, they likely would have dropped a few more and Sunday might have been for the division. And Brady IS slipping. Still an mvp type year, but he has looked 40 over the past few games. We can take this one. It’s good timing with the emotional win they had yesterday
  6. We’re certainly due. I’m sure Sox fans never thought they could come back from 3 down to the Yankees after a century of domination. Brady is 40.
  7. So - no image of it clearly touching the ground. Thanks. I can’t believe you guys ever complain about officiating.
  8. I questioned the grit thing during that 3 game swoon. They seemed to quit in each of those games. But that stretch seems to be the anomaly. This is a tough team - fairly low on talent and experience, but they really fight for everything they get. I love this years Bills. A credit to the coaching as well.
  9. I’ve seen more teams blitzing against Brady - mixed results, but he doesn’t seem to be burning it consistently like he used to. He’s a bit more hesitant than he used to be and sometimes slower to get the ball out. Obviously he’s still the best in the league, but it’s heartening to see a few cracks in the armor. Age will catch up to him faster than most think. He is taking a ton of hits. You could play the if game with any of the pats sb wins too. They needed 19 plays to go perfectly to complete the comeback last year.
  10. I can’t believe we’re still talking about facing Brady and Belichick. I don’t think there were even message boards before those guys were there. A lifetime and then some. Sports purgatory.
  11. You never see the ball resting on the ground. It’s really not clear. I’d say it probably hit the ground, but it wasn’t enough to overturn a called TD.
  12. Pats fans always think they’re the only team with injuries.
  13. Well, at least we’re not Steelers fans tonight. Talk about a group I never thought I’d feel bad for.
  14. At the Super Bowl, they were chanting gooooooodell......
  15. The Pats get these calls all of the time, and then when gronk gets his jersey pulled, it’s instant victim mode. I have stopped traveling to New England.
  16. The more I see it, the more I think it’s incovlusive. It looks like the ball hit the ground - but that’s more of an assumption. You don’t see it touch. Who knows - might end up being the best thing for the Steelers. It certainly gives them some motivation in the next meeting
  17. Would have been game over. One of these days, that deal with the devil is going to turn south
  18. Pats week is like the week your dentist appointment comes around. I hate this week now. But will hope against all hope and a lifetime of disappointment that this time, it will be different.
  19. He was unstoppable today. He really makes me sick now, though- I used to think he was just goofy, but can’t stand him after that cheap shot.
  20. Thank IM - I was having a hard time posting for awhile...software issue. Serious withdrawal. Good to be back in time for our epic playoff run
  21. Good rule and call. Romeo was right - Ben has to throw a fade on the last play. I’ve never had anything consistently sicken me like the pats.
  22. I hope they would have flagged Gilmore if that wasn’t a catch
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