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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. Not to mention Poyer was nothing for his first four years.
  2. Trades are about the player and the contract. Often compensation is misunderstood because people only consider the player.
  3. Yeah he played G for 2 years but he was a center who could play guard vs the other way around.....
  4. Beane's son attends Alabama for what it is worth.
  5. Wood played Center in college and the pros. They also can easily find a David Edwards type in FA. This regime likes guys with NFL starting experience to build the depth, I would not rule that out.
  6. If someone can find the end of season presser he actually talked about wanting to stay more in shape this offseason. That goes against the less is more idea but also kind of acknowledges he thinks he should change something.
  7. Reid is an advantage however the topic of this thread is not who their coach is, rather it's the level of work done in the offseason. It is reasonable to question that and it might be reasonable to say "who cares", no one knows how much that really impacts things but would you rather have a guy who works his craft all offseason at the same time as having fun or just having fun? I also personally have no idea what Mahomes and Allen actually do. But Allen is on the record as saying he does not do much for a good portion. Basically my take is even though Josh is the best thing that has ever happened to this franchise in a very long time, he is not above fans questioning things.
  8. Doubtful to the bolded. NIL money is the reason.
  9. This is great, all the teams at the top of the draft will red flag him and he will drop to the Bills.
  10. In different ways at different times depending on opponent, down and distance, weather and game score at the moment.
  11. That would be fine as a rotational piece.
  12. My read. Beane approached Martin about a pay cut and Martin refused. Beane signed Haack to apply pressure but Martin called his bluff and took down the pot.
  13. Huge and suck are not mutually exclusive
  14. Any details of the scope of the accounting errors? Don’t all contracts go to the league? I would think they independently verify any cap issues. I can’t see this being big dollars with sites like spotrac out there too.
  15. OK someone paid Robert Hunt a lot of money....big deal. The needs at DT, DE and WR are there an are still more expensive positions. Having said that, if you get an all pro it could be worth it I just see Beane moving around to get the value at the draft position at a need football position.
  16. I like what he has done mostly....very conservative and trying to get cap healthier. I think they will sign a safety and other fill in guys at DT, DE, OL and RB to compete, all lower end deals that might not have a big affect on the top 51. He could make some other splashes but that probably requires freeing up money from Diggs which he appears to be avoiding right now.
  17. I think he probably could play safety but not sure I agree with the bolded, this guy is one of the best slot corners and is a key to making the Bills defense work. He is an all-pro and I would not mess with that. There are like 20 starting safeties out there in FA right now even after FA has started, how many starting slot corners?
  18. He is just a misunderstood cryptic foodie
  19. This is what I think too, this organization has developed players that fit the system and they need to continue to tap into that. Random Joes on the internet board just look at stats, pro bowls and generally name recognition and get more excited the bigger the name. The key is what a guy can do in the future, not what he did in the past. And in the NFL that is often guys who are hungry and willing to do whatever the coaches ask.
  20. To continue that analogy. At end of the road you will have to even up meaning at some point you will have to pull over and wait for the time to elapse to get to the finish line if you ever want to get back to even. If you are going 6000 miles and the speed limit is 60MPH it will take you 100 hours. So you can go 120 for the fist 50’hours but then you have to wait. I this analogy time is total cap over years and it assumes there is an end to it where everyone has to be even.
  21. So you think it was stupid for the Bills to pick up the 5th year on Josh correct? Just want to understand your position clearly. That was stupid correct? I do get you give the player leverage by picking up the option but for the right player it can absolutely make sense but you also pick up some leverage. The players hate it which is probably means it's good for the teams. I will also just point out that with Edmunds it is simply your opinion he was not worth the $12M, one year later he got $18M and he did not change in any significant way. It is also just your opinion he outperformed the $12M so much in year 5 that his market was now 35% higher. I agree his 5th year was his best year but he did not blow years 1-4 out of the water so much that he went from 35% below a $12M AAV to 35% above that. The Bills probably tried extending him and could not agree on the price so they lived with the 5th year option, it was not some terrible value. See Knox and Miller if you want to see bad values. Edmunds has always been a polarizing player for Bills fans and has never had as many impact plays as people expect of him, not in years1-4, 5 or last year with Chicago.
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