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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Depends if we make the playoffs, then if we do, how far we go. If the bills pull the unthinkable and road dog their way to the superbowl he will be here next year. Nah seriously I would guess released. Would be interesting if that happened though.
  2. You keep your !@#$ ing Don dog off my property! Bad things will happen, bad things man!
  3. Stay off my land Don! I mean it now! Stay the !@#$ off!!
  4. will we make 200 pages before the game starts??
  5. Are you ready Don? They have been waiting for you. Parked outside. It's the white van. Let me know when you see them. They still have your lock of hair from when you were a baby.
  6. They are here to take you home Don. Yes oh yes! They are here now....
  7. The Duff has to keep clean. Clean Duff is the best Duff
  8. They are watching you! Your phones are bugged and every wire tapped. They are here, and they know Don. Yes, they know everything!
  9. Don't you step one foot over that line buddy!!!
  10. They have found you. They know where you are now! Crazy, I was crazy once. They locked me in a round room to die, but I can't die in a round room. I can't die in a room without corners. Then the worms came! The worms....they made me crazy.
  11. Hey Don. I know who you are now. And I know what you did! And how you did it! And when you did it! And why you did it!! Trust me you will not get away with it! I'm Patrick !@#$ ing Duffy!
  12. Me and a few friends are getting together and we are going to turn off all the lights and cover windows to make it completely dark, and we will play a game of "who's in my mouth". Before ya know it, game time baby!!!
  13. Your new name should be Dunkirk Don's Source.....
  14. I connected the dots and followed the money. You are exactly right!! Goodell wants more ratings so he moved the important games to 4:25 that's where the money trail was! You may receive many virgins for your great intell my good friend!
  15. Cheers to the Bills giving us at least one more game after today and making it to the post season....
  16. You are not at the Falcon club. I haven't seen you and I've been here for and hour and half. If you are going to come, then find me when you get here. I'm not hard to find, I am T.V's Patrick Duffy. I was a great dad in the hit show Step by Step, played a major role in the t.v show Dallas and quite a few others. You come find me when you get here. I'm Patrick !@#$ ing Duffy!
  17. No you're not. I'm there right now and don't see you. Liar!
  18. If McCoy gets 178 yards rushing then we win this game easily. I hope he does get it but I don't see him getting that many rushing yards this game. Would be nice if it does happen because like I said, Bills would win big.
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