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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Did you know that 60% of women wear the wrong size pad? You have to get the most comfortable pad that yet also is consistent with your flow. #Facts
  2. Chargers game was no picnic either. That one definitely sticks out as well.
  3. So now you have inside info on not only the Bills, but the Broncos and Jets too? You smooth operator you!!! No bro, he is not "playing" dumb. At all
  4. I agree with the OP. Some don't want to believe that stuff like this happens, but it most certainly does. I've seen plenty of games in my day that will "make you think some games are fixed", and it doesn't happen all the time, but it most certainly does happen on occasion IMO.
  5. Either way, it will be an exciting Sunday evening as I myself look forward to it. I actually think the Ravens can easily lose this game just as well as the Bills could lose to the Fins. So it's really up in the air. But it's still great IMO that this team, even with the ups and downs it's had during the season, still has a shot to get in on the final game of the season. Usually season is over in November or early December. Nice to finally have a full season of meaningful games, especially at week 17. So I'm stoked and can't wait til Sunday. And celebrating New Year's Eve at the same time.
  6. LOL, I remember all that. People were basically praising him and pleasing his meat hammer after every source informed post.
  7. I'm getting old now so my apples hang twice the length of my stem.
  8. Doesn't surprise me one bit the Pats scooped him up. Actually a very good pick up IMO, just wish it was a different team that got him.
  9. I think Ravens, Chargers and Titains all have a good chance at losing. Well so do the Bills tbh, but it would be crazy if all 3 teams lose and Bills win.
  10. I think the Bills actually have a decent shot at this. Sunday will definitely be very interesting and I can't wait. Really looking forward to it especially on New Year's Eve, should be a fun day, especially if everything falls into place and we sneak into the post season.
  11. Either really. I think the Bills would have a decent shot at beating both so it doesn't really matter to me. *if they can manage to get in*
  12. Yes, this I like and could very well happen. Thing is I'm not exactly counting on the Bills to beat the Fins though. In any event if the stars align and the Bills somehow slip in the playoffs I'll be happy. They may have their ups and downs but at the same time if you can somehow just get in the post season, anything can happen. I think of the Giants that year when they were the 6th seed and weren't expected to do much. Get in and anything can happen, but beating the Fins twice will be a tough road. So we'll see....
  13. And the other funny thing about it is both calls were made playing against the Pats. Go figure.....
  14. And have break dance contest when one gets mad at another! So brutal! The quick and the served.
  15. I think if they do decide to rest the starters it will be later in the game and hopefully they will have a big lead by then.
  16. Only way this is worth seeing is for entertainment value, it's quite obvious that he is full of it. And he will not just fade away because he will continue to bump this nonsense to the top of the front page.
  17. I laugh and shake my head at the few that actually believe this blabbering nonsense that this nut job spews out. Just down right amazing!
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