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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. I do not think that Buffalo is done. Having a true #1 seems to be off the table for now unless something crazy happens with Deebo or Metcalf, but the offense can still be potent if there are six or seven steady targets to spread the ball around to. As of now, we have Shakir, Coleman, Samuel, and a whole bunch of ifs, ands and buts at WR. Even with those three, we are asking them to play a larger role than they have been accustomed to. It helps that we have Kincaid and Knox, but I would hope to see one more veteran WR in the mix. My guess is that this will happen after June 1st. Out of the rest, we have Andy Isabella, KJ Hamler, Justin Shorter, Mack Hollins, Quintez Cephus, Tyrell Shavers, Bryan Thompson, Xavier Johnson and Lawrence Keys. Maybe one or two of those emerge, but I am not comfortable counting on that. Out of that group, Hollins likely makes it in a Special teams Andre Roberts type role and Shorter will get a good look. After that. it is up in the air. I would love to see Hamler or Cephus play to their potential, but more likely than not, they are camp fodder. Isabella is likely a practice squad member again. The others are long shots IMO. All we can do at this point is see how things play out between now and week 1.
  2. Transition does not always mean rebuilding. It is more of finding new players that fit the system and having new veterans take the lead. How we do this year completely depends on whether the draft picks and free agents produce and fit the system. I could see a slow start, but I can also see us still making the playoffs. I do not see this Bills as a Super Bowl contender yet unless they get hot at the right time, but they weren't going to be with last year's group either.
  3. Before Dorsey was fired, the offense was spinning it's wheels because we were relying too much on Diggs and the long ball. The offense did much better when Allen was spreading it around to Kincaid, Cook and Shakir. I do not mind that there will be five or six regular players to throw to. I am a little more concerned that there is no true elite #1 target, but maybe Kincaid, Coleman or Shakir can develop into that.
  4. The signing is quite the gamble. I'll bet that no one saw that coming.
  5. Why is this comment on a thread about UDFA's? We all want to win a super bowl and McDermott two minute game management is off the charts bad, but 6 playoff appearances in 7 years after a 17 year drought is quite an accomplishment. This year may potentially be a step down or a mini rebuild which is frustrating, but It is not nearly as bad as you want it to be in your head. Have you considered being a fan of any of the other 31 teams? You seem quite unhappy as a Bills fan. If it is that bad for you, maybe for your own mental health it is best to move on.
  6. I get that complaining about draft is an annual rite of passage, but I swear, if Buffalo got Aiyuk or Higgins for a 6th or 7th rounder, some people here would be fuming because we didn't use that pick to draft a replacement kicker for Tyler Bass
  7. If only we kept that 5th round pick and didn't trade down a few spots, we would have certainly won a super bowl.
  8. We need a replacement for Morse and interior lineman can often be found deep in the draft. I like this pick.
  9. Let me get the armchair GM hot take comment out of the way “But I wanted a WR and I saw Rice once in a college football game and he made a nice play, so Beane is a moron for not drafting him. Now we don’t have a #1 WR because of this. Buffalo shouldn’t ever draft a defensive player or offensive lineman again. Beane is the worst GM EVER! Now we will NEVER win a super bowl”
  10. I get the preference for receivers and some fans wishing that they drafted someone else. What I do not get is the logic from fans who see drafting a WR with their first pick as "doing nothing" to upgrade the position and at the same time think that trading up to get a WR in Franklin who everyone passed on three times will instantly solve the WR depth issue.
  11. Do you have definitive proof that Worthy and Leggette are better or did you just personally like their highlight reel more? I would have personally preferred McConkey or Leggette, but Buffalo addressed their two positions of need last night. Whether or not the right players were picked remains to be seen, but I can assume that Allen, Beane and McDermott know more about who fits their system than you or me do. I'm willing to let the season play out before reserving judgment on the draft.
  12. Who says that we are done? Buffalo has enough picks for trade capital. Maybe Franklin falls to Buffalo or Buffalo moves up to get him. Maybe a trade for Aiyuk or Higgins is on the table. I would prefer a veteran. Any Receiver left in the draft is no more or less likely to contribute this year than Shorter, Hollins or Isabella.
  13. I agree. After decades of drafts, I've learned to look more at the positions drafted than the players. So many hyped players do nothing and many more come out of nowhere to become stars. If Josh Allen, McDermott and Beane thought that Keon Coleman was the best fit, that is a more reliable assessment than me thinking that Ladd McConkey was the best choice four hours ago because I read a few articles this morning. Buffalo drafted their two top positions, added two picks and drafted a DT that most are rating as a good pick. On paper, that was the logical path. We will only know for sure after seeing the players in action.
  14. I know nothing about the pick, but the highlights of him make me think of the same style player as Kyle Williams. Hopefully he works out.
  15. I was irritated about giving a WR to the Chiefs at first, but warmed up to the concept more overnight. If Buffalo is confident that whoever they draft or trade for at WR is going to be better than Xavier Worthy, then I trust them and am glad that they added two picks. Maybe Buffalo finds their next, Milano, Bernard or Shakir with one of those added picks. I will be interested to see what this trade looks like in two years.
  16. I would be completely pleased with grabbing two extra picks and likely getting who they wanted at 28 anyway if it was any other team besides the Chiefs. Giving a rival a chance to upgrade their weakest position is not logical. Now to see what Buffalo does. Maybe Buffalo likes Adonai Mitchell or Keon Coleman at WR, Maybe those picks are leverage for a trade to get Aiyuk or Higgins. It will be interesting to see what the roster looks like in three days. I will reserve judgement until then.
  17. Group think is Rampant everywhere. If you take a middle ground stance on something, 40 percent of the country will be furious at you one way or the other. Conspiracy theories are generally exaggerated version of things that people should be concerned about. Unfortunately, some people on the left are willing to call any deviation from media reported status quo a conspiracy theory. In the same way, some people on the right will call any belief system different from theirs "woke". If people stopped calling people overused buzzwords to demonize opponents and talked things out more, the world would be a better place.
  18. The most memorable Bill is Reich with Fitz as a close second. The best as far as most talented was Diggs. It ended poorly, but his presence was a big part of the Bills success under McDermott.
  19. Maybe as a low risk/low cost flyer to see if he can add anything like we are doing with with K.J. Hamler, but not for anything more than that.
  20. I can't imagine if there was social media during the times of the Bickering Bills.
  21. Earthquakes, TBD Server Maintenance, Total eclipses, Human Sacrifices, Dog and cats living together........
  22. A textbook example of how numbers don't always tell the full story.
  23. I agree with both of these statements. McDermott gutted the team and game as close to starting from scratch as you could without being an expansion team. I remember that at one point in early 2017, before free agency started, there were only about 30 people officially on the Bills roster, including futures contract players. From there, two more key players in Watkins and Darby were traded before the season started. By 2018 there were very few people left from the previous regime. The 2016 roster had talent but a weak culture. That wasn't all Rex Ryan's fault, it was an accumulation of five mediocre coaches over 16 years, but Rex was not likely to change that. The talent was less in 2017, but the people brought in believed in the system. "Trusting the process" might be stale to some now, but it was what was needed to get out of the drought.
  24. McDermott's in-game management is questionable, but he was Vince Lombardi compared to Ryan's game management. Who can forget the penalties, including one or two for 12 men on the field every game? There was a lackadaisical culture, and Rob Ryan's defenses made almost every quarterback look like Allen or Mahomes. There was no culture, and most of the more talented players were there for the paycheck. Revisionist history can make the grass seem greener, but most of us couldn't wait to see Ryan gone by the end of 2016. I know we are frustrated with being stuck in the mud as a playoff but not a Super Bowl team, but let's not forget where we were in the drought.
  25. I want to reserve judgement until I see what the cap looks like and what Buffalo adds at WR before the season. Buffalo was not getting past the divisional round with last years set up. If Allen has five to ten good years left, I would be willing to take a step back for one year if it meant true Super Bowl contention after.
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