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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. lol three letters sent you into a cut and paste frenzy? ok listen, the only reason i haven't blocked you is your TDS while sad, is still entertaining. here is a rundown of your insanity. please pay attention. symptom 1) santa is a trump supporter? um ok. good to know. why is that even relavant? do you also wonder what the easter bunnies political following is? symptom 2) hmm so the most radical mentally unwell are a good representation of people you know nothing about. me? this is not healthy thinking at all my friend. symptom 3).. please refer to symptom 2. symptom 4) projection onto others. trying to deflect your dilusions WHILE doing exactly what you are accusing others of. are the, what do you call them "QOP" in the shadows? bushes? around every corner? are they with you now? do they live in your head? don't deny it, read all of your posts! they all include him. over and over. the person who talks about trump the most on this board, hes is in your mirror!!! my medical advise first look at a calender. repeat: the orange man is not president! repeat until it becomes natural. whenever you do not include trump in a post, reward yourself with a cookie. after awhile the self training will ween you off your addiction. one day at a time. buy a emotional support dog. just make sure its hair isn't orange..i don't want animal cruelty and your in the beginning stage of recovery. like i said i haven't blocked you. i will be your sponsor if you need. we can get through this.
  2. rarely?? thats being generous. CUE THE TRUMP DEFLECTION!
  3. on point 2, for the most part i was making a comparison to antibiotics and how over time they are producing bacteria that is becoming more resistant. if you are not completely destroying the virus in a body then you are hosting a viral load that will replicate and anything that replicates will mutate, if one of them is a mutation that circumvents the vaccination defenses then it will become dominate as it can replicate unencumbered by vax defenses. the fact vaccinated DO contract and spread even if its less means the virus will most likely follow this path. im not sure how much the load is reduced or what percentage it would lessen spread but it still happening in places with very high vaccination rates [ Isreal ] so imo yes vaccination are contributing to mutation, not saying they are responsible for delta or any other. butvl common sense says they will and my fear is that they are going to be specific to counter vax defenses which may be unitentionally making them far more deadly since they are mutating to beat artificial defenses instead of natural which i think would mutate to not kill the host. killing the host immediately stops transmission. those artificial mutation types will make them VERY lethal to people who dont have even vax protection. that variant will have a large population that will not die ( vax ) but continue to propagate this resistant strain. under this reasoning it seems the best coarse of action would be to mandate mandatory vaccination..to get everyone at a min viral load lower chances of spread and complete lockdown to prevent transmission. good luck getting lockdowns to fly anymore after the overuse of them with little result in the past. i could be wrong. just trying to be more clear. not a scientist, but its how i understand it with the reasoning i have. EDIT...unfortunately. delta is seeing exact same load in vax..hopefully it is contained to breakthrough only. so just as much transmission of a varient that has (broken through) vax. 😞 https://apnews.com/article/science-health-coronavirus-pandemic-d9504519a8ae081f785ca012b5ef84d1
  4. yeah seems to be the direction of the freight train is barreling but this is different then those others. you can still contract and pass it. the fact covid is still not being stopped means it most likely will continue mutating until it bypasses the vax to become more potent and thus more successful. i really have to wonder what that means in the end. if we are doing more harm then good simply giving it a reason to mutate instead of allowing the natural coarse of a virus to become less deadly by infecting naturally and over time mutating to a less deadly form. killing the host is not good for either. but that means lives are lost hoping that's the outcome. so i understand the route we are on. welp its a freight train so i guess those decisions are above my pay grade but its not looking like kids can have a normal childhood anytime soon. vax or no vax.
  5. yeah i was a subject for the swine flu vax in college. didnt want that one either and wasn't mandated but i was in a very populated school and darn that responsibility thing just keeps smacking me in the head. that too seemed to come out really fast with no info on clinical trials ect ect. so far so good. swine vax mixed with covid vax...what could go wrong. i guess time will tell.
  6. damn dude. relax. its a message board and the guy has a opinion i think most people read his response and took it as laughing at people that think the government has peoples best interest in mind. if you think that's a insane take then i suggest you look into medical trials that didn't give a rats a$$ about the participants. just human Guinea pigs. Kano trovafloxacin trial litigation for example. just the very company we are trusting now. its all there in history books. people dont know or care because it was done quietly to poor brown people in a far off land. better yet, watch the movie dark water and take a good hard look at your pans. that s#it is still sold today! maybe but with the labor shortages thats going to be a risky ask. i still cant believe they are firing nurses or ANYONE when it hasnt even been approved. thats pretty authoritarian and for people like myself that were deemed essential in a factory with little in the way of saftey measures. very hypocritical to say you didnt need it all year, thanks for risking your life but you BETTER have it now.
  7. tennis? golf? maybe a good game of chess with a cold glass of ice tea and a touch of lemon. a few things that have no contact. look into them i think if the rook knew how to put on his chin strap correctly the optics of it flying off would have made it a ordinary blindside sack. its not suppose to feel good but there was nothing malicious there.
  8. just curious if FDA approval changes anyones stance on whether they want to get vaccinated or not?
  9. yeah i avoided that. just waited alittle while and let the pile of people elbowing and clawing desperate to be saved by the virus i had to work through all year as a essential go first. was able to choose which one i wanted and everything. 🤷‍♂️ much more pleasant experience I'm guessing.
  10. i guess my neighborhood pharmacy is living in a jim crow era. maybe they let you slide if you show up without one but it was included on the things to bring checklist email pre appointment.
  11. um i needed a id to get a vaccination and had to wait in line. funny how the main concern for IDs seems to only be what gives the ones advocating it power. after that..who cares. its so transparent, to most.
  12. your talking about a country that was preparing for major cities to burn to the ground if a certain result was not confirmed in the last election and the other storming to stop a confirmation. id say that's a good indicator its headed in that direction. i know this stuff has pretty much been normalized at this point so we barely even discuss it anymore (well one of them anyhow)....but that aint normal
  13. i hope thats true. but not seeing how people arent looking at the 2 extremes. id say portland is one and city in texas? florida? is the other? homeless, recalls, fmla, pfl, massive amounts of social saftey net abuse, soft on crime only going further in that direction incredible overreach on regulations for basic things including simple changes you want to make ON THE PROPERTY YOU BOUGHT and corruption of those benefiting. taxes on top of taxes to pay for it all with constant surplus debt because they can't. no end in sight because pulling back on any of it will upset a large portion of the voting base. i just dont see how its even comparable. maybe losing abortion rights and having a christian overreach? i live in buffalo so maybe its the same in republican cities. it simply is not sustainable from this aspect.
  14. awww what a milktoast answer. no fence sitting. choose a side and reason why.
  15. that does not prevent the spread, correct? maybe the chances are lowered. in that regard i guess you have a point as lower is better then not but it is no way safe. my question is why is there no info presented on natural immunity. i have to go to "fringe" sources and by all accounts they are projecting at least 5 years of protection. are they also reduced viral loads. if so why are they not discluded from the people that are "unvaccinated" ? how many people are in this group and at this point what is the percentage of vax/natural really seeing as many might be asymptomatic? are we talking about a fraction of society at this point that are truley being "selfish"? i do not know if i had asymptomatic covid. if i got covid i would trust my immunity and not gotten vaxed. i would be excluded from the many mandates on travel and going out and maybe forced to leave my job....and many would cheer that on. that's where our society is and it saddens me.
  16. i wasn't specifically talking about kneeling or protesting of flag. im talking about how it is viewed. one side sees that symbol and does not think it stands for this country or our freedom. it stands for a corrupt racist system that must be dismantled from the ground up. now those are the most extreme views that i appreciate you noticing and not wanting to be a part of but they have been echoed on major cable news stations without much pushback from their own side. there are many examples i thought that was the most basic straight forward one. as for your vaccine position you state. "But you should want to in order to help your neighbor, to help the kids who can’t be, because in a public health crisis we are in this together" this is a false narrative. vaccines DO NOT help those that cannot be vaccinated. it only prevents severe symptom. you can still contract and transmit. so if you are vaccinated it is still advised you act as if you are not which is why they are reinstating masks for all. one could argue they do more damage as they would give someone the false knowledge, that you seem to also, and go around vulnerable people without precautions thinking you are no longer a threat. we have to make that distinction clear. a valid argument is that society should be thinking about our healthcare workers. seeing as many who have dealt with this for over a year are being fired for not wanting to be vaccinated, it is not as cut and dry as it appears as well.
  17. so if a secession took place, clean right down the middle and you had to make a choice, which side would you go? id choose freedom over safety. the census seems to suggest that americans feel the same.
  18. i wrote this awhile ago. this is not directed at the op but seems relevant when speaking about how this country values has changed. strangely it included age. username had nothing to do with it...i swear. are you old enough to remember when free speech was defended regardless if it was agreed with? when giant monopolies working hand and hand with government was a bad thing? when the goal was to judge others on the content of their character not color of skin was the accepted achievement for EVERYONE? when people knew this country was not perfect but had pride that it is still the greatest on the planet? when police were respected for putting their lives on the line knowing full well as in any profession reforms are always needed and bad people are in the fold? when every sitting president before the current one stressed strict border security because we agreed it is necessary? when people would never cheer on the government to arbitrarily take away others basic right to earn a living, patronize or run a buisness? when parts of our nation being openly destroyed by criminals were universally condemned instead of portraying the ones committing the crimes as the "victims" and allowing it to happen? when the same people demanding that black lives matter do not demand justice or air time when black victims including children are routinely ignored if the perpetrators are not of a different race?
  19. sorry to interject but your exhibiting alot of bias right here. after all that's been hindsighted i think it would be in your best interest to stop thinking alternative information is "right wing fringe" maybe its you that looks for things that confirm your bias. many examples but did you think lab leak was "right wing fringe" until the non fringe said it was ok, you may now consider it, be honest. maybe you should read some of his posts with a clear open mind and consider just because its not echoing through the news cycle it is not true. the media is supposed to be a watch dog for the people. right now right wing fringe is the only thing holding this administration accountable and id expect the reverse when a republican is president. what you dont see is most news is left. its why hunters NEW labtop made zero news. Afghanistan is unavoidable cluster f. probly why it has hit you so hard. its a story that has no choice but to be presented honestly and honesty is how we come together. blatant hipocracy? to say that somehow at this point and time one side is not more adhered to spiting on anything resembling traditional american values is something. yet you sure seem to emphasize the right as the ones in the op. yes you included both but there is a slant. example, americans should care more about there country then themselves. ie mask and vax. heres a reverse way to look at the same subject. this country was founded on personal freedoms and liberty. you vax great! you can buy a n95 great! you want to stay in and avoid it all? great! notice how that stance does not include force, no mention of discluding you from anything? no mention of anything being your fault. making you the enemy. strange how it aligns more with what you want. a unified america. thats a recurring theme if you look at it from "right wing" perspectives aka traditional Democrat positions. ill make this as simple as possible. the american flag is seen as a racist symbol of hate by some. loving THE symbol that stands for this country is a basic start to what you say is lost yet, that seems to be the side you lean? they will. after they play a different national anthem that is meant for other americans that divides countrymen and women into groups.
  20. the only hope is that people take a clear honest look at what is being shoveled as propaganda and what is being covered up. many are to lazy to dig in deeper to seek truth. they briefly scan their preferred media outlets big bold headlines and move on as being "informed" i applaud you for keeping a open mind regardless where that lands you politically. 👍
  21. well hopefully it isn't this narrative. "I don’t care what the fallout is. It had to happen and I congratulate Joe." damn dude, people are fleeing for there lives right now.
  22. no kidding thats why they send it to them. they jave already made nuclear threats and have been agressive in military exercises in the south china sea. its called a proxy war for a reason.
  23. i agree but at this point i see our enemies using this as a way to supply a enemy for a proxy war. im sure china has already sent supplies. let them grow or entangle our military now and keep spending to oblivion. good thing we did not foolishly spend money on people sitting on their a$$ or bicker about pronouns so we are prepared to defend ourselves against threats that wish nothing more then to obliterate us. good thing we have strict control over our borders. this is getting serious quickly and leadership is nowhere to be found. our allies better not think we can be the worlds police this time.
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