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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. id say the percentages of the vax in NYC pops my bubble. how can anyone who is unvaxed think the gov is doing just enough or to little? that is a clear indicator that over 30% is not interested in the gov or anyone "saving" them. im pretty sure they are not happy about being punished for that decision, but i have not spoken to them. call it conjecture but im not sure why. the % that only took 1 dose even though they were told 2 will save them i can make assumptions and opinions on. so ill give you that but they to are being punished. at the end of the day your saying im making alot of hypotheticals simply because as of today, right now, in buffalo, your right. removing the very recent history of what's happened and saying with any kind of certainty it won't again is optimistic. that's as far as I'd go. i dont know. people were told do these exact steps and everything will go back to normal. they did them and now are being told thanks for following orders now strap the mask on and continue to distance. you see all those that did not follow us, yeah act like them. i think your right but there are ALOT that have had enough and are no longer in that group, especially parents.
  2. i specifically said NYC. buffalo is a part of the state. with a flick of the wrist the govenor can make it statewide and mandates have been in descussions federally for a long time. this deep into the pandemic and you think if mandates arent happening right here and now that cannot quickly change. buffalo will not be ordered to adopt a sudo lockdown for the unvaxed that NYC has? so 56% of NY city is fully vaccinated. 64% is one dose. the rest are subject to what i said... excluded from many things in society and at risk of losing their jobs depending if they are state workers, and probably VERY interested in voting for some one else. seeing as some of the 64% are also subject and being fully doesnt mean you nec agree with the mandates, that's enough to flip a election my friend. seeing as its happening in cali before a election is even scheduled shows they arent fing around with this stuff. side note. NO MEDICAL EXEMPTIONS at this time from what I'm aware. have a med reason you can't get vaxed..oh well, you can watch through the window with the rest of the uncomplaint. side note #2. austrailia is building camps for the unvaxed that wont be finished until 2022. they seem to be fully expecting the unvaxed scourge to be problematic well into the future..and they are preping now to deal with it 🤔 teachers unions are fighting against it. hospital workers are fighting against it. 1 poke does not cut it for them. buisnesses that have scrapped by have to ask for papers or turn away customers. fines are being given. but not in buffalo, right now. if it did and a R was on the ticket for for mayor saying no to all of this, id say its foolosh to count them out. by the way this discussion isn't based soley on liberals and lockdowns. just as many independents could see the lack of mandates in florida ect as putting the public at risk and be open to voting thier leaders out. seeing as florida is gaining population while NY is losing it i think its more likely people prefer freedom of choice on this subject though. if you need links to anything ive said let me know.
  3. "If we were still in strict lockdown then it's possible a more conservative candidate that leaned left on social issues could win" ive explained how certain people (the unvaxed) are being put on a strict lockdown and liberals seem to be inching further in that direction. if your a dem, and your official is saying you cant travel, go out, put your children in school, work, service customers ect ect ect then i dont care what your political side is..you will not vote that direction. its happening in NYC so there is a large portion of people that are not republican in any way that would vote for somthing THAT IS NOT THAT. thats a door wide open for "outsiders" to step in.
  4. yeah i understand but its not naive to say that the only choices that could win are democrat and democrat light. i dont think any major city will necessarily vote red that is entrenched in blue as its the polar opposite of what they are but a left leaning libertarian, a independent that is a mix taking the good of each side and tossing the controversial topics. new york was won by republican in the past. they just elected a mayor that supports law enforcement as both the mayor and gov were "giving the people what they want" and advocating defunding ect. democrats won georgia when all polling said they only had a chance to win one but NO WAY 2 seats. the rules of the game have changed since covid for the examples i stated. it will only get worse if peoples only choice for a change is just a far more radical version of what hasn't been working. both sides sliding farther from anything that could be considered compromising. true alternatives may lose and i may be naive but you have 100% of losing a race you never run in.
  5. born and bred, most my family as well. may not for much longer. NY state is crushing the company i work for. the attendance issues with fmla, pla alone has shut depts down before covid and it obv worse now. the fix as usual is to punish the workers that are showing up by forcing mandatory overtime which is burning people out and having them figure out how they too have a problems that qualify for state approved time off work. i get up to go to work everyday to see lines of cars that dont move from there spot all week. get to work and have to cover call offs. look at my check where they take close to half to pay for it all and only signs that its going to get worse. its unsustainable. can't say im following walton closely but im betting shes all for the continuation or exacerbation of policies that are ripe for abuse at the expense of the working class.
  6. i understand what your saying tactically. i just think its odd that there are clear signals that people want a difference. alot of them will take anything at this point. maybe im way off but biden plummeting in polls means its not biased anger. it means dems are going independent. they wanted normalcy and solutions and the people and parties cemented are not offering much but the same. still there is no desire for alternate parties to test the water at all? libertarians should be making huge gains at this point in history as minorities clearly want choice with the vaccine, should get good support there. EVERYONE is growing tired of what seems like arbitrary authoritarian overreach at this point. exhausted from the damn culture war embedded in every facet of life. if im a working parent im picking the candidate regardless of party that will open schools so i can make a living to survive. if im a law abiding citizen i dont want to hear another word about bail reform or "healing" the problem of crime. its skyrocketing and i want my kids safe when they are outside my house ect ect ect. i think most people dont follow politics closely and a decent number of votes are this persons name is different then the one that is causing this CHECK. if this situation doesnt motivate alternative parties then nothing will. this is the best shot they have.
  7. my authority whispered that we are blowing the dust off the mark kelso helmet and luke knows that will allow him to return to greatness for another ten years without fear of another concussion. it did not fit mitch morse anyways.
  8. terrable call! well glad we didnt listen cause that early retirement would have really screwed us. bills had the foresight to not put us in that horrable position of desperately looking for a replacement. lol
  9. are you the same guy from the old board who was coo coo for kuechly? 😏😍😍😍😍
  10. i live in the city and see alot of signs for byron in front of houses so i dont think so. he got lazy and nobody even knew she was running let alone win. thats on him but they know now. pretty odd that i havent heard anyone else throwing thier hat in the ring. i mean its not looking to bad for larry elders in a deep blue state. guess the city is so garbage power isnt even attractive. its 2021 so a mostly peaceful fire may engulf the city in the end but no real signs of that type of tension from what i see.
  11. i dont think the original intent is ever that but in a day and age some consider words violence and opposing viewpoints are considered propaganda it can quickly get there with the wrong moderator. its happening all over the place. just my two cents. im obv not on here enough to see everything that goes on. best bet imo. 3 libertarians! 👍
  12. i dont really think pulling someone from this section is a good idea. most people have a political bias, whether they admit it or not. I'd think you'd want people that are not really paying attention to politics in general so they are only looking at guideline infractions and not letting anything else make the judgments. last thing I'd want to see is heavy handed moderation that constantly leans in a direction. smaller boards are the last places where "moderation" isn't used for flat out censorship. the fact this place hasn't followed the trend so far is what makes it different.
  13. i could care less but we as a nation need to come to a consensus here. 9-12 weeks seems long enough imo. i will say there are issues i think the republicans need to back away from and this is one. pick a reasonable point at which a woman can perform this action and then do what the party states it upholds..individual personal freedom and responsability. it doesnt effect you so if the woman can live with that decision then so be it. at the same time liberals cannot scream my body my choice stay out of it...but can you help me pay for it? unless in obvious circumstances where the pregnancy was not avoidable and or is life threatening to the mother its a issue that shows hypocracy from both sides.
  14. i can't recall off hand fox..as i dont watch it much, outright "attacking" trump. are we talking a unified criticism on the network? they do have a show with a co host "juan" who gives counter points to conservatives and repeatedly criticizes everything trump did every single show. this is at least as equivalent or more so to your question imo. he is consistently on to oppose the right. where as cnn can change this newfound criticism you enjoy the next news cycle. they prob already have. by the way the polls are way down on biden. sure CNN is pulling out of its ratings desire all of a sudden? does cnn have a equivalent to him? i don't know i don't watch that much either. the bigger problem is the sheer number of liberally biased channels and outlets that get mainstream airtime. you are comparing THE ONLY right wing "news" station on regular tv to one of many for the other. the opposition to conservative ideas and praise of left is NUMEROUS. thats not even counting social media who also leans heavily left. so when joe does something that is so abhorrent it is impossible to put lipstick which was the withdrawal. they FINALLY say what everyone can clearly see. you want to give credit and suggest they will turn their guns slowly? the fact they were "slow" at all shows the overall problem. so you say look! they now have a sliver of journalistic integrity WHATABOUT the single conservative channel? where you give value to the small crack in CNN complete bias, ill more then happily give it to the singular network biased or not, who is willing to give the counterpoints to the onslaught of a single narrative told 100 different ways giving the public a false reassurance that if they all agree. it MUST be true. i can name at least 20 "news" topics that have been proven false or avoided at all cost in unison BY THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA and fox being the only one talking about the point that ended up true. that is pretty valuable in my book. not for me mind you. i prefer non bias in my journalism. for the mainstream to have at least ONE easily found channel that has alternative views, before they get censored and we have that one unified easily controllable voice they are after. maybe that's off topic for you but my feelings in general on the topic you presented and the state of our media.
  15. i didnt say every Afghan. maybe the ones that worked with us and saved our lives over there who are target #1? yes no maybe? maybe american civilians that where assured by this president the country would not be overrun? maybe OUR weopons that would not be used against innocent people later. i dunno like i said. we are 75 pages in and your position is "Its easy go sit there and say it could’ve been planned better" 20 years...yes. yes, it could have been planned better.
  16. 2k troops kept the taliban at bay all year. your going to pull out you do so responsibly. you don't just evacuate with no plan in place if the country gets overwhelmed. you redeploy until you get civilians and equipment out. destroy the equipment where there is no chance to defend. you CREATE the time required needed to not hand over billions in machinery or have a damn suicide bomber kill our troops and leave civilians trapped. its called planning and reacting to what is happening. not scrambling as a afterthought to a outcome our "INTELLIGENCE" should have been able to see coming seeing as they were there gathering it for 20 years!
  17. how is it your confusing pulling out our troops with abandoning those still there when the taliban was quickly overtaking the country? how? seriously. do you have no understanding of what this is about this far into the topic?
  18. im not sure what the deal is. letting those who protect congress sleep in parking garages. https://www.cbs17.com/news/national-news/national-guard-in-dc-forced-to-sleep-in-parking-garages-sparking-outcry/ vetting out members with conservative views as a sign of distrust. https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jan/19/outrage-over-fbi-vetting-national-guard/ "This is the most offensive thing I’ve ever heard,” he tweeted. “No one should ever question the loyalty or professionalism of the Texas National Guard. I authorized more than 1,000 to go to DC. I’ll never do it again if they are disrespected like this.” afganistan a complete s show. just to name a few where our service members are getting spit in their faces. i dont care what side of the isle your on. last year that rediculous "losers and suckers" story that had 24 hr coverage had the people up in arms even though it was quickly proven false. same people defending ALL of this. partisan is not the word. i think there was alot of discontent BEFORE afganistan. it really is sad to watch where we are. thank you for your service.
  19. what any of us has to say on the topic is meaningless. what this man has to say is everything. pissing off marines is not a good idea. backing it up with more then words is something we rarely see. https://youtu.be/TjCsg9-de2c watch till end. https://youtu.be/Lj4RHa0G1Bk
  20. 18 is the magic number!..nobody circles the wagons like...ahhhh never mind!! the wagon is a alot lighter now. we can circle them nice and quick without dead weight on board. to show no hard feelings you may have 1 singular beer at our sb celebration this year but after that, you get tap water.
  21. TREASON! bills fans abandoning our team is what is really tearing at the fabric of society. when the civil war happens i will be specifically looking for you! 😁😅😆
  22. so now you read it? make up your mind. lying about your affliction is a symptom. let me help you! by the way, he who shall not be named was not in your replies. you just earned 2 cookies!!
  23. aww man of coarse! it all makes sense. the fact you can't read explains why the majority of your posts are cut and paste twitter feeds and memes. the answer was right there the whole time. you learned one 5 letter name and want to feel included. hey look everyone! im politicking! I'm inclusive so here. 🐷🍅🍔🍻🍄🎂🏀 thats my way of conveying no hard feeling to you. its never to late to learn and im hopeful one day you can become a productive member of this board. reading is fundamental. 👍👍👍👍👍
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