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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. its 2021. the stadium has dozens of cameras in place that can zoom in at 4k and slow motion. look how many pics in this thread show obvious penalties. there are headsets that call down for review as long as it is "within 2 minutes" but lets not hold up the game 😅. other then that risk a important timeout if you dare question a bunch of guys that aren't even full time employees. where week after week, game altering calls are shown. even as the announcers, and in studio ref have no clue what the hell the zebras on field are looking at and confirming what the public is screaming at their tvs about. even as teams are threatened with fines if they even mention a word in public about the officiating. even as the nfl accepts no responsibility or issues no response other then a very occasional apology letter weeks after a team gets screwed, as they continue to add more subjective rules such as "taunting" or overly complicating the rulebook to confuse people and players. but theres always the teams should "play through bad calls" guys lol. yeah thats a great solution. we play a great first half refs don't matter in OT. i agree. i also agree that if tampa plays a great second half they dont need thier help either 🤔 i watch for the entertainment but don't find myself invested as if it was true competition anymore. the simple answer is the NFL wants these problems. they are easily fixed or heavily mitigated if they wanted to fix them, but like many pointed out there is money in outcomes and this is the only way to influence them indirectly. the real question is how a person bets money, especially large sums on this sport.
  2. its unbelievable to me how easy it is to pull off even as a supposed unlimited wealth of knowledge that sits in EVERYONE'S pocket. all it would take to debunk a ton of narratives that still exist is a simple google search. this isn't the 70's where 4 news stations and a handful of papers provided the sum of outside perspective for people. yet videos CLEARLY edited become the whole story KNOWING the provider has the entire video. "facts" that have thin substance and clear biased narratives that invite no opposition are what the masses follow. even after time after time after time they are shown to be false and have these people regurgitating them look like fools. the idiots say please sir can i have another. fortunately each time those curious enough to engage in critical thinking filters a few more into waking up. it seems as if the tactics are getting pretty desperate. if you are applauding cencorship in this country under the term "misinformation" then you are the fool that they are counting on.
  3. survivors? not sure the conspiracy your speaking of but there is a very real history of inflating a emergency to consolidate power. my random thought is: are vaxers lucid in this reality to not see the red flags right in front of them? seeing as many believe in "get the vax or face the consequences" without a single solitary EXEMPTION required to be given beforehand. from "experts"?!?! now we are on to peoples children with no logic needed? no talk of health/execercise/nutrition which would greatly help reduce severity of ANY illness? no alternative therapeutics (unless its produced by phizer) while any even discussed or used SAFELY as PERSCRIBED are given the same "conspiracy" tag and censored? thats ok? constant hammering in unison this is "the others" fault! it would all be over if they comply..they deserve to be punished! 😳 large segments of the population gathering under the warmth of a virtue signal to deputize themselves as keepers of the mandates. demanding segregation, some even advocating the refusal of medical treatment to any who disobey, basically a death sentance....these are the people considered mentally stable? which side seems deeper in a psychosis, the ones who are infatuated with the other or the ones that want to simply be left alone? completely willing to face the consequences of their own decision? how can people who are not in high risk groups still use their own fear as a excuse for all this? proving they don't believe in the very thing they demonize others for refusing. that is normal? damn, at the very least demand answers to logical questions and dont enshrine EVERYTHING echoed by corp media as the end all truth. to get started here are some straight forward questions that we all should be asking. regardless of position. why are unmasked unvaxed states not seeing dramatic differences as they predicted? where did this originate? why is the guy heavily involved still in charge? science can deconstruct dna sequences and make rna vaxcines but determining its origins..that is beyond humanities comprehension at this time..sure. if the vax is safe and effective. why is it still not possible to sue the companies who make them? this 100% safe promise that for some reason, is not backed up with action that supports it after 1 year of research? why does the gov seem completely unconcerned about testing for existing infected of the thousands pouring over the border? that says alot and so does the continuous forgetfulness to abide by the very mandates they prescribe from the very beginning. it goes on and on. seriously, i have dozens more. but why would they ever get answered when shut up and get vaxed is more then enough for so many.
  4. exactly. the thought of preventing more death and destruction by using force isnt in the equation. if rosenbam was allowed to push a burning dumpster into a gas station how many are killed or injured? they dont even realize they advocated that a violent mentally unstable person released from a institution THAT DAY should have been allowed to attack and obtain a weopon without a care in the world of what would have happened..because hindsight. it didn't because it was PREVENTED. im not hearing anyone declaring if only a armed citizen was there this could have been mitigated/prevented. noone talking about how "bail reform" contributed. any talk of taking law abiding citizens vehicles? nope. just alot of silence on the many arguments made. so if you sit back and allow yourself to be a victim certain people seem rather content with that outcome.
  5. how about a poll? its hindsight, cause thats where a ton of opinions get placed. if someone at that gathering pumped the driverside with rounds after it broke through and hit the first victim would you be upset? yes or no? as that action could have saved 5 more peoples lives and many injuries.
  6. i agree with the op for the most part but lets not use the bills dark days as a deflection to absolve some earned criticism. where i agree is O line and rb,whether scheme or players is the #1 glaring weakness. the main frustration i have is it was/IS very well known and seemingly ignored by the front office. instead they elected to "run it back" and are once again shuffling around the same cast during the season as if they were never certain who they trusted and at what position they belong is a pretty bad indictmen and routinley putting josh in a horrable position to succeed. luckily brown seems like a great pick so far but it is shocking a team that knocked on the door of the sb with this glaring weakness has resulted in no urgency in addressing it. playing it safe with draft picks or cap decisions isnt nec the right decision. not when you were a game away. the ABSOLUTE WORST PART is that our old nemesis NE lose their hall of fame qb. rebuild for ONE, count it ONE, singular, season, and has overtaken us in the standings. with a ROOKIE qb! his first season! that is a pretty bad look. we are several years in with a elite qb under center. if the PATS dominate us this year then this front office deserves all the criticism it gets. i dont want to hear "well its belicheck!" they better become a hell of alot more active in doing whatever it takes to fix the issues quick if that happens or it deserves to get ugly. they were a fumble away with cam newton when we played better so i have major doubts. still plenty of time. but this fanbase deserves better then watching a team with all the weopons needed somehow drop down during a broken AFC east timeframe. not another decade for me and i dont care who gets canned to prevent it.
  7. imagine the 15 year old kids on that 4chan thread knowing that their prank caught on like wildfire. they are probably pissing their pants cracking up between bong tokes daily. the source of where that started has been known for YEARS! yes, some supremists groups have picked it up do simply to its absurdity but there are so many people who have nothing to do with supremacy of any kind basically "lets go brandoning" the gesture simply because they are mocking the the left cluelessness on it and love watching them lose their s#it over something that wasn't even a thing until 4chan and thier media decided, hey lets run with that. obamas is ok. bidens is ok. hey is that someone we disagree with doing it? um yeah, that ones HATE! if there was a singular topic to show how blissfully unaware and how easy it is to program a people in our society ..this ranks pretty high. the fact its now being declared a hate symbol by the federal gov..WOW. but they are looking to fire people for lets go brandon too so i guess its not suprising. 🤷‍♂️
  8. when are these dolts going to declare ENGLISH as some form of supremist bs so no one has to listen or read about this nonsense anymore.
  9. he can still sue you for slander/lies/ and voter intimidation.
  10. you have to wait for the corporate media cycle to declare it in unison. otherwise its misinformation.
  11. so is any of this adjacent to natural immunity? any of this included with monoclonal antibodies, vitamins, excercise, age, horse paste or a s#it ton of other therapeutics or determining factors of severity. interesting that it takes so long to get proper studies in the same time that a vax, sorry THREE vaxes . have been created, tested, distributed *cough* i mean mandated and pronounced 100% safe. now we also have a pill, by the same company. amazing how big pharma and phizer in particular has such remarkable..marketability. incredably precise definitive answers along with top notch state approved testing procedures that none of the other things i mentioned do. " maybe there will be more ways to address this. It's a pandemic--not like we have a lot of data points to accurately predict the end points." ever think we do have alot of data points seeing as there are millions test subjects to base it on and 2 year time frame to make them and they are simply suppressed to the public? if you dig deep you will find some answers from independent scientists but just never seems to make its way to the top of the science chain to give any overwhelming approval or exemptions? so just keep on jabbin it up until that day comes because what else could there possibly be on this planet? "its the best thing to do!" 🤔
  12. i never called you a bad citizen. i said staying safe is a good option. there were many others out that day that had weopons trying to do what kyle intended. did they protect anyones life or property? not making headline news as they did not run into a rosenbaum who chased them down. i guess the question is where did kyle get isolated? that was the biggest determining factor in the situation as they must have seen him as weak. you can use better judgment looking at the exact situation in reverse and you would actually be advocating for peace and non violence. if a guy with a gun is stopping you from destroying things and committing violent acts should you threaten them? continue to destroy? chase them and try and take the weopon? should ROSENBAUM have left? crazy how all the duty to retreat was on the person who was NOT committing criminal acts. again never said he was a "bigger hero then you" simply someone who did something other then shelter in place and hope the destruction did not effect his community or family. he was stupid and so were the rioters. i think there is equal blame and it all falls on elected officials for creating a situation in which that happened. but lets not act that sheltering in place and (not provoking) would save you from the exact same scrutiny and jail time that kyle is facing and demonized for. not ironic the states key witness was a felon carring a firearm with a pending dui charge and not being prosecuted for the same dumb decision, into the same situation you are stating. here is one of many stories from the summer. a man committed suicide after defending his life and buisness! this after pleading and firing a warning shot as the attack was happening. rioter still tryed choking him out. given the exact same treatment kyle got in the media until the venom and despair of possible longterm jailtime became to much. https://www.courthousenews.com/family-of-omaha-bar-owner-charged-in-protesters-death-claim-he-was-denied-due-process/ i can pull many more sad stories and many more videos of citizens who were mercilessly attacked or killed with no way to defend themselves. DO NOT PROTECT YOURSELF BECOME A VICTIM OR YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED. i hit on these points above. i agree with this, reasonable questions. i am glad you are against the violence. there are more hypocrites then you realize, even if we don't fall in that category. i think people that are against violence need to stop being partisan and uniformly state as such. they are advocating for it again if the trial goes a certain direction which will only lead to more situations like this we can disagree on. maybe we come together to unifyingly denounce any violence. which ever side reacts to the verdict. only by being as loud as the extremist and demand it stop before it starts we can stop the chicken before any eggs are hatched. 😏
  13. so instead of putting yourself in the position to answer the questions directly you decide to change everything so you dont have to. lets start with provokes. your disapointing me. you HAVE watched the videos to know what he did to provoke..right? he put out a burning dumpster that was being pushed towards a gas station. if that gas station exploded and hurt or killed..oh well stupid games right. aka who cares. second stay away. i mean dont do anything when your town is in flames. i mean its not like your father lives there. regardless its well known he was there to help.. THE PROTESTERS as well. he was trying to mitigate destruction and offered med support to ANYONE who needed it. its good for you that you would elect to be safe and cozy as everything you care for where you live is destroyed. thats a very good option. its a shame our gov leaders felt the same to the point where citizens had to be the ones to try and stop it. it was a dumb decision, i agree but more because kyle failed to realize that he, not the rioters, would be considered the enemy of the state and ALOT people that simply refuse to distinguish the difference between peaceful unrest and violent criminals..hypocracy as you put it.
  14. i kind of figured it get to the chicken egg portion. no one dies that day if people in the town werent destroying it as well. unfortunatly for your narrative plenty of people died well before a 17 year old doing somthing stupid that day showing pretty clear evidence that rioting is pretty deadly on its own merits. i can guarentee every one of the murder victims or there families that were with them wishes they were as stupid as this kid so they at least had a chance to defend themselves over the coarse of the year leading up to kinosha and beyond.
  15. he would have laid his weopon down because he wasnt surrounded by threats. people were shooting all around before and after he shot rosenbaum. make it personal. your sister is in a dark parking lot and a group that are committing crimes at the store she is ar. she says please stop doing that in which one of them says shutup ill kill you. he then directs attention directly towards her and chases her. do you hope she has a gun? at what point should she use it? if she uses it at a appropriate time should she now drop it? is she a active shooter and should be chased by the mob that was with the person she shot. they are threatening her as she flees towards police, punching her in the head, trying to stomp her and swinging weopons at her. now what should she do? shes not wearing a uniform and hopefully has not taken your advice to drop her weopon or been determined to be a threat to be terminated by any with their own firearms as being your definition of active direct threat. im 100% sure you would hope she did everything kyle did to save her life. you just wont say it because the outcome of a 17 year old you dont know doesnt effect you like it would a family member.
  16. it may be my fault as i have a bad habit of reading my post and adding context in a edit
  17. no your completely overlooking my direct threat and running TOWARDS THE POLICE. if you think you should chase down a gunman knowing nothing about the situation whatever the intentions while hes not pointing a weopon at you or acting hostile in any form while trying to run away from you towards the cops then you will not be in this world long my friend. your discounting a ton of important details to slide in your perspective as if this was some active shooter posing threats to everyone around with no options. every single person kyle shot was posing a direct threat on his life. simply defending his life does not make him a "active shooter" as noone would have been shot had they not attacked HIM.
  18. id honestly say no. he was not posing a direct threat to them and they had no clue on the situation that lead to the shooting. the police were right down the street and he was running away towards the police not even looking at them. they were against the police and simply wanted to deal street justice in which case they tryed, honestly to do without directly killing him. again poor decisions to try to unarmed a person with skateboards. what would have happened if he was disarmed? held him until the cops....he was running towards got there? i dont know but people were saying cranium him and guns were being shot not by kyle as the chased him. thats a fed up scene all the way around. take cover and call the cops. sorry i may have answered the wrong question. can people shoot somone who shot those that chased him down and attacked him? after? no same response. no direct threat in any way as was shown when they left him alone he went peacfully to the cops..the exact same thing would have happened imo if they didnt attack him when he first started down the street the cops were ON.
  19. if thats what went down then i have to believe you as i have not looked into it myself. the fact this is a high profile case that is VERY important when it comes to self defense i say all around its been treated as some sat afternoon jay walking charge. id like to switch the subject. was this self defense in simple yes no terms? if no at what point did it become something else because it seems kyle is condemned from the get go based on simply bringing a gun but the ENTIRE day he was trying to help people on BOTH sides, yet has been portrayed as a BLM obstruction. he was a violence obstruction. which everyone should be behind. unfortunately that is what brought about more violence on him and he had no choice but have a unforeseen outcome of violence on him or give it back when there were no alternatives. its extremely clear. i think there are too many people that look at outcomes and say this or that should have been done having the godly power of hindsight to guide them but ONLY at the point where they see contention, never before. if kyle allows his gun to be taken away hes just another dead kid from last year and no one would know his story or care like so many others that died. that doesnt include the countless beaten to a pulp that had no gun, 17 or older.
  20. ok so i read your full response. ill have to look into the exact law as its was dictated. it should just be done this trial is a clown car riding off the cliff. not sequestering the jury when you KNOW there will be issues with intimidation alone is grounds
  21. i added to mine to. the judge read the law word for word and then it came down to barrel length. judges make poor calls sure i can name numerous i feel in this case in the other direction..which is why mistrial against the prosecution is a real possibility as he is letting alot of stuff go.
  22. the last question was barrel length. im guessing because you dont want anything concealable in the context of the law. im not saying its a good idea to have 17 yr olds allowed to carry loaded rifles but its not my town. i also dont think allowing 900 dollars in theft should not be prosecuted like in san fran ect ect ect. regardless its on the books as legal. it their town. but what is illegal is destroying buisnesses attacking police. ect ect ect. but noone seems concerned on that part so again you seem to cherry pick what you think should be illegal, prosecuted we should start there...no?
  23. im not sure on the Wisconsin law. what i or you feel about it they read it and it was obvious to drop it. from what i understand it had to do with barrel length not hunting. if you live in Wisconsin then you can work within the framework to change the law but regardless what you and i say its what's on the books. you also cannot start fires and there were plenty of more weopons there then kyles including a pistol fired in the air first just a kyle was being chased and later pulled to stop him so lets not cherry pick to hard on weopontry that shouldn't be in the streets. he went directly towards the police with his hands up without confronting or talking directly to anyone else. they attacked him, he kept running, they got him on the ground where the next incidents happen. when he cleared threats he continued to police with his hands raised. police told him to get out of the way because of the chaos. he turned himself in the next morning.
  24. people seem to forget that as kyle was being chased by a guy who threatened him a gunmen shot into the air right behind him. so your running from a guy who threatened you. your screaming friendly!, friendly!, friendly!and then a gunshot rings out. no idea who or where. you turn and the guy is going for your only protection at what point can you, in fact, protect yourself? at any point is rosenbaum or any of the others under the same duty to retreat and not escalate?
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