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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. If we aren't in club, how do we know there's a club?
  2. Nice. so "The Media" is behind all of it then. Where do they get their orders? Who's in control?
  3. Football announcers are part of "The Media" now? Who else? As for Bama and Michigan, I take it you turned the game off before it was over. If you wanted to argue "fixing" there'd be no better example in all of football this year than the final play Alabama ran.
  4. Is "The Media" here in the room with us right now?
  6. Clearly not. Kincaid had his man beat by several steps and he had to slow down to catch the ball allowing the DB to catch up. It wasn't a massive underthrow, but it definitely was just enough to prevent the TD. Kincaid open by several steps Kincaid has to slow down and turn his body for the ball Kincaid makes the catch within tackle distance of the DB I appreciate the desire to argue everything I say is wrong, but I'm not even going to entertain it here. If you can't see the difference in what happened vs what wouldve happened if the ball had an arc to to 30 yard line instead of the 33, that's on you. see above.
  7. I read the charts. They don't make the point you think they make. If Allen didn't have open receivers (as you suggested), we wouldn't be near the top of the list. Read the X-axis, the difference in "average receiver separation" is minuscule (.01-.03), while the difference in "percentage thrown to" is massive (0.55 - 0.70). Also, you need to consider the impact of "average" to this data. You have multiple potential outcomes that the data can explain. For example: A "strong" average could be explained by: All contributors to the data set contributing at a level close to the average (all receivers are open all the time) One or two contributors to the data set contributing far above average while the rest are below average (one or two receivers are open all the time) Volatile contributions to the data set pushes the average up while the majority are close to average (broken plays like the one you showed) It's not just as simple as saying that Lamar's receivers are outperforming Buffalo's. And not for nothing, the suggestion that Josh is under pressure all the time isn't true. He has one of the best performing offensive lines in the league (One spot behind the ravens).
  8. You don't need 15 yards of separation to make a throw like this as an elite NFL QB. A step or two is "wide open" . Anything more than that is pretty much broken.
  9. Nope. You don't remember them? They all had a guaranteed TD if the ball was on the money.
  10. It was pretty simple. They had an open competition and Peterman outplayed him. They knew Allen was far more talented but he was also raw and rather than rush him in to his own detriment, they wanted him to earn the job. Unfortunately it didn't work out, but the thought process made sense then and it makes sense now. Some players are ready right away, but Allen definitely wasn't. His first two years in the league he was a bottom-tier QB.
  11. Didn't we know this already? https://billswire.usatoday.com/2023/10/16/buffalo-bills-josh-allen-shoulder-new-york-giants-injury-nfl/ It's been pretty obvious he hasn't been right. The biggest worry is that his throwing shoulder keeps taking damage year over year as he was hurt last year as well. If he's not 100% they really should have done a better job figuring out a passing game that he can work with. getting the running game going the last 3 weeks has been huge, but that won't cut it down the stretch. I don't understand why they don't work int he faster guys in space more.
  12. We have those plays every week. We had at least 3 of them against the pats and zero TDs resulted. Kincaid was wide open and if Allen hits him in stride he's gone. Instead, he has to slow down so it's just a big gainer. On a throw to the left side of the field he had a wide open Shakiir on the right and he had Diggs wide open for a score down the field and missed him completely. Guys like Rodgers, Brady, manning, Brees would never miss those passes in their prime. You don't get many of them and it's imperative you hit them, because they change the game.
  13. he might have to be for one season unless we can get an FA on the cheap. We're going to need at least 1 if not two Safeties, a couple of DEs, a starting DT, a top 3 WR, a CB or two, a Center prospect. We won't be able to get them all, so Beane will have to prioritize what we can live without. My guess is that WR #2 gets deprioritized for a year while they get more big men and secondary support. We're going to need a lot of cap help as we're currently getting significant contributions from 6 players under $2M and most of those guys are all due huge raises (Epenesa, Davis, Jackson, Dodson)
  14. Nope. Haven't been impressed at all as we've skated by the skin of our teeth against mostly bottom dwelling opponents. The problem with mcDermott isn't his ability to rack up wins in December. It's his inability to employ strategy and tactics to do so in January and February.
  15. I'm not sure how you could possibly justify giving the award to Mayfield or Flacco. Flacco Has played 5 games against the Jets, Texans (without Stroud), Bears, jaguars and Rams and the Browns will be the 5th seed. He's done an admirable job filling in, but Cleveland has a strong roster and was expected to make a deep postseason run before injuries curtailed them, and Flacco has had stints of being a top talent, such as when he went on his SB MVP run. Is it that shocking that he could play at that level one more time over a few games? As for Mayfield, I like the guy, but the Bucs are 8-8 in the worst division in football and he's been good, not great int he process. If you're going to give it to Baker, Why isn't Stafford in the mix as someone having a better season that came back from injury? People forget that Hamlin did a lot of good things for us before he got hurt. Yes, he was a liability at times, but he played well. He was significantly better than Jaquan Johnson, and he even kept Dean Marlowe off the field. We went out and got Rapp this year, so his role has been greatly diminished and that's fine, but it doesn't mean he has no ability as a reserve player. The guy came back from the ultimate hardship. Nothing that any QB has done in the NFL this year is anywhere close to as impressive. Maybe if one of them was playing at a truly elite level you could, but they're mostly doing what you expect them to do and they haven't had to overcome any hardship en route. The NHL routinely awards the Bill Masterson trophy to people that survive significant health issues to return to the league, not sure why folks are getting so worked up about it in the NFL.
  16. In historical context we lacked a running back room, but we've stuck with the same philosophy where we rely on Allen to punch it in instead of RBs. There aren't a lot of teams int he NFL where a healthy #1 RB has 2 TDs on the season, are there?
  17. It absolutely isn't by itself. It's a byproduct of offensive production and scheme as a whole. If you have lots of TDs it means you probably had a lot of scoring opportunities. In the case of a QB that's often a direct result of their play and will be backed up by their other passing stats. In Allen's case he's leading the league at total TDs but isn't higher than 3rd at anything else while being considerably lower at several things, including dead last in INTs. It's not like there are QBs that are dominant in all phases of the game but suck at scoring TDs or QBs that are atrocious but rack up piles of them. Scoring a TD is not an independent skill. It's entirely based on everything else you do. He's got 13 of our 20 rushing touchdowns. He's lead our team in rushing TDs ever year but one. James Cook has 2 TD, Latavius Murray 4. That says as much about the scheme and our lack of a running back room as it does anything else. Another well thought out critique backed up with irrefutable logic.
  18. See that's just the thing. He's not anywhere remotely in consideration. Like there's a 1% chance or less that he wins the MVP. Several players above him would have to implode and he'd have to rack up back to back 500 yard/6TD games like Big Ben did. Allen is having his worst statistical season since 2019 and has had way too many terrible games and way too few elite games. None of these things should be a debate because they're backed up directly with numbers. He also has the best o-line and skill position groups of his career. He's been solid most of the time and has even had a handful of games where he's been elite, but saying he's "in consideration" for MVP is completely ludicrous especially considering we aren't even currently winning the division. The guy just had a 95 yard game where he threw a 47% rate. We steamrolled, so it didn't matter, but he was awful. It's a complete non-starter without a division championship and even - you're going to argue that Josh Allen is having a better season than Tyreek Hill? CMC? Stop it. There are probably 4 players that would have to literally die before JA should be "in consideration". Will he get 1 vote? sure why not. He's not getting more than 3 out of 50. I don't call that a serious shot.
  19. I don't really care that my QB would have made a great running back. I want him to be an elite passer. I also really don't care about TDs for a QB. It's a highly volatile stat that really isn't indicative of a skill, imo. It's more a byproduct of scheme and team skill. You're using outdated info. Like I said, Josh is a full games worth of production behind the top performing QBs in the league. Josh is 6th in yards and Brock Purdy hasn't even played yet. The only thing he'll lead in is TDs, and that's not very impressive on its own unless it was a monster stat unles syou're putting up 50 passing TDs. He's 10th in passer rating before today, and 3rd in QBR.
  20. Did the AFC reduce down to two divisions? The Bills only get a #4 or #3 seed if Miami loses out. It's not happening.
  21. Here's another guy that doesn't understand the difference between betting odds and likely outcomes.
  22. LaPorta is a monster. He's already an elite top-end TE. Kincaid has shown flashes of being a good player, but they aren't close to the same right now.
  23. They won yesterday, so I have the day off. Are your awful homer takes still on for today?
  24. Close games against good teams would be preferable, not letting a terrible team being quarterbacked by LA's next great real estate lead you with a minute to go.
  25. It's 100% a bug, we just forgive it, because even with the deficiencies in his mechanics and mental processing, he's still a top 5 QB. If he stood in the pocket, set his feet, stepped into his throws, used a full follow through, threw at the top of his drop and went through his progressions, he'd be the greatest QB that ever lived and he'd have carried his team to multiple championships. Every deficiency in his game is between the ears and is completely fixable. He has every physical tool you could ask for when building a QB, but he refuses to put in the work to bring his mental and mechanical components to the level of his natural physical gifts. He should have shredded that defense last night. And then you complete the plan by underthrowing a wide open WR because you have to throw across your body without your feet set.
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