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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. The perils of gambling. It's a push at this point.
  2. If they got better compensation for another bubble lineman would they have taken that deal and kept Teller?
  3. April 27th: What morons the rest of the NFL are for not drafting Tyree Jackson. August 29th: Ha ha. Loser won't even make the practice squad.
  4. So, essentially we gave up a 5th and a 7th in return for a 5th and a 6th. That's the most Billsian Brownsian trade ever.
  5. Unfortunately, there's nobody that'll reach for a QB in our league as we always seem to grab the best RB's and WR's before even thinking about a QB. The position is just so strong this year. I almost took him at 30/31 but Kittle and Fornette were still on the board. Too good of value there.
  6. Our league is the exact same league and setup. Mahomes lasted until the 4th round. I would've pry taken Kelce if he was available (perfect spot for him to go in 2nd round) at that spot or the best WR on the board. I like your RB's as the Jets will make sure to get Bell his touches and Jacobs will get the workload in Oakland. Michel's been underdrafted because of NE's history of screwing fantasy owners over with RB's. I'd worry a little bit about your WR's as you have a bunch of WR 2's with a lot of upside (Gordon, Anderson). You may not get that consistent production that the top tier WR's give you. Solid team overall though.
  7. At this point I'm assuming their mind is pretty much made up of who's making the final 53. My main focus may be on the punter. Should be a fun night. Because some fans thought they got a steal when we signed him as an undrafted free agent and were even predicting he beats Barkley out for the backup role. People hate being wrong.
  8. Are you bored out of your mind watching Sesame Street right now?
  9. I don't expect a trade. If McCoy is traded it's likely during the season. If I had to predict one it would be TJ Yeldon for a 6th from the Texans.
  10. Youth football participants has decreased 17.4% since 2011 for kids aged 6-12. The number of high school football players has gone down 5% over that same time period. Some infuriating survey found 78% of adults believe kids shouldn't play tackle football before age 14. I'm just happy I'm old enough that I've been able to enjoy the NFL as long as I have and will continue to for the next 20 years before it resembles two hand touch with a diluted player field.
  11. That's really interesting, but I REALLY want to try and Nuke a hurricane. I seem to care about little else since Trump mentioned it. Has it been tried?
  12. Chiefs: Hey, it's Andy Reid. I want to give up a 1st rounder to trade up for a project QB despite a strong class next year and having a current QB who just made the pro bowl. Bills: Sounds great.
  13. So, he was seen rehabbing on the sidelines days before the announcement just for appearances? I think the guy just grew frustrated with his lack of progress and quit. Not the best timing and the fans had a right to boo him as many are more emotionally invested in the team than the players are.
  14. You can make an argument either way and a lot of it depends on the mental makeup of the kicker. He caught a case of the yips in 2016 when it came to extra points. He was able to recover the following year with us. He may have caught the yips again after that injury. Hopefully, if he did he can quickly correct it.
  15. Unfortunately, no. It requires something with a little more kick. Plutonium.
  16. Mods would have a lot of fun keeping up with those threads. LOL.
  17. I could see that as a desperation move to increase turnout. Hey, if something happens to me this insanely popular previous president (to mostly anybody that leans left) who's 18 years younger than me will take over.
  18. Could he put Obama on the VP ticket? Just out of curiosity?
  19. My likely unpopular NFL opinions: -A TD should be worth 7 points. No extra point or two point conversions. Simplify it. -Eliminate kickoffs completely and spot the ball at the 20 yard line. No onside kicks allowed. Simplify it. -No overtime during the regular season. A tie is a tie. Postseason OT should be a 15 minute quarter. If still a tie, start over with a coin toss (or my idea below) and first score wins. -Rock, paper, scissors should replace the coin toss.
  20. Duh. He's pry their only option now though so that kind of pessimism wouldn't go over well in the locker room.
  21. I don't know the significance of the injury but that's certainly a possibility. He could've had a Gronk like final season and then retired citing all the reasons he did at the press conference. There is something to be said though for getting out of the way so your team can say for sure..."Okay, Brisett is our guy. Let's prove the doubters wrong."
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