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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Do we keep only three RB's and Dimarco?
  2. Definitely. Barring a significant jump from Allen. It makes sense to give Singletary every rep they can as 31 year old finesse RB's don't have a good track record (see LT, Thurman Thomas, Marshall Faulk, etc.).
  3. Great job security if you call every year a rebuilding year.
  4. Didn't Frank Gore come here because Shady recruited him? What's going through his mind?
  5. Why didn't Beane listen to me last year and trade McCoy to a contender? A simple phone call to me would've sufficed.
  6. No offense to Peterson, but that's a waste of a roster spot. Just sign Peterman if Carr goes down.
  7. Obviously, if Josh Allen works out Beane will be here a long time. The question is if he doesn't has McBeane built a good enough roster to get a 2nd crack at a QB?
  8. He'd make more money off the insurance.
  9. He wasn't proven right. There's no evidence of Obama ordering his intelligent agencies to wiretap Trump's phone lines at Trump Tower. Putting a wiretap on Manafort going all the way back to 2014 isn't the same thing.
  10. Once Miami is out of competition Rosen will start the remainder of the season so the Fins can evaluate him. The one thing you can't do as a head coach is lose the locker room by starting a QB that may be more important long term but doesn't give you the best chance to win now.
  11. True, but coaches have for the most part made up their mind after having a month to evaluate the player through training camp and scrimmages.
  12. People forget how quickly Kaepernick took the league by storm. He'd kill you with both his arm and legs his first few seasons. You had respected NFL analysts saying he might be among the greatest to play the game by the time his career is over. Then Harbaugh left and his career went downhill as quickly as it launched.
  13. Or they just expand the roster to 54. Having a long snapper make the league minimum isn't going to drastically alter salaries.
  14. Got to hand it to them. Despite all the shady stuff they've done, their reputation for self-righteousness they try to portray remains unscathed. Maybe they'll get a couple of book deals out of it.
  15. I never expected anybody to get charged with anything. Still don't. Hell, even if they do they'll be pardoned Iran-Contra style eventually anyways. Reason number five million I'd never want to be a public figure. Still better than Trent Edwards.
  16. Unless the Browns offer us a 1st round pick for him he's staying.
  17. I’m trying to spin my way out of a lost argument with the you can’t prove something that hasn’t happened trick. Cut me some damn slack.
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