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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. No. Even if he saw the flag it could've been an offensive penalty for all we knew at the time. This wasn't a "free play" with the defense jumping Offside.
  2. Giants defense got embarrassed in Dallas so they'll be motivated to be much better in their home opener. Eli looked decent against the Cowboys and Barkley is the best back in the league. I see this being another close game.
  3. I'd have to rewatch it but they didn't seem to have any four to five WR sets so it was only Brown Beasley, and Jones. If they went five wide they'd have a RB, FB, or TE occupying at least two of those spots. In other words, we upgraded from last year at the WR position.
  4. I think the Hauschka concern was overblown as even the best kickers go through funks once in a while. Some other questions that I thought were answered. -Milano's injury from last year didn't seem to impact at all as he was flying all over the field making plays. -John Brown answered the question of who the Bills #1 WR is going forward. -Sean McDermott will continue to maintain his clapping frequency. It's one game. It only becomes a problem if it becomes a pattern.
  5. The Steelers aren't as good at cheating. They also unwittingly traded AB to the Patriots by sending the Raiders a 3rd and a 5th.
  6. Yes. They're up 27-3 because of illegal pick plays.
  7. I went through this a couple of years ago when the Pats played the Chiefs in the opener. We had the Chiefs draft pick and I thought it was a rebuilding year. I was all ready to root for the Pats and then they had that self aggrandized pregame ceremony and I couldn't go through with it. Go Steelers.
  8. Not a huge fan of Rae Carruth or Michael Vick either.
  9. They're dominating even before this guy is coming to town.
  10. I'd drop it to a C as he threw an interception that he got lucky was called back because of a penalty. They also dropped an easy interception that would've erased that first field goal.
  11. Because Camp David is where are leaders met to plan an attack on the terrorist groups responsible for the killing of 3,000 Americans 9/11. That includes the Taliban supporting Al Qaeda. Just even offering an invitation to Camp David is pathetic and doing it a few days before 9/11 is even more pathetic. There's a reason you keep these meetings secret. Just a dumb tweet. Did he just discover that these people were bad guys. The same people that you know support terrorist organizations that boil people alive.
  12. Given his history it's pry a fluke. However, that drop on the pick six almost cost us the game.
  13. Offense - Jon Brown Defense - Shaq Lawson Never expected to type the former. He also had a pick called back and a dropped interception. He needs to do better.
  14. Goldblum and Smith need to do another movie together.
  15. People maybe propping this kid a little bit too much this offseason? I knew Gregg Williams would give him problems. Side note......only an a-hole would add an extra G to his first name.
  16. I didn't know they could call a penalty that wasn't called on the field besides pass interference. Learn something new every day.
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