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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. America , our Republic still exists. Only ( as Ben Franklin stated ) as long as we can keep it. The Democrat party and libs are doing everything possible to ensure we cannot.
  2. Agreed. I personally know Nurses and ( Medical) Doctors that will not get the vaccine. Their reasons vary, but they refuse. While I am vaccinated, I believe it’s a personal decision that should be up to the individual and there shouldn’t be any mandates.
  3. I agree completely about the dependent on government and likely Democrat voters part, but I believe it’s much deeper than that. Biden has said he wants to fundamentally change America, and the Dems/ Libs have essentially declared war on Caucasian people. Just look around you; from CRT to support of BLM . They’re ashamed of who they are and now have a maniacal masochistic bent to them that will stop at nothing.
  4. Exactly. The Bills are just now catching up to the rest of the NFL, and that’s just how it is. Nobody needs to attend a football game, so it’s hardly the definition of greed.
  5. Truth. Bottom line is they don’t care about illegal immigration because they hate the fact this country was founded by Caucasian people. It’s their plan to change the racial makeup of the country.
  6. And yet tickets were still resold somehow all the way back then. Anyone who was looking for secondary market tickets at that time would remember what they went for vs face value.
  7. I’m 100% certain that no abortions have been performed on anyone other than women / girls. These people are deranged.
  8. It may be better than nothing, but they can certainly do better and get rid of a lot of those sugars. Setting kids on a collision course for diabetes and obesity with this junk.
  9. A somewhat boring opponent ( they don’t even have an actual name ) and a good chance for rainy weather is going to depress ticket sales in an uncovered stadium. Lots of tickets on the market will lead to more last minute type sales as well.
  10. CorrectA study was done but was never made available to the public. That’s the study she is referring to.
  11. Agree. As for crowds, the previous narrative was that Allen was too amped up in front of the home crowd. Now it’s been shifted to be in front of fans in general. There may have been something to the home crowd issue , as the hero ball seemed to creep in. Still, it’s not an issue to play in front of fans. Just seems like falling back into a few bad mechanical things. Allen will get this corrected.
  12. Id have to agree, especially with your first statement. I didn’t listen to the entire segment, but it sounded like he was angling to get refunds for all fans including single game ticket holders.
  13. My guess is that they mostly resell but who knows ? Weather and opponent always matter somewhat. Not going to get into particulars in this thread, but it’s just a guess.
  14. Sorry Hap, but I was going from a radio broadcast where they said 762 season” ticket holders. “ It may just be 762 tickets , I’m not certain. Yes if someone requested a refund in normal circumstances , I’d guess that they would. In this case, it seems that the conditions for entry have been changed after the sale, and a local lawmaker on the same radio broadcast called this a bait and switch and stated it is illegal in NYS. Anyway, not trying to go off on any tangents here and not injecting any opinion one way or another. Just saying what I heard on the radio show.
  15. As I mentioned upthread, the Bills policy of refund requesters losing their seniority probably kept numbers low.
  16. You’re correct. At least one jab ( over age 12) required for this Sunday. Full vaccination required end of October I believe.
  17. It’s closer to 800 season tix holders. Most probably have more than one ticket associated with their account, so it’s potentially several thousand seats. Regardless it sounds like many fans decided to just hang on to their seasons and sell them on the secondary market while they wait out Covid restrictions for a year or two. The Bills policy that fans would lose their seniority if a refund was requested was sufficiently punitive to ensure few requests were made. Anyway, sellouts are less relevant since the blackout policy was ended.
  18. Maybe. I’m less convinced by these types of theories ie crowd noise vs empty stadiums , contract etc than I am by breakdowns of what has happened on the field to influence the play.
  19. I guess that was what I was getting at, that the OL has been less reliable than last year thus far. Maybe it’s affecting Allen’s mechanics ? Haven’t watched any all 22 breakdowns or the like so far, so just a guess.
  20. I agree on Warner, not a huge fan of his analysis. Yes, totally aware the Steelers generated their pressure with the front four. Just referencing what Allen did last season, and how teams may be taking a different approach but also wanted to mention I’m not sure how he did vs just pressure and not necessarily blitzes.
  21. So after two games, ( throw in the last couple playoff games too) fans should not accept what they are seeing because of Allen’s contract ? Offensive regression is typical of this team ? How many NFL teams are great in all areas? There’s a long way to go in 2021 (and much longer in Allen’s Bills career) , but expecting a repeat of a record setting season for the franchise is probably a tad unrealistic.
  22. Allen killed the blitz last year. Not sure about just pressure, but it’s reasonable to assume he did well. The eye test says the OL was better last year in those situations vs weeks 1 and 2 in 2021. I’ve seen many fans mention his mechanics appear to have reverted to 2019, but haven’t seen a thorough analysis of it yet to confirm or debunk. It’s probably a combination of factors so far, and we will see in coming weeks if the issues are addressed or they continue.
  23. While it’s apparent to any Bills fan that Allen’s play has been “ off” so far, it’s just going to be a lot tougher to achieve that “ breakout” type performance level the following year. Defensive coordinators have devoted their offseason to stopping Allen. Swap out one of the main WRs, throw in some sub-par play from an OL that was previously reliable and well......See where this is going ? Anyone assuming the Bills offense would simply continue their best team performance in decades was guilty of serious wishful thinking. Sure, the Bills have Diggs and that’s something. However, they don’t have two darn near unstoppable , uncoverable weapons such as Kelce and Hill. Daboll certainly has his work cut out for him, as defenses have taken things away for a string of games now when the playoffs are thrown in there. Allen has seemed to revert back to some of his previous poor mechanics. He’s worked it out before, but it appears he must do it again. A lot of this consternation from fans is magnified by the contract extension. I wouldn’t have hated if the Bills had held off on that, as I’d prefer to see two excellent seasons as opposed to a good one followed by a great one. That’s the decision they made, and we can’t change it. Two games into 2021 has given fans a reason for some concern, but it’s just way too early to write the book on Allen’s career. There’s a long, long way to go.
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