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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. The Bills were hobbled in the AFC title game, but the coaching was their worst of the season. All that aside, they’re fairly healthy now by comparison. We can’t say it won’t mean anything if they don’t beat the Chiefs as KC has already fallen to the Ravens and Chargers. It’s far from guaranteed that the Bills would face KC if they can reach another AFCCG. They certainly need a more aggressive gameplan from McD and Company. Dusting off last year’s gameplans not an option here. Anything less than Daboll and Frazier’s best will get them beat.
  2. After the first four games, I’d still have to go with the Chiefs here. It’s matchup football and the Chiefs can exploit more of those. I don’t see any matchup advantage the Bills defense has when they’re on the filed. So it comes down to Josh and the offense to put up TDs early and often. Even after 3 weeks of 35+, they still just don’t seem to be firing on all cylinders. Chiefs win by 10. Get a split in KC/ TEN games and the Bills will still be in very good shape. If they lose them both, it’s an uphill climb the rest of the way.
  3. So an opinion that is different fro yours is “ silliness” and “ embarrassing “ . You think a little too highly of yourself . As for announcers , they should give Freuland a shot at it. She’d certainly be an improvement over Mowins.
  4. She’s just not good and her voice is shall we say, unpleasant. Has nothing to do with her gender. Plenty of male announcers catch hell on this board.
  5. I don’t feel like they’ve hit their stride yet.... meanwhile Kay is doing her best to win the 2021 Skeletor award, Maria Shriver division.
  6. Both teams will be needing the game. It will loom large in the playoff scenarios.
  7. He’s useful for showing that dangerous criminals shouldn’t be let out of jail.
  8. It’s “ free in the same way that a boy is a girl , or that not only girls and women get pregnant.
  9. Totally fits their m.o . They call things just the opposite of what they are. Trump was called a “ fascist” , yet they cheer the tyranny of Biden and the Dems. Surveillance, taking away freedoms, restricting daily life. All part of their forced compliance agenda.
  10. We are now living in an upside down world created by liberals and reinforced / promoted by 98% of the “ media”. Good is bad, bad deserves empathy or sympathy, actual justice is being replaced by “ social justice”. Reality is whatever you perceive it to be , and gender is merely a suggestion. Schools are designed to create liberals rather than critical thinkers. Anyone who disagrees with this insanity will be socially ostracized by media / social media, cancelled etc. Social collapse isn’t too far off if we don’t fight back.
  11. The best idea is to not have children that you can’t afford. I wonder how many folks clamoring for “ free” day care have 60” flat screen TVs , SUV’s and the latest iPhones ?
  12. I will cheer those defending the US border from illegals trying to enter the country. I don’t care if they’re on a horse or not. There are people with economic issues all over the world. We can’t take them all and give them all free stuff. Biden should have kept the border as it was during the Trump presidency and he didn’t. The results are pure disaster, like everything else sleepy Joe does.
  13. Some very salient points SC. This isn’t about safety. It’s about things routinely discussed on PPP. Would the Bills be playing along if they weren’t looking for a new sweetheart lease and a new stadium ? As you mentioned, there are only a few NFL stadiums where this is an issue. Not surprisingly one of them is in Seattle. The other two are indoors. I’m fully vaccinated, but I’m choosing to attend a few road games this season instead. That’s it in a nutshell. I’m allowed in, but I’d just rather not. The only place I’ve shown my vax card is for international travel, which I cheerfully complied with. Attending a football game in my own Country in my State of residence? Hard pass. I’ll watch the Bills play in other stadiums.
  14. During the glory years of the late 80’s and early 90’s, standing was only for critical plays or playoff games.
  15. No, I think his scrambling has been about right post 2019. Now if Daboll would do something about those pesky designed runs....
  16. Unless you enjoy going to the games in person (and all that experience includes ) more than watching on TV.
  17. No, she’s just not good. Sounds like the drunk Aunt at the party. A tough listen, and there are plenty of male announcers that just aren’t very good either.
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