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Everything posted by Radar

  1. And if we have as well. This will be huge year in determining it Josh is the guy we hope for. We're facing a much harder schedule this year hoping Josh develops and the team is up for it.
  2. You cut Murphy and replace with a guy you don't know his name??
  3. Sometimes we look only at personnel which undoubtedly is very important but must also look at schedule. Bills had maybe the easiest schedule last season and this year looks much tougher. Could make equaling last year's wins tough.
  4. Pats one and done? Don't think so. Bills one and done?Think so. Don't bash me I've followed the Bills since the old AFL days.
  5. Give him a raise and title assistant head coach. Done.
  6. Thugs who are good athletes seem to be accepted long after most of us would lose our jobs and possibly be in jail. Quite frankly it's getting difficult to support the professional league that protect these guys.
  7. Thank you. Fans love the big plays but it's consistently moving that chains that win games. So sick the got to throw deep mentality. Agree. We continue to look for new rather than proven with both franchises.
  8. The ONLY problem I would have with Josh is his propensity to fumble. Take care of that and we just may have a franchise quarterback in the making.
  9. I won't apologize by any means but it doesn't negate that they do have an easy schedule.
  10. Slow at this time of the day plus a few gin and tonics fir good measure.
  11. Have you looked at his coaching? Four years? Not a Jet fan but their organization from owner down may be as bad as any.
  12. This team is not the worst it's been but not nearly as improved as many seem to think. Howard, bad news this defense not all that much better than our offense. We have an easy schedule and have looked vulnerable against some bad teams.
  13. 5-2 yes but who have they beat? Possibly their best game was a loss. This defense is overrated and I've said that all along not just after this past game. Offensively they're average at best.
  14. Don't like him at all. I'll show some mercy though.........D-.
  15. Yeah, as fans we don't like to hear it but I'm with you on this. Especially on the D. Just can't get as high on our defense as stats would indicate. I picked Eagles by seven. Hope we're wrong.
  16. Been going down hill for awhile. They miss the obvious at this point weekly.
  17. I continue to believe what I did draft night. Arnold,Mayfield,Allen in that order. Not sure Rosen is even number four.
  18. Certainly. I've always believed he was the best quarterback in that draft.
  19. 1. Just don't see a chance that I can register. That would go to a five or six without Brady factor.
  20. Never, never mix alcohol and watching a Bills-NE game.
  21. Honestly if there would be one thing that would make me stop watching football games it's all the commercials. I mute my television.
  22. Don't be so hard on yourself. Take comfort knowing there's a lot of us here keeping you company in your problem.
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