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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Agree. Our run defense worries me in this one. They may eat up a lot of clock. Once again our offense will have to be the difference and weather could be big factor.
  2. Hope you're right but I fear their coaches more than ours to game plan. I think we're the better team but weather may neutralize that and their coach is a master at game planning against the other teams weaknesses.
  3. I hope the Bills can find some kind of run game because I think NE will game plan to go after Josh until we can show some kind threat in a run game.
  4. Bottom line for me is this defense isn't as good as many think. I don't think it's coaching. Two safety s one very good corner one very good linebacker plus Edmunds?
  5. With our defense and injuries on top of that I see them at best 2-2 but I think 1-3 unfortunately. The Pats I don't have us winning that one. Jets a win.
  6. Look this defense has been overrated for some time. Last year faced a soft schedule. Added to being a maybe slightly above average defense you now subtract two or three of your best defenders and play two pretty darn good teams these past two weeks and it is what it is. If they don't get healthy even the Jets could make it a game although losing to the worst team in football would be disastrous.
  7. My thought as well. Don't want him on our locker room. Hope so.
  8. Stats look good but crunch time this defense is terrible.
  9. I've said it before. I'm a veteran and I think the flag is a piece of cloth. It's what it represents that is meaningful. If you you feel you're not afforded the rights that this nations constitution and it's laws are meant to protect while others do then kneeling is your right and I support you in doing so.
  10. Not being a stick in the mud at all. I served in the Navy from '61-65 and was aboard a carrier in the war zone. Always refer to myself as serving in the Vietnam war era and not a Vietnam veteran. Memorial Day indeed should be for honoring those who have lost their lives in service. I'll go one step further. I see no need for a veterans day. If we're going that far how about police officers, firefighters and first responders day. Many of those were and are at greater risk than I was aboard a carrier.
  11. Problem is by the time you get a positive they've already spread the disease.
  12. And we paid two first rounders for him. I was not happy at all at the time but this really puts an even blacker mark on it.
  13. I think our fans underestimate the Patriots. Yeah Brady was elite but their defense is very good. Still think they are equal to us in that. Offensively we are counting on Josh coming up big. We're facing a much harder schedule this year as well. Not being negative but being objective I believe.
  14. Agree for most part. Could the Chiefs have won without him? Possibly but we'll never know. One thing I'm pretty sure of is the Chiefs were a very good team coached by a very good coach and staff.
  15. He won the Super Bowl! In his egotism probably. Why do people think ones mere presence on a Super Bowl team makes a player great. Both these guys were very talented players that I don't miss at all. Gave up way to much for Watkins. Not his fault. Gilmore good but overrated.
  16. Just give me a quarterback and game plan to just keep moving the chains. The long ball is fine but most quarterbacks I like the most just read and take what's there.
  17. In this depressing time this board is certainly keeping pace. We judge and will be rightly judged by our own standards.
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