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Everything posted by Radar

  1. People this team was catching lightning in a bottle last year and many fans bought into it. I fully expect a step back record wise. Beane and company have two or three seasons to improve and rebuild. We'll see then.
  2. Third and long........worst defense for years now. They are terrible for years on third and long.
  3. Would be interested to see this survey by age group. I'm 75 and followed Bills from day one and usually watch two games on Sundays. Having said that my passion has dwindled greatly over past ten years. Commercials and money grabbing league have contributed but with age I'm not into it like I was at twenty to forty years old.
  4. You labeled him "not conservative". I'm labeling him conservative. Apparently not conservative in today's GOP but by early 1990 standards was.
  5. Known him since the days of "contract with America" and Newt. He's a conservative to anyone whose not an alt-right fanatic.
  6. Don't agree with his could argue Bills roster top to bottom the worst in league. Still agree for most part with his analysis. I think our record last year a bit of luck and smoking mirrors. We look like a team ready to regress record wise while Bean and company rebuild franchise for future success. We appear to finally have management I have hoped for since the Polian days.
  7. My take is this is not a playoff team so if Josh is projected your starter of future give him experience now when your probably not a post season team. I don't buy this ruining a quarterback back thing.
  8. I'm quite sure,unless you are over 80, I'm no more a "beginner " than you. As I said WGR is a joke. Period. Unless ,of course, your a "beginner". Please as a non beginner enlighten me.
  9. My disdain for Schopp has not a thing to do with how he feels about Josh Allen. It started way before we ever heard of Josh Allen. Realistic? No more than the other show just on the negative leaning rather than a positive leaning. Sports radio on WGR is bad across the board.
  10. Man, sports radio at WGR is the worst, in my opinion, probably in the nation. Schopp is the worst of a overall pathetic bunch.
  11. Frankly I'm not going to be shocked if Peterman is holding a clipboard or not even on the team.
  12. Don't give a hoot about him. I am concerned with the Bills.
  13. Who else pushes him off the roster in a strictly football sense?
  14. Bills will probably win 4-6 games in my opinion. I think last year's record was built early and went down. I also feel their talent level is actually inferior to last year. Now, having said that, I'm more optimistic about who's running g things now than in past years.
  15. I think the concussion factor will eventually see football die as we know it.
  16. No catching involved wit OJ case. Caught but acquitted.
  17. I think 4-5 wins but will be happy if it's more.
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