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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Anybody that doesn't hack it with GR you can bet isn't too good. That station is an embarrassment to sports talk. Simon was decent until moving to GR and quickly became typical of their program hosts. Bull Dog used to once in awhile say something meaningful about hockey before becoming a lap dog for someone who knows less yet. Please Buffalo give us something at least average.
  2. One victim here regardless of her reputation. Period.
  3. They have long made me want to shout but I'm not proud of what I usually shout. Back to how I feel. Well no playoffs but hopefully a better future with an organization that knows what the heck they are doing.
  4. Respectfully disagree but you certainly have a right to your opinion. I served to protect your rights to express your opinion. Also to protect those players rights whether I agree or don't. Personally I think Trump has no respect for any opinion other than his own. He even discredited McCain by saying he wasn't a hero. Well Donald what have you done and where did you serve? Let me see your scars.
  5. My,my well how American of you. I wouldn't walk across the street to see him. As a veteran I wouldn't serve under him. Hug away bro.
  6. My take on this is either. Browns or Bills because I see them pretty much equals. Do like Bills coaching a bit better so slight edge for our Bills. Sorry though.....No playoffs.
  7. Ok but why wait until the end of May for an "on going problem"? Why not surgery four months ago?
  8. Please does this mean every completed pass of his we're going to be subjected to a post update? He's not a Bill let's move on.
  9. Agree except for the point "do we need a new stadium?". Personally, NO!!
  10. Agree except for the point "do we need a new stadium?". Personally, NO!!
  11. She deleted emails but your claiming you know what was on them. Not a big Hillary supporter. Didn't vote for her but Trump is in my opinion pathetic.
  12. Prove it,my friend, because I have proof on Mr. Trumps statement.
  13. Why is it that people assume they represent the majority? Possibly the majority don't agree but that doesn't mean the majority supports restricting freedom of speech.
  14. On this board? Don't know. Donald Trump super patriot(I say in sarcasm)has. Stated ,and I quote, John McCain is not a war hero. As a Viet era veteran I'm offended by Trump more than by any of those war protesters.
  15. As a veteran I served to protect the rights of all Americans not just ones I agree with. I would say to Trump and company where did you serve anything but yourselves? Wave your flags,wear your lapel buttons and continue your self service. For me I'll never spend another cent on anything related to the NFL.
  16. Didn't really want him in the first place. So good luck on your future team.
  17. I'm confused by what you're saying. There is no connection between what these idiots are doing outside and what their doing inside? Most of these party junkies are there to party and are in no condition to watch or appreciate the game. In fact I suspect if it wasn't for their tailgating party they wouldn't buy their tickets to begin with.
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