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Everything posted by Poleshifter

  1. I guess the hackers will have to request a brown paper bag full of unmarked bills, dropped off somewhere, just like in the good old days.
  2. I have not had a garbage plate, but I look forward to visiting Rochester again and trying it.
  3. Regulation is coming very soon. Does your crypto comply with ISO 20022? If not, you can kiss it goodbye. There is still time to download the LOBSTR wallet and invest in some Stellar network coins. It's pretty easy. But do it today. I never thought I could have a million dollars, but now I see it as a real possibility.
  4. Neither. I believe the stock market will crash, and BTC will go to ZERO. There are 40-50 cryptos that will survive when BTC goes. Most of the 6000+ cryptos will vanish. But do your own research. Just don't ignore the conspiracy theory stuff.
  5. How about this photo? Sizes look way out of proportion. I thought maybe the first couple had taken up ventriloquism.
  6. Wow, Hapless, that was beautiful. Next time you are having a down day, put this video on and you may just have to smile. Thank you for that.
  7. I have only been investing in crypto since Oct 2020. I started because I got what I believe was good information, researched it further, and went from there.
  8. That is not true. I bought XRP in October 2020 for 25 cents. Today, it costs $1.70 each. That's close to 600% gain in 6 months. Not bad. Anyone can buy lots of XRP, once this SEC suit is settled. And before the suit, you could buy it in the US. Once the QFS kicks in, it should go way up in value.
  9. If you have done enough research to know which coins will survive and thrive, then it is not gambling. If you know that a coin (XRP) will be the basis of the new banking system and is ISO 20022 compliant, then buying that coin is hardly a gamble. If you know that a coin (Bitcoin) is created by people doing hours of computing and consuming kilowatts of electricity, and is not ISO compliant, you could consider that gambling. There are 6000+ crypto coins. Only about 40-50 of them are expected to survive the coming shakeout. I am not a gambler. If I have to go to a casino, I'll use $20-30 to blow on gambling, nickel slots if I can find them! You are certainly entitled to think of crypto trading as gambling, but it is just not that simple.
  10. This is not something that will appear on the evening news. Oddly enough, the collapse of Bitcoin (and most other cryptos) is tied to the pending collapse of the 3 Gorges Dam in China, said to be coming soon. Under the dam are CIA servers which control much of the world's Bitcoin. Sounds like a conspiracy theory, you say? Yes, but those theories are usually true. They are just not allowed on the mainstream media.
  11. Did you know Geddy Lee's real name is Gary? His mother has a heavy Eastern European accent, so when she called him for dinner, it was "Ged-dy Ged-dy!" Soon his friends started calling him Geddy, and the name stuck. I saw that on an interview, probably Dan Rather's Big Interview show on AXS TV. I thought that was pretty funny.
  12. Did anybody catch Dave Brubeck & Sons at ECC-North? Oh yeah, well, it was 1974 or so. I was the concert committee guy, so that was a lot of fun. Got to meet Dave and his sons. I also remember being at my aunt's house when she brought home the original Take Five album. It was really cool oddball music. I still struggle to figure out time signatures like that.
  13. Yeah, that really sucked. I was 11 days away from reporting for Army induction. The draft, you know?
  14. Speaking of investments - if you want to make a lot of money quickly, go buy some silver (if you can still find it). If you can afford to buy gold, even better. But $1800/oz is out of my range. Silver @$27/oz is incredibly undervalued. Even if you have to pay a premium like at one WNY dealer I have heard about, it is still worthwhile. The new Quantum Financial System (powered by XRP) will be backed by precious metals - gold, silver, palladium, etc. When the QFS kicks in (soon), those metals will increase greatly in value. NOW is the time to buy silver if you want big $$$. Next week might be too late IMO. I hate to be a "do it now" guy, but sometimes ya gotta.
  15. The SEC case is very weak. It should be settled soon in Ripple's favor. Ripple is the company that developed XRP. In the recent past, SEC declared that BTC and ETH were currencies, not securities. Suddenly, they charge that XRP is a security. SEC is in the wrong here. XRP is ISO 20022 compliant, and will be used as the basis of the new Quantum Financial System, which is coming very soon.
  16. Here is a sample of what I have been reading about crypto: It has been announced that Ripple (XRP) will be the new method for transferring money between countries by the 196 central banks worldwide and will be gold backed. It has all the latest tech built into it and will be used when SWIFT is discontinued because of it’s criminality, dishonesty and it is archaic technology! It should be announced any day now and go up to $50 per coin overnight. Bitcoin was invented by the Queen to run her Pedo operations worldwide. This pedo coin will disappear when the public finds out along with all the other coins that are backed by nothing as they are in the simplest of terms, just a computer game compared to a gold backed solution. Putin has rejected Ethereum, so that will not be used by the central banking countries. The Chinese have shown themselves to be a corrupt killing machine, so nobody will use their solution. Ripple is the only viable solution for transfers between countries that is available now.
  17. The best deal right now may be Doge-Token, which is not the same as Doge-Coin. Doge-Token still costs less than a penny, but once its limited supply is sold, it is expected to increase greatly. You can open an account at https://lobstr.co From there, you can buy XLM, which you can swap for Doge-Token (DOGET). It might sound complicated, but it is fairly simple. I bought $200 worth of Doge-Token a few weeks ago, and it is now worth $1681. Pretty amazing. It is early enough that there is still much room for Doge-Token to increase. No guarantees, of course. Do some research on it. Doge-Coin is OK, too, but can't expect the steep growth of the token.
  18. Or you could learn to understand it, and then benefit from it. My wife was furious when I bought "something you can't see", so I can understand your reluctance to look into crypto.
  19. It's been 8 months since I first bought crypto. Bought some XRP because it will become the standard for the Quantum Financial System (coming soon to your area!). XRP is ISO 20022 compliant, which is required in the banking world. You can't say that about Bitcoin. But go ahead and hang on to your Bitcoin if you think that is the best course. I can understand where my statement is out of left field. Most people do not realize there is a new Quantum Financial System coming. At least you have some XRP and XLM, so you should be golden (so to speak).
  20. If any of you are invested in Bitcoin, you would do well to sell it now, get out of Bitcoin completely. Very soon, Bitcoin will be worth ZERO. If you want to swap Bitcoin for other assets, get XLM or XRP. XRP is not currently available in the US, but Canadians may still be able to get it. These "X" coins are backed by precious metals, where Bitcoin is backed by nothing.
  21. For so many years, Draft Day felt like Christmas Day, when the Bills always needed some new gift in order to get better. Now it seems much less important. Still fun to watch, but not so critical.
  22. Oh yeah, and then take CJ Spiller at #9, while us fans lament for years that they could have had Haloti Ngata at #10. I might have my years mixed up, but you all know the routine. I always record the Senior Bowl and then enjoy watching it. This year, I watched it up to mid 3rd Qtr or so, and then deleted it. It just did not matter very much. It is so refreshing to not give a **** after all those years where the Bills' season was done by Halloween and we started doing mock drafts at that point. Viva McDermott and Beane!
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