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Everything posted by Poleshifter

  1. I have watched a few rugby games and was amazed at how they named the various player positions. The positions Loose-head prop. Tight-head prop. Lock. Lock. Blind-side flanker. Open-side flanker. Number 8. Fun stuff trying to figure all that out!
  2. I once had a girlfriend who over-enunciated her words. I found it extremely annoying, but could not really say much about it. Your comment about assessing intelligence based on speech and language rather than content is a great observation, and a sad commentary on our dumbed-down education system these days. Oops, am I over-hyphenating?
  3. Whenever I watch the Denver Broncos play, I am grateful the John Elway is not a good GM. Broncos took Bradley Chubb (at #5 I think) when Josh Allen was still available. Good DE, but Elway missed on a great QB.
  4. When they do not talk about Daryl Williams during games, that is a very good thing. Good point, OP.
  5. Yahk-shee-maash! I have not seen the sequel yet. Of course, I support your War of Terror... I think the original Borat should have won Best Picture or some kind of award, but of course, it is so far off the wall. Brilliant piece of work.
  6. And, at 2-4, they are still undisputed at the top of the NFC East! I REALLY enjoyed watching that game.
  7. That Superbowl choke job was the beginning of the end for Quinn IMO. That fancy new Atlanta dome has the ugliest playing surface, at least for this TV viewer. It looks like old worn high traffic green carpet. Ugly Lately, I enjoy watching the Falcons lose. Franchise QB and all, Julio Jones AND Ridley. Useless defense. Maybe they should teach the 2 Bama receivers to play defense. Never mind.
  8. Thank you for the synopsis, stevewin! I never knew much about Andre, and this was a nice bunch of info. Did the polar plunge in Antarctica? Holy crap. Larry Fitz - there's a great big brother influence.
  9. I have not gone through all 20 pages, but was Fitz credited with 1 reception on his batted pass? Do they score it that way?
  10. I spent a summer at The Infantry School in Fort Benning, GA way back when. I was there for radio mechanic training. We were in an A/C building, but on coffee/donut breaks, we could watch the airborne guys out there busting their butts every day. Their uniforms were a shade darker from constant sweat. They were doing simulated jumps or hit the ground and roll exercises. Lots of running, too. Oops, break is over, time to go back inside. Are there any Army airborne guys here on TSW? Thanks for doing the hard work out there.
  11. The 49ers-Cardinals game seemed to have the crowd noise at too high a level. It was quite annoying, whereas the Bills game was not so bad. No, I disliked it as well. Fake crowds, it is so 2020.
  12. I understand how you feel, to a degree. I only get to watch from home, but it will be strange to see no fans in Bills Stadium. Very strange. NASCAR has its political BS, too, so I quit watching most of their stuff. MAV TV has local stock car racing from Oswego and lots of small towns. Real people, not the corporate Nascar crap. Actual fun racing. 2020 NFL season will be weird, if it even gets off the ground.
  13. I can understand the new guy (7 posts) to act like a dick towards JW, but the rest of you regulars should know better. JW is one of the few "significant" posters on TSW. Don't give him BS.
  14. Condolences to the Fitzpatrick family. Ryan is one of the good guys, even as a Dolphin. May his mother rest in peace, and may the family find peace soon.
  15. Kittle just got $15M/yr, average. And Kelce gets $14.25/yr ? Wow.
  16. I liked Duke from seeing his play in the CFL. But I think these 2 rookies will win out over Duke and flash-in-the-pan Foster. IIRC, on draft day, Gabe Davis was practicing with friends at UCF. Always working! I am excited to see these 2 guys play.
  17. Good God, you mean because Fromm failed to use the word "equally" you are still going to give him bull$$it for his remarks? eball, you have a weird interpretation of words.
  18. w/e - is that the newspeak for "whatever"? If so, maybe that's not as bad as the millennial "whatevs" Yikes
  19. He will work as an orderly? I thought he got his MD. Is this the Canadian version of a residency that US doctors must go through?
  20. Black people can't be racist? Are you shi77ing me??? What do you think BLM is all about? Getting rid of white influence (people, etc). BLM are the most racist voice active today. Just pretend otherwise, though.
  21. They only need to change the logo to a Virginia Redskin Peanut. Done. Or do they have to change the name of the peanut now?
  22. The NFL, like NASCAR, is so weak-minded to fall for this racist crap. BLM is nothing but a money laundering operation which pops up every 4 years. .
  23. "Over-officious jerks" is an old Marv Levy quote, yelling at the refs. I did not start the thread, only responded to the question. Try to relax.
  24. Over-officious jerks! We have grammar and spelling police here, now the holiday police. The question was about who served in Vietnam (era).
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