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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. That guy was a die hard Cubs fan who got caught up in the moment and prevented a possible out. Moises Alou's reaction made it worse. The Cubs had a 3-0 lead in the game at the time (disclosure:I just looked that up) and completely collapsed. Bartman (a fan!) was crucified by the city of Chicago. Compare that to Norwood who missed the game winning FG, came back to Buffalo and was cheered by the city. Thumbs up Buffalo! As for the ring, the Cubs gave everyone rings...including past players like Ryne Sandberg. It was a nice gesture to players and at least one fan of a long suffering franchise. Personally I think giving rings to ex-players is too close to the participation trophy mentality, but for Bartman it was a nice gesture to a guy who took the blame for the teams failure.
  2. i like the way you think. But I like the way you think more. Very few (myself included) gave us much of a chance going into KC last week. Now we're home and the safe money is on NE. Except for the CoTers (that's Cult of Tankers!) this could be considered playing with house money. Lets go out there Sunday and shock the board!
  3. Pressure up the middle works. Can't let him step up. But obviously it has to come quick
  4. The Specials spawned some great ska punk. Not sure if the Scoflaws got much play outside my home town but they were great: And as I mentioned a few pages back I'm a big fan of Goldfinger who crushed a cover of Nite Klub:
  5. Great song. If you like this, Aerosmith and/or Umphreys McGee you might like the following. Song starts about 2:20 in:
  6. Classic Francesa. Shame he's leaving the station in a few weeks. I don't agree with everything he says and he can be arrogant to a fault, but overall extremely knowledgable and a great listen.
  7. These are both good questions. Maybe ownership is done with Eli and more than happy to let McAdoo fall on the sword. I'd say two birds with one stone but really even before today McAdoo was a dead man walking IMO.
  8. McAdoo lets Odell run wild including having no reaction to Odell saying he could care less for about his 15 yard unsportsmanlike after a TD. Two of his DB's get suspended for a game each ...and one gets to play the entire game against the 49ers with no effort (Jenkins). And now he sits a franchise legend and complete stand-up team guy who has started every game dating back to 2004 and who bested Tom Brady in the Super Bowl. twice (including the nearly undefeated season)...for GENO SMITH!! Nice job coach there will be some lovely parting gifts on your way out.
  9. Count me in the optimist group. If I wasn't i'd have thrown in the towel long before the Kelly era. But I did wake up this morning expecting a 4th straight beating...optimism has its limits. If todays win (or any win for that matter) isn't cause for at least some optimism, well, OK. There was a lot of talk this past week that the coach had lost the locker room after the Peterman debacle. Does anyone still believe that? I don't, and that's my biggest takeaway from today To answer your "That's improvement?" question (and without any regard to how many more wins we get this year): I see a more disciplined and resilient team than last year. I don't see either Ryan on the sideline. Complain all you want about TT, but at a minimum they have not taken a step backwards at QB (yeah I get it - no improvement either). I'll remain optimistic on the coach and GM for now. I think we're in a better place than we were last year and not just treading water waiting for Rex Ryan's contract to run out, so yup "That's improvement". Not enough, but improvement all the same.
  10. Bummer, I thought it was gonna be a thread about the Fun Bunch.
  11. I like the sentiment, but we hold the tie-breaker over both and we may need the Raiders to beat the Chargers.
  12. So what happens to all those hornets when he takes away their home?
  13. Anchovy pulling his music off the radio seems like a public service to me. Another reason to be thankful.
  14. I secretly plot to get the end slice with the indentation mold from the can each year...and by secretly plot I mean I grab it first. When I got up Wednesday morning wifey was already making her homemade cranberry sauce. I've tried it, it's OK, maybe I'd like it more if I didn't grow up with the other. Regardless, wifey will be serving homemade along with cranberry sauce in a can. For this I give thanks.
  15. For me it starts with waking up on the right side of the dirt. After that it's having a great family and circle of friends who for the most part are doing well but are there for each other when needed. And that extends to this board. Very cool to see the board rally when others are suffering (i.e .- depression, addiction and mother nature to name a few) Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  16. 8 almost made the bingo card! I had Bledsoe jerseys for me and the boys...which nearly morphed into Roscoe Parrish. Would've included 11 if I remembered RJ, must be a lot of 11's out there.
  17. Fred Jackson was a recent hand me down to my youngest and I was explaining to him why the jersey was still legit (unlike previous ones like #99, #13,...)
  18. 96? In hindsight, one that I missed was Taken Spikes #51
  19. This thread was inspired by Virgil's closet, Yolo's Peterman Bingo thread and trying to figure out which Bills jersey to buy my son for Christmas. The #99 jersey just went out of style, decided to go the safe route and went with #12. Check your closet and memory. Can you hit Bingo with Bills jerseys you've purchased? For the record, I couldn't but I left off a few numbers from my purchase history in favor of numbers i thought might have been more popular.
  20. You lost me. TT lost his job from Sunday night to Wednesday. I was referring to lack of uproar from everyone else on the team. Maybe the locker room is OK with the switch. Fear of losing your job (starting or otherwise) is endemic to the NFL. If that's bad leadership then a lot of teams have problems.
  21. EDIT: misread NewEra's reference to the Chargers D, thought he meant ours Agreed with everything except for the unbolded which I'm not sure about. Our run D has been shredded to the tune of around 500 yards in 2 games since 99 problems was jettisoned. Is that a coincidence? Maybe. Hopefully. The current staff has made a number of bold moves. The timing of this one was surprising to me since (as NewEra mentioned) we're in playoff position and personally I'd give Tyrod a pass on the Jets game. Overall I like the decisiveness of the current regime, I'll have to wait to judge their effectiveness. Back to OP's question. Was this a good or bad move? I'm a wait and see guy, but unless I missed it there hasn't been a major uproar from the players which may be telling. So I'll go with good move until proven otherwise.
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