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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. They all look the same in the standings, but the run back to NO is more on point. Over the past three weeks most of the consensus top teams have had a bumpy ride: Saints, Rams, Chiefs, Patriots, Steelers. Chargers are the exception, but I feel like they snuck up on everyone (or maybe just me).
  2. TLDR, but really no need to. Any Bills uniform combination that includes red jerseys or pants is God-awful. Wearing both at the same time is an abomination.
  3. It must be a chilly day in the netherworld because i have something good to say about the Yankees. Classy move paying CC's innings bonus. https://sports.yahoo.com/cc-sabathia-got-500-000-223854615.html
  4. Moe, Larry and Curly used the name as a law firm, but it fits here too: Dewey, Cheatham and Howe.
  5. It's stuff like this that reinforces my belief that coaches rarely (if ever) go into tank mode.
  6. The sad part is that I consider their 9-5 record a sign of both those things.
  7. Gotta hand it to VW - he has been methodical and decisive addressing the bullpen and catcher. Went hard after Realmuto but took an alternate route when the price was too high. Hopefully now we are done with the Syndagaard rumors.
  8. Before you know it Hess will be offering a leasing option.
  9. Just came across this great line in the NY Post this morning: "It kind of feels like fate was sleeping on the job when she didn’t steer Kirk Cousins to the Jets, you know?" https://nypost.com/2018/12/15/what-van-wagenen-will-never-understand-about-trading-syndergaard/
  10. This time of year the Hess truck is usually a good choice.
  11. I would never characterize a #1 WR simply by physical attributes like height, weight and speed. Bigger, faster, stronger plays into to a big degree, but after that it's more about the size of the fight in the dog than it is the size of the dog in the fight.
  12. Going into the off season the bullpen consisted of Gsellman, Lugo maybe Zamora and a bunch of BP pitchers. I don't see any way that the addition of Familia and the best closer in 2018 doesn't significantly improve a big weakness. I'm not sold on Zamora yet and would still like to add a lefty reliever. But the other added bonus is we may be able to move Lugo into the rotation where I think he belongs.
  13. Crowd-sourced officiating? Or are you going with everyone gets to pick their happy ending? Probably one and the same.
  14. This is off topic but you reminded me of a great (but dated) Jack and the Beanstalk joke. Get a pencil and paper and play along at home, I'll wait. In any order that you want write the "words" fe fi fo in a line. On the next line, do the same thing, again any order you want but use each word once. Third line, same thing, all three words in any order. Now cross off any 2 of the 9 words you want. Line by line read it back. What is it? Mike Tysons phone number!
  15. I liked this enough to want to hear more. Album surpassed my expectations. Thanks Pete.
  16. I'm not nearly creative enough to tackle the challenge but someone should make a Poster about Posters. Kind of like the coffee table book about coffee tables.
  17. Didn't see that one coming. I like it.
  18. I had a hard time coming up with a piano/keyboard player that I go out of my way to listen to. Most are either in the background or more about the songs and vocals than the instrument IMO. In hindsight I'd probably go with Derek Sherinian with an honorable mention to Jordan Rudess. But Valby is probably the only piano player I ever bought a ticket to go see. And yeah, I was going for raised eyebrows and a laugh. Nice to see you and Ridge got it. On a related note, I tried to stay away from the obvious iconic choices (Beatles, LZ, Stones, Who,...). I'm far more interested in the non-obvious. Props to: You: Bob Seger.. I love Seger, can't stand Springsteen...go figure Gugny: Brad Delp...I do not listen to Boston's debut album often enough Joe in Winslow: Josh Homme...had to google, for whatever reason they never struck me...what's a good starter album, I've probably been missing out Seasons1992: Flea...great call GETTOTHE50: Barry Gibb...I'm not sure which Gibb this is...and I'm OK with that
  19. Fun fact that I may have mentioned before: the Mets and Yankees almost traded Joe Torre for Ron Guidry when Guidry was still a minor leaguer. Torre may have been a player/manager at the time, not sure. The deal broke down when the Yankees insisted on Otto Velez instead of Guidry. Thor to the Yankees would be an abomination. Speculation is the Mets would get Realmuto and Miguel Andujar in the deal. Probably a good baseball deal especially if you expect Thor to breakdown, but there's no way I could stomach Noah in pinstripes.
  20. Lead Singer - Ronnie James Dio (honorable mention: Geoff Tate) Rhythm Guitar- Rich Robinson Lead Guitar (x2)- Joe Satriani, Warren Haynes Bass Guitar- Tony Levin Drums/Percussion_ Gavin Harrison Piano- John Valby Lyricist-Neil Peart Musical Composer- Frank Zappa Producer- Rick Rubin
  21. I was thinking the same thing. And didn't Dawkins penalty come on the first play from scrimmage? Maybe something carried over from the previous game.
  22. They're already here and posting on a daily basis.
  23. Offense. 3 points in the last 28 minutes won't win many games. And the other 3 points in the second half had nothing to do with the offense.
  24. The silver lining is that Josh is getting plenty of scramble right stiff arm reps. Strong part of his game. Which is nice.
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