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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Nope. But as Idandria pointed out, the end zone is different. I'm surprised nobody brought up the fumble out of bounds comparison where the possessing team retains the ball. That's basically what you're lobbying for (except where the ball gets spotted after the play). To some of us the end zone is different. I get where you're coming from, just don't agree.
  2. If that's your opinion than I don't understand why you made the point below. Aren't you asking for the same outcome in either scenario? "The defense was playing poorly, not stopping a drive, and doing nothing to deserve the ball. An unlucky fumble mistake though the end zone should not award the crappy playing defense in any way."
  3. The "desperate situation" intentional forward fumble was addressed after the Raiders Holy Roller in 1978: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roller_(American_football) Unless I'm mistaken, what's being discussed here is an unintentional forward fumble through the end zone. Did the play today happen on 4th and goal?
  4. They puked it through the end zone and shouldn't be given a second chance to rectify their f up. Don't get me wrong, I get your point and I'm not militant that it should absolutely be a turn-over. What makes absolutely no sense to me is putting the ball at the 20.
  5. Completely legit concerns WRT Thor, didn't intend to suggest otherwise, I just never want to give up on high ceiling pitchers. So you're holding on to Conforto and Nimmo? I'm not convinced there's room for both....unless the Wilpons stop caring about salary (i.e. Cespedes).
  6. It's a gamble for sure with Thor. If you're convinced he has a short shelf-life it's a no brainer, he will bring back a kings ransom since he's under control for three more years. I may still be scarred by Nolan Ryan, but I'd still roll with Jake and Noah. In three years Jake will be 33 and possibly on the downside. Jake, a healthy Thor and more of the same from Wheeler would keep us competitive. Would you move Conforto in the right deal?
  7. I'd be fine if they gave the D the ball at the point of the fumble or the 1 instead of the 20
  8. Nervous excitement over an upcoming or in-progress game is why I love sports and watch the games. If you want this game over with already or can't handle watching embarrassing moments, sports are not for you (ask any Michigan fan about embarrassment today...but keep within arms length). Tomorrow's Bills game is the most important game because it's the only one they will play. Go Bills!
  9. Not a fan of how they project the yard lines and hash marka onto the telecast.
  10. A Canadian entomologist named a newly discovered beetle after Jose Bautista. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/25349667/canadian-scientist-names-beetle-jose-bautista
  11. Bo had a few one of a kind baseball highlights like running along the outfield fence:
  12. I hope everyone on the board has a lot to be thankful for and a great day tomorrow. Go Bills!
  13. Whoever told you that small ball is the new model is out to lunch. The new model is the three outcome at bat: HR, walk, strike-out. I hope it swings back, but if it doesn't so be it. Until further notice I'll still watch. Hard to believe those Tigers teams didn't seal the deal. I'm a Mets fan. I've used this line before but the team is like cicadas. Every 17 years or so we wake up and make a lot of noise and then we go quiet. Was 1984 a thing for you? '86 was for me. Been a long f'n time. Sports aside, I hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  14. No doubt it would be a slippery slope with everyone wearing ice skates. Growing up I can remember my grandfather saying "hit em where they ain't" and me thinking easier said than done when the whole field is covered. Hopefully if the shifts continue the hitters will smarten up and heed my grandfathers advice.
  15. #1...you did quote me in your response...no worries if it was unintended, seemed odd to me. #2...that's fine, I get it, I still find it contradictory but I get that it's not by any stretch a 1 for 1 comparison.
  16. Me too wrt how i raise my boys. At least so far, still some time to go...lol,....but that will never happen in my house. Not sure why you presumed otherwise based on my response to you.
  17. Disclaimer: I'm not in favor of regulating the positioning of infielders and outfielders, nor do I think it will happen But outlawing/regulating it would be simple. There are already rules in place with regard to positioning of pitchers, catchers and batters, extending that to infielders/outfielders is simple. A bad idea IMO, but simple.
  18. I am not defending him in any way, shape or form, but I find that last statement contradictory to your outrage.
  19. Entertaining is fine. I liked Wilpons comment that any trade would have to be lopsided. The other rumor I saw was the Mets and Cleveland are discussing catcher Yan Gomes: https://www.sny.tv/mets/news/could-mets-potential-trade-for-indians-catcher-yan-gomes-expand-to-include-brandon-nimmo-for-a-starting-pitcher/301007552 Mets bench coach search is focusing on ex NL Managers (Fredi Gonzalez, Jim Riggleman, Bryan Price). This may be behind a fee wall: https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mets/former-nl-managers-among-the-mets-candidates-for-bench-coach-sources-say-1.23617495
  20. I always liked the notion that if there's any debate then you don't belong. It should be very difficult to get in. Earl Campbell may have paved the way for TD in terms of short careers (7 for Earl)...and yes, both lowered the bar future HOFers. Thoughts on Earl Campbell? Did you see him? He was a monster in his prime. Much better than TD in my opinion. He passes the sniff test for me....but just barely due to lack of longevity.
  21. 6 years is a lot to overcome for anyone. Longevity is part of the deal at any position. I remember Boselli erasing Bruce. Granted it was at the tail end of Bruce's time in Buffalo, but that always stuck with me. I'd be Interested to hear from others on Boselli/Bruce. I'll hang up and listen
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