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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. For $100 amongst friends? Why dafuk not? It's not about the money, it's about the bragging rights. But you gotta give it some legs. Everyone should have to kick in $25 for every Super Bowl that nobody wins.
  2. We're on the same page. My point was that I could be willing the plug on them mid-season next year if the historic ineptitude on offense persists. People question what the 'process' is, but maybe it's as simple as a systematic roster re-build: Rebuild the secondary (check mark...including losing EJ Gaines) Retool the LBers (Edmunds and Milano look like good additions) Fortify the DL Take a shot at a QB...and pray (regardless who you pick, trade or sign) Next up would be the offense, continued prayers sessions for the QB and re-filling all of the above due to free agency, retirement and attrition.
  3. I'm all for the continuity argument and in particular the 3 year minimum. I thought the same about Rex after year one but by the end of year two it was obvious to me that it was time to move on and I'm glad we did so I don't see 3 year minimum as a hard and fast rule. I think the "fire everyone now" crew have some legit concerns/complaints, but breaking the drought, the play of the defense, my belief that the QB is still a complete unknown and where we're at wrt to draft picks and cap space is enough for me to give McBeane more time. If at this time next year the offense is as inept as it is right now, I would support pulling the plug mid-season and starting over, but that sets us back another 1-3 years and I hope it doesn't come to that.
  4. "I wasn't looking too good but I was feeling real well":
  5. @Gugny posted this in the baseball forum, but this deserves wider dissemination. FYI, 'Richie' is Rich Hill....or is it?
  6. Did his Wikipedia page get updated today? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_McCarthy_(American_football) Michael John McCarthy (born November 10, 1963) is the most awful American football coach who unfortunately is the head coach of the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League (NFL).
  7. No doubt. Could have been a different story if he didn't get buried on the Ravens depth chart.
  8. From the great Waiting For Columbus:
  9. You had me until astrosize. Isn't astro the legendary training camp poster? How on earth could a well-respected, super-sized TBD poster be equated with a derogatory comment? Confused.
  10. What I've heard is that retaining the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is a pre-condition of employment...and a bunch of candidates have said thanks but no thanks. I'm not totally against Calloway, have to admit that the team played hard second half and the starting pitching still looks like it can be formidable. But when you bring in a new GM, it's up to him whether to retain the manager or not.
  11. You may be the only one guessing, including him. In unrelated news : "Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!"
  12. Same. I never understood the autograph thing. Nothing against those that do, just not my thing.
  13. Love this point. The World Series game 7 mentality has crept into every playoff game to the point that they manage scared too often for my taste. Taken to an extreme if a starter opens the game with two off the plate the analytics will say the batter will get on so why not bring in a reliever to stop the bleeding? With that said, Counsell's pre-game plan to start the lefty on short rest and pull him after one batter was great. Didn't translate to a win, but what a smart move.
  14. When I win...and I will win because it's my destiny to triumph magnificently...I'm gonna need some help I live a reasonably happy, comfortable existence and i think I could eke by with let's say $47 million of the take (after tax of course). After that the money goes to building a Bills Super Bowl champ. Problem is Terry and Kim don't give a flying eff about my new found wealth and aren't selling. So how do I make this happen?
  15. Old news...but sometimes old news is still good news.
  16. I don't know enough about the Brewers pitching staff to have a strong opinion, but one night later Counsell burned through his starter and best reliever with 4 innings left and down one run. Last night he had the stones to let a reliever hit with the bases loaded n the 5th, up 3. Today he went to a PH bottom 2nd 2 outs two men on, down 1. I think tonights move will come back to haunt him.
  17. Was gonna post that...weren't they just laughing uncontrollably throughout?
  18. To this day "Settle down Beavis" is one of my go to responses to anyone who needs to, you know, settle down. My wifes rants often provoke this.
  19. Nice stats OP, thanks. I was led to believe by this site that the D-line and LBers were some combination of trash, old, undisciplined and/or over-rated. Now I'm supposed to buy into they''ll quit because the offense sucks. Defense has been playing pretty well. We'd probably be talking it up more if not for the problems on the other side of the ball.
  20. Breaking news...the esteemed Peter King has determined that the Bills inexplicable faith in NP has put them in a bad position at QB. I for one didn't need PK or a new thread for confirmation of any of this.
  21. So by "extension" you're refuting your own point. Ray Rays dreads should have resulted in sticky hands and had nothing to do with the muffed punt, likely just the opposite. I appreciate when posters can walk back from their original misguided premises. Maintaining anything else would be a bald-faced lie and I'd probably wig out.
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