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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. 15 pages in the point of any thread often gets obscured. My bad if I came in late and took your post out of context. I thought you're post was suggesting that TT's horrendous start this year was indicative of how he would play over the course of a full season. If so, I disagree.
  2. Posted by Boyst62 in another thread: "I would watch two hobos fight over a Cheeto if they kept score" I'd lay some coin down on a Marble race. Cheeto fights seem prone to a fix so I'm just spectating.
  3. Comparing TT's small sample set this year vs. Allen's small sample set this year is pointless. TT has a history, we all know what it is, not great. TT sucked early this year but it 's reasonable to assume he would have risen to his normal level of mediocrity given the chance. Unless you're with the crew that believes Allen's career was doomed before it began, comparing his accomplishments to date against anyone besides Mayfield, Darnold, Rosen or Jackson is premature.
  4. Pryor Offenses? That ones easy: Raiders, Browns, Redskins, Jets, Bills. When you can't stick with that many bad teams you're not a victim of anything but your own skills and/or behavior.
  5. Nice. Garner ended up on the '86 Astros team that lost to Keith's Mets in the NLCS.
  6. Came across this article about ex-Met Ron Hunt and thought it was a decent read. If you never heard of him he was best known for getting hit by pitches. I remember him as an Expo and Cardinal - and couldn't stand the guy - but he actually got his start with the Mets. I was surprised to see that he retired after the '74 season when I wasn't quite 11, but I can remember him leaning into pitches. Article mentioned that he played with Hernandez in Keith's rookie year. Keith alluded to it on a telecast hinting that Hunt wasn't a great influence, but he didn't elaborate. Probably some great stories. https://nypost.com/2018/11/15/beloved-mets-hard-nosed-play-has-turned-into-a-hard-life-from-beanings-to-parkinsons/
  7. NFW this is a playoff team with TT. This is a perennial Super Bowl team with TT. Flip the 4 straight losses to 4 straight Lombardi's with TT at the helm. I just know it.
  8. If you read the cnn link an extra wrinkle is that the homeless guy may have been in on a similar scam in 2012. Looks like douche-baggery all around. People suck. Except my peeps. And Bills fans...which are my peeps.
  9. The fact that you made it this far is impressive. Good luck, whoever you pick.
  10. My best advice to you is to ignore everything else I have to say. Last year I didn't make it out of the week 1 Thursday opener (Chiefs over Pats) and this year I didn't make it past week 1 (Bucs over Saints). Good news is I'm trending up. I'd go with the Saints. Home team playing at a high level. Cardinals over Raiders is tempting but I wouldn't want to lose with a bad team when I still had the Saints available.
  11. Had to be the Nationals writer. EDIT: I was wrong, it was a writer from San Diego. https://bbwaa.com/18-nl-cy/ And apparently he hung up on a NY radio host: https://nypost.com/2018/11/15/writer-who-didnt-vote-for-degrom-hangs-up-on-wfan-host/
  12. Pretty sure Sixx A.M's Heroin Diaries has been overlooked thus far:
  13. What I want to know is how did you pull this off? What's the secret to starting a thread that doesn't devolve into the bipolar cesspool of most recent threads? I'm with the crowd that says you play the games to win every week and let the chips fall where they may. I think it's unrealistic to expect a playoff run at 3-7, but that's still the goal. If and when the playoffs become even less realistic I still want to see some core competencies. #1 defense 10 games in is a great start, but Josh Allen inspiring confidence is the the end game for this season..
  14. WARNING: LAMP POST AHEAD I have no love for the Cleveland Indians, but I love baseball and Chief Wahoo is iconic. Others cast his existence in a negative light, I do not. When I saw OP I mentioned to the fam that I wanted to get a Chief Wahoo hat before it went the way of the Little Rascals. Completely forgot about it until last week on a work trip down to DC, probably triggered by talk of the Redskins. Completely forgot about it again until today when the fam gave me a Chief Wahoo hat for my birthday. Now I'm smiling like the Chief.
  15. He has a habit of wearing out his welcome on WR-needy teams.
  16. I'll keep it unanimous and add that I don't remember Mets fans ever getting down on AY even though it was wildly frustrating.
  17. ....and he hasn't got a house, I don't why I call him Gerald. He's getting rather old but he's a good mouse. Set up a kill field of snap traps. The more the merrier. Along a wall is best. I have had more success with the cheap ones. Although the plastic one someone suggested is a bit easier to set the only thing I ever caught with that was a rat which was bigger. Mouse just seemed to pick it clean without triggering it.
  18. This made it to ESPN's C'Mon Man segment before the game tonight.
  19. Fun fact: bass player is the son of Madison Square Garden CEO Jim Dolan. They also get props from me for naming a song In the Basement of the Alamo
  20. Dom Smith part II? Hopefully not. I try to stay positive - remarkably the Bills have been a bigger test than the Mets this year - so I'll go with being happy that Amed and Alonso are playing right now. Spending time with Yadier has to be a good influence on Amed.
  21. Last year we got a glimpse into the locker room with post-game speeches when they won and some nice moments between McDermott and Kyle. They appeared to be in lock step to me. I also remember Dareus looking like a bystander in at least one before he was shipped out. We don't get that type of insight with all of the losses this year.
  22. The difference to me is the notion that you're actually trying to lose any individual game. At best, I think that's rare. Setting up your roster for a re-build with the understanding that it will be more difficult to win games is not tanking to me. So are we tanking? IMO, no. But it's been so bad this year that it's reasonable to question their ability to re-build. I'll stay hopeful since rooting for another team and quitting on the sport aren't options for me right now.
  23. This is admittedly off topic but kind of funny. Late 90's my friend got 4 seats down low behind home plate at Yankee Stadium. The other 3 went for a smoke and dismissed me when I said they probably couldn't smoke in the stadium. When they were approached by a security dude telling them they couldn't smoke where they were, they asked (flippantly) where they could. Security dude opened a gate and told them they could smoke out there. My brain surgeon friends didn't figure out they'd been ejected until they tried to get back in. As to OP and why you should go to a home game? Seems simple to me. You've been on a weeks long crusade about how awesome this years offense is so why would you pass up an opportunity to see it in person?
  24. A short while ago after washing the dishes, I'm walking by the TV on the way to taking the garbage out and I see Amed Rosario getting high fives in the dugout. He had just hit a HR. Apparently there's a Japan All Star Series going on. Nice surprise, I was oblivious to this series/tour but my boys found it on TV. Looks like a lot of young major league talent...anchored by Yadier Molina. I know he put the last nail in the coffin in us way back when, but I have the utmost respect for him. Next at bat Amed lined one up the middle.
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