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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Our defense is giving up 26+ per game & our running game is subpar. Allen & Co are masking some deficiencies.
  2. A huge hole in our offense is the lack of a reliable receiving threat between the hash marks. Kroft while limited has shown reliable hands, awareness and blocking. Knox seems to make huge mistakes every game he takes the field.
  3. Still wondering why White was so shallow & why the backside safety didn’t punch it away.
  4. He’s been beat often the past few weeks. Seattle’s big WR took him deep & and roughed him up. Today Hopkins out-jumped him making him look small & lacking hops. Clearly White isn’t at 2019 level, he has a few games to rebound but clearly today’s game demonstrated White isn’t playing at an All-Pro level as he failed miserably to stop another All-Pro.
  5. Allen plays better it’s a two possession game instead of us up 30-26. Allen simply can’t throw 2 bad picks per game. Time to step up Josh.
  6. Great scramble, great throw, better catch.
  7. Milano playing injured def fit this concept. Know your personnel and let them play to their strengths.
  8. Much like our offense has shown a week to week scheme change, it appears McDermott & Frazier dialed up a defensive game plan the Seahawks did not expect. The element of surprise was huge. More importantly the players executed the plan.
  9. The frustrating thing is Wilson slides late & takes lots of late hits. It’s bs considering how dangerous a runner he is.
  10. Thus our defense is in need of a coverage linebacker with agility, speed & situational awareness.
  11. So next weeks game in a dome plus the relatively nice weather against Seattle should be a good barometer of how good our passing game is.
  12. As Donald Rumsfeld once said you go into battle with the army you have, not the army you wish you had. To that end, the 2020 Bills aren’t a finished product. Their window is open. It’s a process & we must continue improving on both sides of the ball.
  13. It’s a combination of factors including John Brown out, lack of TE’s as a relief valve in between the hash marks, lack of execution by the route runners, drops, and a reluctance by Allen to put the ball in harms way as defenses are basically forcing us to play underneath their zone.
  14. The Bills will need a huge game from their D. If we force a couple of turnovers & run the ball like we did against New England we win.
  15. Allen can’t make those throws in Year 3. Pathetic awareness.
  16. It would be knowing that it is going to be decided by two things: ability to run and the ability to stop the run. With 20-30 mph winds & 100% chance of rain. I’ve been saying it all week, the Pats will go jumbo & we must have answers on defense. To that point we must also play smash mouth football. It will come down to who wants it more. #MafiaBullyBall
  17. At 6’5” it’s always a surprise to me when I see Edmunds get caught moving into “no man’s land”, losing gap integrity & allowing backs to cut back into the hole he vacated. This is why we often see a desperate Edmunds arm tackle attempt from behind. If the kid learned to be more patient and disciplined he could make a late break towards the runner and use his shear force to knock a runner down, even if he didn’t hit squarely hit the runner. Is this a coaching issue, or more on the player?
  18. Stop the Patriots running game. Run the ball for more yards. Don’t turn the ball over. Win.
  19. Allen, Moss, Yeldon & Singletary will out rush the Patriots by a wide margin.
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