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Everything posted by boater

  1. Ya. Weird. Check out their website. Inexplicably to me, the Sheridan location has a very limited menu compared to their other locations. I wish Sheridan had the broader menu since it's my closest. Oh well. It's also 1000 decibels in the Sheridan dining room.
  2. Guessing you get an airport hotel: for crispy dry-rub wings you want Duffs on Transit Road or Dick Road (Google them). There is also a Duffs in Orchard Park. Speaking of NC... I really miss a good Chicken and Waffles. It just doesn't exist up here.
  3. I'm surprised to see Duff's in the lead. Their wings are too wet for my taste, even when I order them crispy. Though, they do offer the best size wings of all.. they are the largest. It's a task to eat 10 of them. To change things up, I like to order their Cajun (Dry Rub)... which is curiously not available at all locations.
  4. Overseas fans looking to stream games may have to Google themselves a good VPN. They are not expensive and are just good internet safety overall.
  5. And #1 in the joke line is Chuck Pollock of the Olean Times Herald. https://www.oleantimesherald.com/sports/bills/araiza-scandal-reflects-badly-on-bills-hierarchy/article_db4362ab-9942-5f0c-8e6d-58ec4e57a544.html
  6. The sex toy on the field was an embarrassment of Buffalo, on national TV.
  7. Oooo weee. General Parking opening at 10 AM. There's gonna be some serious drunks by 7 PM. Are there porta-potties?
  8. LOL. That harkens back to the very early days of TSW. Some real characters from that period. Many of them have disappeared.
  9. Not to mention alumnus Daboll winning on a final seconds 2-point conversion.
  10. I used to respect Chuck Pollock as a Bills writer. I lost that respect when he ended up sensationalizing the MA story against the Bills front office. What a tool. https://www.oleantimesherald.com/sports/bills/araiza-scandal-reflects-badly-on-bills-hierarchy/article_db4362ab-9942-5f0c-8e6d-58ec4e57a544.html
  11. Nice find. Thanks. I like the cameo appearance of 17.
  12. No criminal case because the evidence is flimsy. A civil suit because they think they were suing an NFL player for big bucks. Imagine their disappointment when MA got released and now their civil suit is against an unemployed college dropout.
  13. I remember that. Week one is training camp on steroids. Example: for the Bills this year, the first half v. the Rams was training camp. The 2cd half was regular season.
  14. Ex-Bill Harrison Phillips approves of this message.
  15. Week 1 is training camp on steroids. The first half of the Rams game is exhibit A. Second half of the Rams game was more regular season.
  16. My apologies. My dyslexia sometimes gets the best of me. correction: "sucks you will start your season 0-2"
  17. Titans starting the season 2-0, sucks to be them.
  18. You just described the Bills during the 20 year drought.
  19. Daboll comes back and ties. That will help him with the vicious NYC media.
  20. I suspect Beasley is asking for more than vet minimum, and that is all he's being offered. I suspect Beasley is asking for more than vet minimum, and that is all he's being offered.
  21. Can Daboll pull the 3-year turn around like McD/Beane?
  22. i know they used to, just checking that's still the case
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