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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Which team are they? The team that is one very unfortunate play from being 8-2 or the team that is two very fortunate plays away from being 5-5?
  2. I do. Doesn't mean I want to see him in that situation again. I can't think of a QB in the league who is more of a flip a coin player than him and I'm not interested in having a guy that I know can show up and throw for 400 yards totally out of the blue like he can. I'd rather see a rookie who has never played in that stadium before in what will likely be less than ideal conditions come out and try to win.
  3. I have zero desire to be playing a week 17 game against Fitz in a game that matters. None. Zip.
  4. You can date my sister if you want. My brother in law might have a problem with that but that's not really my business.
  5. So you mean there was hysteria caused by people who chose not to read anything further than the headline and maybe paragraph 1? I'm shocked. The order, which goes into effect on Friday, doesn't apply to people who commute to and from another state for work.
  6. I went to Turks and Caicos and was amazed at the sheer number of varieties of Pringles they had in the airport that I had never seen before.
  7. Rapa or Habersett? (even though they are both made by the same company. lol)
  8. sure, it helps. but if you have that guy in perfect conditions its even better
  9. Jumps ship? He lost to Michigan St at home again and to Indiana for the first time in 32 years. Ohio St. is going to clean their clocks. The way it's going he could get fired.
  10. 1. It's good that they won. 2. It was VERY nice to see the Pats do a Billsy thing to lose a game 3. They have a loooong way to go to be good enough to beat good teams.
  11. Those are the brothers Ryan Skeletor. Nice.
  12. That is true, but he was also way younger when they dealt him away.
  13. Again, this was the point I was making in my original post.
  14. I feel like this is the point I was trying to make in my original post. If you are acquiring Gilmore it better be for right now and right now only. Peyton Manning was injured his last year. That's different.
  15. I disagree. He's hitting the wall. There are already a lot of throws he can't make and they had to take out of the offense. He's still playing well but the arm isn't going to get stronger. There is a reason all of their outside WRs YPR has tanked this year and Scotty Miller is now a thing. It will be interesting to see what happens when defenses readjust to what Tampa is doing now and they start daring them to throw deep on the outside.
  16. Really? Seymour had 2 more Pro Bowl seasons out of 4 and then was out of the league Milloy had 0 more Pro Bowl seasons and was a shell of his former self by the time he left Buffalo 3 years later Logan Mankins played 2 more seasons making 1 Pro Bowl then retired Nate Solder has been an absolute dumpster fire for the Giants Jamie Collins is on his 3rd team after getting traded by New England the first time (one of those teams being New England again who then let him go again) Ty Law had one great season with the Jets one good season with KC then fell off the planet Gostkowski is currently having the worst year of his career Welker caught 118 balls his last year in New England which is only 18 less than he caught in the remainder of his career combined Vinatieri is an exception in performance but not in salary. The Patriots spent a total of 11.4M salary cap dollars on Vinatieri in 10 seasons. The Colts spent 39.7M cap dollars on him over the next 14 years. BB replaced him with the aforementioned Gostkowski who costs almost exactly the same amount as Vinatieri over those same 14 years except Gostkowski was better statistically while kicking outside. Brady is still excellent but does anyone think that will last longer than a year or two? Gronkowski had a good game Sunday but is still a shadow of his former self. Again, do you see a long excellent career for him in Tampa?
  17. we selected those qualities and intentionally bred animals that met our wants and needs for a couple thousand years. By nature, they are wolves.
  18. If Belichick is getting rid of a well-known important veteran you better know that Belichick thinks that player is done or at least isn't going to be worth what they will cost to re-sign. They do this all the time and they are rarely wrong. These players usually fall off a cliff after another year or two. This list is far from comprehensive. Richard Seymour Lawyer Milloy Logan Mankins Nate Solder Jamie Collins Ty Law Tom Brady Rob Gronkowski Steven Gostkowski Adam Vinatieri Wes Welker
  19. I got reamed out by a person who couldn't login to a computer because they were misspelling their own username so I'm going to go with yes.
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