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Everything posted by blitzboy54

  1. I'm as Buffalo as it comes but I don't think this is true. I wonder if we would have won some of those SB's with Marino. We had great defenses, special teams and better tight ends and a deeper WR corp AND runnings backs He had Mark Duper
  2. Miami cleaned up. What a deal for them. If Tua ends up being any good the Dolphins are going to be dangerous
  3. Hahahahahaha! Everyone thought it was Mack. What a let down
  4. I went on to assume it would always be awesome and take it all for granted. That was the golden era man
  5. My friend and I were in East Aurora hanging out at his house. Listening to the game on the radio we headed to the stadium because it was a blow out and we literally had no where else to be. We parked for like $5 and wandered around the stadium asking if we could get in. I guy in a wheel chair watching over one of the supply gates let us in for a pack of cigarettes. When we walked in the stadium was half empty and Bubba McDowell was running back a pick 6. I was 17 Greatest Football Day Of ALL TIME
  6. I don’t care how many people claim to be there. I was and never had a ticket.
  7. I wasn't really asking about your boss. It was rhetorical. It wasn't to throw stones but I was making a point. Seems when it involves a sport we love suddenly we shouldn't judge but I guess that says a lot about me. You left out the part in the middle interestingly enough and only focused on my first and last sentence. I can judge and I clearly do. When you are father and a husband it's actually not just about you. Perhaps his other children or wife needed him. Who knows maybe they were like, "you know what, we got this you go and coach that regular season game, I mean we have other kids" I've had this conversation with some of the dads in the neighborhood I hang out with. It's a bit tongue in cheek but there is a lot of truth to it. I judge people exclusively by the behavior of their children. It's as fair a metric as any. It cuts both ways, there are people I've met that I don't necessarily like that much at first but their kids are awesome and it forces me to rethink it. If you took any of my kids failings and blamed my wife or I for them you would be 100% correct to do it. Our children are the only thing we leave behind that matters. To paraphrase a famous football coach "you are what your record says you are"
  8. Did your boss take the day off or no? I'm not making light of anything. It's horrific. That little girls brain is swollen and she might not wake up. There definitely is an imbalance to these things and NFL coaches. I don't pay attention to college so I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised to find out it's similar. Any high end job will take a toll A contractor I work with, his adult son died in a construction accident. When I saw him a 2 weeks later I stopped to tell him how unbelievably sorry I was and let him know if there was anything I could do I would be happy to. He was understandably broken but had to come to work because he's a construction worker he gets no sick time or vacation. Just can get laid off for as long as he can afford it. He just wanted to be home with his family and morn but he had a work because he has responsibilities. THAT is a tragedy. Broke my#%^*ing heart. Dungy didn't take the day
  9. If the standard is not being a criminal or dead then I suppose. I have 3 kids not sure I would consider just one of them dead or a drug addict a success.
  10. He might be even if she doesn't. At this point based on his history and anecdotal evidence I would say he deserves it. Another point is Reid had another son die of an overdose and do jail time. I think it's safe to say a lot of NFL coaches are miserable parents. Any 24/7 job takes you away from your family is going to be a challenge. I imagine you have to have a plan and be very dedicated to whatever time off you have to be dedicated to them. Even the "great" Tony Dungy went back and coached after his kid killed himself. I thought it was a scum bag move personally but I care about my family so what do I know. He had a enough money in his pocket to walk away from work forever, didn't even take the day. I've never really thought much of him since then. There are hundreds of examples of NFL coaches and broken families.
  11. Unless your Detroit Teams pay QB's and #1 receivers all the time ........ It will be fine
  12. Allen carried the team against the Colts The wind was so bad during the Ravens game the most accurate kicker in NFL history missed 2 gimme's and came close to missing a third. Davis DROPPED a TD! Allen then missed Diggs twice wide open on deep balls that he hasn't missed all year. I think it's safe to say the wind was a problem for everyone. If the winds were normal and we give them there 2 kicks (then we get our 2 misses back) your looking at Bills 41 - Ravens 9 If you take away the pick 6 it's Bills 34 Ravens 16 Without the wind Allen is likely right about 70% at 305 yards +/- and 4 TD's I think he's probably fine
  13. Weird that TB is on this list and Bal isn't. Wonder if that's a typo
  14. Going to win either way. Chiefs aren’t scaring anyone. Going to the Super Bowl lady’s and gentlemen
  15. Bills looked marginal against the Colts. It's probably for the best. These guys almost always show out when everyone picks against them.
  16. I'm a Bills fan and I am by no means doom and gloom. I was confident in getting to the AFC Championship before last week. It's the playoffs and I'm grateful we won, but anyone that thinks that game wasn't a step back is diluting themselves. The odds of those kicks being missed is slim and that receiver was WIDE OPEN. These are not subjective plays. It's ok to criticize your team, really it is. It doesn't mean it has to be the same way next week but there was hesitation all over the place and it came from the booth. They can be better and the "process" apply' s to them too. I would be shocked if McDermott wouldn't agree. I've seen a lot of self reflection and growth from this staff. Remember how horrible he used to be with time outs and 4th downs? Now he's tip of the spear. Maybe it's a good thing. If they learned from it. But it was less then their best The Browns smoked a joke of team that we were all hoping to play. The Browns have been marginal most of the season. Yes, I too would love it if Baltimore mailed it in like the Stealers. I think we all know that's unlikely. If this team plays like it did the last 6 weeks of the season I think we win comfortably, if they play like we did Saturday we loose and probably by a lot.
  17. I’m worried too. 6 weeks of total domination and they turtled up hard. Looked like 2019 Bills. It wasn’t good, between the coaches and defense we should have lost that game. Rivers hit a a wide open receiver and the kicker doesn’t miss a short FG and we are DEAD! I hope it was nerves and they come out swinging but everyone had us winning the SB and we looked like the Browns
  18. He, all be it a small sample size, was light years better than either starting back. Hit the holes clean and broke tackles. I would love for him to start
  19. If they let them do the same thing on the upper deck you could easily get another 2000 people in there
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