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Everything posted by blitzboy54

  1. How are you guys seeing this? It says subscription only when I click the link
  2. The counter argument would be if minimum wages were higher folks would not sit out based on getting one time extra assistance during a pandemic. Most/All big company's can afford to pay more. The 90's proved when everyone is making money its good for everyone rich and poor alike. When the economy is top heavy and we squeeze the lower class in only helps the wealthy. I agree that nobody saw the lack of labor coming, but it exposes a different problem than "I can't find help" All full time jobs should pay enough to make ends meet. Period.
  3. Agreed but I never leave early. You need to park in private lots out near the boundary on the same side of the road and you are traveling. Once you are clear of the main "block" surrounding the stadium you are traffic free through the back roads. You can navigate your way from there.
  4. It's a self defense mechanism. Bills should slaughter the Stealers
  5. Howard it tough to listen to. If he's on by himself I turn it off. I just can't. Jeremy needs a new partner. Schopp is a well documented clown. My neighbor was best friends with him growing up. Last year when Mike was pushing the idea that he would trade Dak for Josh (before Dak's injury I believe) it was all I could take. My neighbor texted him with a what are you going on about? I assumed he would come back with some sort of just trying to keep it interesting or some such. Instead he told my neighbor to stay in his lane. Moral of the story...... He's an A hole to his friends too.
  6. It's never taken me more than 10 minutes to be traffic free after a game once I reach my car. You have to do a little extra walking however.
  7. You can't know that as much as I can't know if she's telling the truth. Statistic prove out that the "fake claim for money" is not very common. I'm not going to take you too seriously though.
  8. I bought a ticket during the first quarter of the last preseason game. Has “all timer” potential for atmosphere.
  9. She slapped him. PERIOD. He stepped up PERIOD. They got smoked, they deserved it. It's pre season. People sit in the "wrong" section all the time.
  10. I have no idea what you were watching. She slapped him, her man stepped in and got knocked the **** out. I see no fault on him. She escalated to a physical confrontation. Don't write checks your privilege can't cash.
  11. I was born in Buffalo and after moving around a bit as a kid ended up back there just in time for the SB years. As an adult I've lived all over the country and settled in Albany (Giants country). When I was getting to know my neighbor (now good friend) he told me there is no such thing as a casual Bills fan. If they exist he had never met one. I've had that sentiment repeated to me on a few occasions by others. Like you said casual fans exist but I don't really know any.
  12. The dude that got handled was absolutely agitating for a fight before she got involved.
  13. Gas prices are driven by supply and demand. Fuel taxes haven't changed. I'm not sure what your point is. My average tank is up $6 from last year how many gallons are you buying? Billionaires can pay for their own stadiums unless they plan on sharing the profits
  14. No you won't. We already have one of the highest sales tax rates in the country. Most NYers are not Bills or even sports fans. Why should anyone pay for a billionaires profit center. If we want to publicly finance a stadium then we should publicly keep the profits from everything that comes with it. I would be in favor of a loan (even low or no interest) that was paid back over time but no, not paying a dime. I pay when I buy a ticket.
  15. Jim Kelly is a physical disaster. Just the most unbelievable run of bad luck
  16. The issue is he is being loud and me first. He's being a classic diva about this instead of quietly going about his business. I don't care what he does, I would just like him to STFU about it.
  17. Running game was a joke. Our best back was Antonio Williams. One of my only criticisms of McDermott is sticking with the depth chart instead of running with the hot hand at RB last year.
  18. For like the ***** 3rd time. So stupid. Bills are so much more interesting
  19. Probably because that's not the route. If he modifies it and Gabe doesn't adjust the jackals are all laughing at him missing a wide open receiver.
  20. Dan Reeves called bills fans classless in an interview after game. I never understood what his problem was.
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