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Steve Billieve

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Everything posted by Steve Billieve

  1. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2015/09/15/belichick-bills-fans-will-quiet-if-we-do-well/ I don't expect the Bills to give them much of a chance to take the lead. Lead or not its easy to read between the lines, I hope those of you going to the game will accept the challenge in the spirit with which it was given!
  2. Not at all. We have lots of players who can carry the ball, even at positions you wouldn't expect. 1. Shady 2. Williams 3. Dixon 4/5. Clay 4/5. Felton
  3. I'm not sure about not being implemented . . . I thought this before the season, but after watching him play I think he was a big reason behind the Jackson cut. I think he earned the #2 spot and make Fred too expensive.
  4. Yup. To me it seems obvious that the team will be good and I'm not going to let having been wrong before stop me from saying it! I feel more confident in my opinion this season than I ever had before, I won't deny what I see because I'm scared to be invested. It's probably way too late for that for most people here.
  5. This is INteresting, but I thINk I've read it before.
  6. Is this a trick question? When your coach is Doug Moron!
  7. I don't like not having a dedicated back up FB, I'm not even going to describe my feelings on our o line depth. Who's our backup long snapper? DOOOOOOM
  8. Interesting, that most of your examples are situations where we don't have a verifiable verdict on yet. I'm a little nervous about all those decisions too, but we'll see how they turn out. After watching Watkins play I feel a lot better about that trade. I'm no expert but just watching him play, compared to some of the other "elite" receivers out of that draft and I definitely prefer Watkins by a mile. I remember when Nix was GM, he spent a lot of time talking up Whaley, and mentioning how integral he was to the process . . . so that argument at least cuts both ways. Yeah, the only thing higher than Whaley's approval is Pegula's!
  9. Yeah I think we got a good look at the ceiling of our QB play in the 3rd preseason game . . . Looks like 19 is our ceiling with either QB.
  10. It certainly appear as though everyone agrees with you based on the poll! I know I sure do! I've said this before, but this seems an appropriate thread. The fact that so many of Whaley's moves seem a little suspect and seem a little bad is really just an indication of how good he really is. It just shows that he's operating at a much higher level than so many commentators and GMs in this league.
  11. Seems like we have TE and FB intermixing a lot, and switching between the two positions. Gotta wonder about where Felton might rank if we need some help with touches, or even Clay?
  12. I can imagine a world in which we sign him again over Whaley's protests for 3 years to meet his goal and then cut him after one.
  13. I don't think those captains are random, those are the best players and probably leaders we're putting on the field.
  14. Really amazed this topic is only 7 pages. I'm feeling down . . . really really down . . . Can't believe Brady won . . . it's not even the suspension . . . its not even Brady . . . I just don't like the league loosing this much power. Ok maybe I just don't like a cheater being vindicated. I'm really scared EJ will be good, but we won't give him the chance he needs in Buffalo. What if EJ and TT get injured and Meh gets cut, as I hope he does . . . what if we loose all our CBs . . . what if . . . WHAT IF? You just know the other shoe is gonna drop . . . things can't keep going this well . . . I think something terrible is about to happen
  15. Nonsense. If a player doesn't want to be here they need to go. Whether its Byrd Lynch or someone on the practice squad.
  16. I think sometimes things like that can fall into a grey area, where their common appearance in life allows for their use without permission. Like cars and car logos. Plus you gotta figure it would be pretty great for their movie if the NFL did something stupid like taking them to court.
  17. I don't seem to like most of Whaley's moves, but that just shows how savvy he is. The proof is in the roster.
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