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Artful Dodger

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Everything posted by Artful Dodger

  1. It was a good career but his ambition to start at least one game for every team in the NFL remains sadly unfulfilled. I predict the beard will come off almost immediately and he'll be able to get through airports without being recognized.
  2. Allen seems almost too good to be true, and yet he is. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop - this is the Bills after all - but it hasn't, and I'm starting to think it won't.
  3. It's disturbing and frankly not something I want to think about ever again. But, then, I guess he's more of a stud than I thought.
  4. Elon Musk is the most consequential man of his time. In a hundred years, he'll be remembered as we remember Thomas Edison and Henry Ford today. He's set up the first successful electric auto company and been largely responsible creating a couple other industries from scratch (private space flight, Ebay). He's got several other irons in the fire - The Boring Company, being one example. However, unless he figures out a way to clone himself, there's only one of him, it would be a shame to see him get diverted from more worthwhile goals such as creating a permanent presence for humans in space over something like Twitter. He must be seriously worried about the erosion of free speech to allow himself yet another distraction.
  5. One of the problems with one party government is corruption.
  6. It's ironic that the only thing that may keep the Democrats away from electoral obliteration this fall and in 2024 is Donald Trump's attempted takeover of the Republican Party. If he's successful, he'll drive away moderates, and the Democrats should write him a thank you note. If he's not and the Republicans put up reasonable candidates, all that will be left of the elected Democrats will be AOC and her clones in extremely safe progressive districts.
  7. Rosen resembles a young Sandy Koufax. Maybe he's in the wrong sport.
  8. I would never defend California, and that's a really bad policy especially because people who own electric vehicles generally have higher incomes than people driving gas powered vehicles and need the money less.
  9. I agree, and that's what states like California and several other states are doing when they refund gas taxes. Other states are reducing tax rates which sounds great until the stimulus money runs out and a recession comes and they need to raise taxes again in order to balance the books. But if you're not going to send the money back to the people, might as well spend it on a new stadium for the Bills. It is a bit misleading to say the people ponied it up. The funds were almost entirely borrowed, some with money freshly printed up by the Federal Reserve. What the Fed didn't print up, our children and grandchildren will be paying back, not us.
  10. I don't live in NYS, and I'm not an expert on NY finances, but most states are swimming in money right now, thanks to the various COVID relief spending bills passed by Congress over the last two years. Many jurisdictions are struggling with figuring out how to spend it all. Another final tranche of aid is due to state and local jurisdictions this year. It's wise to spend one-time non-recurring revenues on projects like this, rather than on setting up new programs or cutting taxes where the ongoing spending will have to be made up out of General Fund revenues in future years. Whether it's a good idea to spend it on a new stadium is another question. I think it is, but then I'm a Bills' fan, and I want to see the team stay in Buffalo.
  11. The Bills are a good organization, and with its support Darnold would have performed much better in Buffalo than he did with the Jets or Carolina. It's equally likely he would now be considered a competent QB, though he lacks Allen's physical abilities and intelligence. And if Allen had been drafted by the Jets, he wouldn't be in the running for consideration as the best QB of his generation. Allen and the Bills were lucky they found each other, and they've made the most of it.
  12. In his entire life, Rex Ryan has never been right about anything.
  13. He's thoroughly discredited progressive governance for many years to come. That's a pretty big accomplishment. Oh, and the bipartisan infrastructure bill was an accomplishment, though they nearly bolluxed that one by trying to tie it to Build Back Better.
  14. Definitely Gronk, and he could save money by staying with his folks while he's playing in Buffalo.
  15. Harrison is the sort of player the Bills like. A good team guy, very bright, and a hard worker. He's also an improving player who looks as if he's figured it out. If they can afford him, they will keep him.
  16. Practice makes perfect, and boy did he have a lot of practice.
  17. Based on his performance in the two playoff games this year where he threw for 9 touchdowns, had a completion rating of over 75% and ran for 160 yards, Allen's ceiling is higher than any other QB in the league right now and maybe among the highest in NFL history. His intangibles are also off the charts. He's got great leadership skills, and his teammates literally are in awe of him. In big games, he's at his best, which is the mark of a great QB. As noted by others, he's been inconsistent. I think some of last year's issues were due to poor offensive line play during the first half of the year and the weather didn't help. However, during the Tampa Bay game, something clicked in, and in the second half, he took over the game just like that. I think what changed is that he finally figured out that he can play within his talents and easily be the best player on the field. Over the next several years, he's going to have to gradually dial back the running, or his career will be shorter than otherwise, but that's the only red flag I can see. While it's really fun to watch him elude linebackers and run over defensive backs, the Bills should game plan just enough planned runs to keep the defense honest. I'm a fan, and I try not to get too excited and remain objective, but objectively, he's really that good.
  18. He's extremely bright, works and plays well with others, and has seen everything. Usually it's not the great players who make great coaches. Everything comes too easy to great players, and they don't get it. It's the players who struggled who make the good coaches, and that's Fitzpatrick, who worked hard to successfully maximize the limited talent that he had. If he wants it, I think he would fit in well with the culture McDermott has set up in Buffalo.
  19. Good point. There's probably at least a half dozen franchises for which he has not yet been the starting qb. I think he would make a great qb coach.
  20. Excellent idea. He could teach Allen how to grow a real beard.
  21. If true, somebody needs to get fired. Just when you think the decision makers can't get any stupider, they do.
  22. Don't you think the administration has already lost the military? This level of incompetence is almost beyond belief. Every decision they've made has gone wrong.
  23. In Biden's defense, in addition to Afghanistan, he's currently dealing with at least three significant serious problems I'm aware of - COVID, accelerating inflation, and the porous southern border. While all but COVID are self inflicted, he's still got to deal with them. As more Americans catch on to the fact that he doesn't know what he's doing, he's also going to be dealing with a crisis of confidence in his leadership. COVID is of more concern to most Americans than the catastrophe unfolding in Afghanistan. So if he can get back some of his mojo by talking about COVID, it's all good, though it's a short term fix. The next time the incompetent and hysterical CDC Director he appointed opens her mouth in public, the Biden Administration's credibility on COVID will go right out the window again.
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