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Everything posted by Augie

  1. What did Terry pay for the Bills? Like $1.4 Billion? What are they worth now? He works for the owners, not us. Between this and all of the many premium streaming services they think they can make me pay for, I’m starting to lose interest. I never thought I’d say that.
  2. No, if you were watching, the “experiment” was to see if two weeks in London damaged the Bills chances. I believe it did, and I am quickly learning that booing Rodger isn’t such a terrible thing.
  3. I recommend one thousand comp picks for participating in your little “experiment’!!!
  4. I hope you have it recording, in case later you are curious about what actually happened! 😂
  5. For clarification, I see something called the No. 8 Tottenham which is just on the south side of the stadium.
  6. I am kind of happy for people who find that to remain, decades later, as such a heartache. That may just mean you’ve never faced serious heartaches to put things in perspective. Just my personal feeling, but I’ve been kicked a lot harder than that.
  7. Was it dislocated? A stinger? I’m not sure if I ever heard exactly what the injury was. I will say I was surprised to see him back out there because it did NOT look good.
  8. I decided for socks and underwear in my carry-on instead. No offense! It might get chilly if I checked my bag. 🤷‍♂️
  9. But didn’t he come back in? It did look very bad when they were checking him, but I thought he came back. That doesn’t mean he’s OK, by ANY means. .
  10. We are nearby. I haven’t looked into any of this at all yet, but is there anything nearby the stadium? Any kind of tailgating? Options inside? How early would you suggest arriving at the stadium. This will be a different kind of game day for me!
  11. So, if you are keeping score at home, this is approximately two teams more than Jacksonville.
  12. I think that is where Ko Simpson works now. Did he look familiar at all?
  13. I get it, a 47 yard FG was a big deal in Bills history. But it’s somewhat ancient history at this point. I’m not saying anyone else is wrong, because it’s your life to live. I just choose not to dwell on negative things. I don’t see how that helps anything in any way. Just different ways of life, I guess. We lost a game, a REALLY BIG game, but still a GAME. Believe me, if I want things to bring me down, this is nowhere near the top of the list from my life. You can also flip the coin here. The way Bills fans supported Norwood at the ceremony downtown made me even more proud to be a Bills fan. Sometimes losing shows true character. I didn’t cry when he missed, but I may have shed a tear when he got that support. . .
  14. Never crosses my mind. Are you also obsessed when there are 13 seconds left? I’ve moved on, it’s the healthy way to live I believe.
  15. Ah, the bully PE teacher made you into the tough guy you are! He was just building character, and teaching kids strategy at the same time! You made a point of not bothering the gym teacher, didn’t you? He did NOT want do do any more than roll the ball and hear the bell ring! I think you might have made him angrier than he already was about his career choices. Sincerely, Coach Gustafson
  16. So Tremaine Edmunds isn’t allowed? Self-admitted tennis guy, but the sound of the striking of a pickle ball is just grating! Can a sound be ugly? I’d have to wear headphones!
  17. I’m a slow learner, I guess. I have yet to get any meaningful rest on a red eye. Maybe I will be so exhausted I can finally get some sleep on the way back, but it’s not a red eye. It’s great to travel. It’s also great to get back home and see the wife and dogs, then sleep in your own bed. Nobody was rude on my flight with lights or talking, but the guy in front of me in the cheap seats reclined his seat when the guy in front of him reclined HIS seat. I kicked him into submission, and he talked to the guy in front of him. My knees had nowhere to go. I never recline on a plane because I know how annoying it is. I was at that game, and somewhere I have a picture of a sea of people in blue walking over the pedestrian bridge. It made me proud, and it made me chuckle a little! 😋
  18. We need to figure out what hotel that Jags fan is staying at and tip Rich off. Sure, there have been sightings, but he’s a bit like Waldo in the big picture. More elusive than the painted bunting!
  19. I sure hope they weren’t peeing in the sinks!!!
  20. I strolled all over town again today, and one thing jumped out at me: at least 80% of the people who gave me a “Go Bills!” were NOT wearing Bills gear. Maybe saving it for game day? So, if you think it looks like a lot of us out there, it’s actually far more. Can’t wait to see them all tomorrow!
  21. Will they put them thru college? It might be a good deal!
  22. I almost went for some Royal Cuisine yesterday, but the line at Burger King was too long. I didn’t come to London to eat a Whopper or a Big Mac, but they seem to be doing a brisk business.
  23. Not sure, but……Haven’t we covered this a thousand times with Tre’s ACL? Docs clearing you does not mean you are ready to play in an NFL football game. Every player and every injury is different. Being “cleared” might mean next Sunday, or they can put you in the “day to day” category which can last weeks. I think Von can come back and be close to Von from snap one. That was not the case with Tre. I pray for his recovery. Great guy by all accounts, and two really lousy breaks. Hope things go well for this young man!
  24. I think that is generous. He may get a few plays, but he may just like fish & chips.
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