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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Not sure, but……Haven’t we covered this a thousand times with Tre’s ACL? Docs clearing you does not mean you are ready to play in an NFL football game. Every player and every injury is different. Being “cleared” might mean next Sunday, or they can put you in the “day to day” category which can last weeks. I think Von can come back and be close to Von from snap one. That was not the case with Tre. I pray for his recovery. Great guy by all accounts, and two really lousy breaks. Hope things go well for this young man!
  2. I think that is generous. He may get a few plays, but he may just like fish & chips.
  3. Have you ever listened to Von before. Nice guy, and always optimistic. His words and reality only collide on rare occasions. And for the record, if you listen and pay attention, it seems more likely he’s talking about his readiness to play. He can’t speak for McD or the Docs.
  4. @Royale with Cheese seems to think he’s onto something here. To my knowledge, he has not been committed yet. But there is still time…..
  5. Well, that is just a terrible analogy. I mean TERRIBLE! We are watching football, and judging what we are watching. I don’t feel a need to ignore the facts to date. I don’t care if you are watching a new guy, or a guy in pin stripes. You seem to be suggesting that we are (according to some subjective opinion) that one is better than the other, therefore we should grade on some kind of a curve. That works for biased people who are not objective about the football we have seen this year, but I’m not buying that crap.
  6. Yep! I prefer watching the football games. I don’t know what we get this week with Groot out and Von unlikely to play much, if at all. But if you watch the games it’s obvious….they are GETTING AFTER THE QB!
  7. Is there any forum where they get challenged on crap like this? It sounds pretty indefensible. On a side note, why do all these people on TV sound funny? 😋
  8. Thanks for the explanation. I had not been outdoors until I stepped out of the car and we all realized the actual weather was more like we expected. I continue to run into our Bills peeps everywhere I go. It gives you a nice feeling to meet strangers and already have something important to you in common.
  9. So you wish for a cancer for our opponents, but you wish we had gotten it first? Huh? 🤷‍♂️ .
  10. I got in just about 24 hours ago and took the Heathrow Express to Paddington then a short walk to the hotel. The walk gave me time to dry off. It was hot as hell on the train and everyone stripped down as much as they could, but we were all sweating buckets! I’ve come out of the shower with my hair less wet. We then stepped out into 50-something degree weather which was an initial relief, but then a bit brisk. It was easy, but certainly not comfortable. Enough whining…. Our car was about 80% in Bills gear, then there was one nice young couple in Jags gear. This gave me two main thoughts: 1) I LOVE how Bills fans travel! There are other teams that travel well, but nobody is better than Bills fans. 2) I wish opposing fans could get along in a stadium as well as they do on a hot train. Unfortunately, you add alcohol and the heat of battle, and things turn sad too often. Let’s all go have fun and behave, win or lose. It is, after all, a game. .
  11. ….and poor Rex thought it was in the press conference. If only he had known….
  12. Pickle ball is where tennis players go to die.
  13. As much as I hate winter, Minneapolis is a great city with a very vibrant downtown and great business environment (including 15 Fortune 500 companies). Downtown is connected with skywalks and tunnels so you can get around in the winter without having to go outside too much. And they celebrate summer like nobody’s business! My first trip there was for a certain Super Bowl, but in the handful of trips since then I have come to appreciate what the city has to offer. It’s just NOT for me full time. EVER. Brrr……
  14. I don’t like the downward emojis, so I will just go with BOO THIS! You can’t really believe that. How about if we talk about your family burning up in a house fire? That is just WRONG, and I see no defense for such a comment.
  15. It was on the surface Delta from Atlanta, but it was a Virgin Atlantic plane and crew. That’s why I threw it in there.
  16. Beats Prego Atlantic. But let’s focus on the game this weekend and the great football Josh and our guys are playing!
  17. I’m 6’1” so a bit over “average”. The guy in front of me reclined his seat a couple hours into the flight. I basically kicked him in the back until he relented. No hard feelings, he was a Bills fan with a group of about 10 heading to the game, But my legs had nowhere to go. I explained I wasn’t trying to be difficult, but my knees had to go somewhere. He had reclined because the guy in front of HIM had reclined. I explained that my legs couldn’t go in the overhead bin, so he had a talk with the guy in front of him and we all kept our seats in the upright position. I met a guy at the bar a couple hours before the flight. Nice guy, and he was a big 6’5”. He had seats farther up front and he had sufficient room as I walked past him to the “short person zone”. I had a fish sandwich and wine. Lots of wine. He was drinking dirty martinis, and he won the inebriated Bills fan of the flight award. He wanted to pay for my tab. I said you just showed up, I’ve been here a while, I’ve got this and gave the bartender my card. Somehow he won, and he picked up my ~$100 tab with tax and tip. Turns out he retired from investment banking the first time when he was 50. WTH? I’m not that proud! Front of the bus was worth the upgrade on THAT plane! That’s where our guys sat, I’m sure.
  18. We had a driver pick us up at our Rome hotel at 6am and he drove us to Sorrento, which is about a 3 hour drive. We left him to kill time there and took a boat with a few other couples (one guy in a Bills shirt, and we immediately hit it off) to take a lap around Capri then spend the day there. The driver was a great guy and he killed time until we were done, showing us the sights coming and going. We didn’t get back to the hotel in Rome until about 10pm. LONG day, longer than anyone expected. His tip went way up when we realized that we could not have accomplished that without some local help. Sometimes you just have to pay to make it happen, or go to plan B.
  19. I know they are in London 2 weeks in a row, so it’s watered down, but I bet I’ve seen at least 30-50 people in London in Bills gear for every person in Jags gear. Not shocking by any means, but it makes you proud!!! GO BILLS! Make up for the game stolen from us on a bogus interference call a few years back!
  20. Tom Brady’s father never could figure that one out. You’d think he’d learn after a couple decades of getting short-sheeted! I’m sure we could bring Kelvin Benjamin back to serve as the official food tester. Maybe we can bankrupt them? 🤷‍♂️
  21. Ummm, Enjoy Marseille!!!
  22. We went all out for our trip last Spring and had private drivers and guides for almost everything we did. It was certainly expensive, but there is no way we could have gotten so much done without taking on that extra expense. It was all arranged by someone my SIL uses to take groups of college students on educational trips (Yeah, not a bad perk for a job!). I’m not sure how to find the right driver, but it sounds like you are on the right path for this situation. .
  23. There were dozens of Bills fans just on my flight, and one lonely but nice couple from Jacksonville. Enjoy Paris! We went in May and I absolutely loved it. You are traveling like my wife organized it, and you’ll be glad you got it all in. I’m just winging it this trip, and I’m in desperate need of a quick nap after zero sleep on the way over. A little nap before lunch can’t hurt.
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