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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Does anyone else remember when we had to lose to have threads like this? I’m not sure, but I think this is good news. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Just a couple dozen more this week, I think. If we had actually LOST it would be closer to one hundred.
  3. “Obviously, there are a lot of fouls on both sides here.” 😂
  4. I’m not blaming the outcome entirely on the travel, but it was an “experiment” for a reason. It was a “home game” my ass. Jet lag and being an “away game” were factors. You did not sit where I was in a bit of shock at the high level of support for the Jags. I wouldn’t have believed it either. The Bills fans LOOKED like a lot, and it was, but if you weren’t for the Bills you were almost certainly be for the Jags even if you didn’t wear the colors, and the Bills did NOT fill more than half the stadium. I heard an estimate that we had about 20k there. I don’t know how accurate the source was, but it felt about right. As for arguing against the reality of jet lag, that is where your reputation for being tiresome comes in. Continuing that would be pointless. To be clear, I’m NOT NEARLY as upset with the game and outcome as I am with the NFL. The league and Competition Committee allowed this to happen Why? It is clearly unfair to have a team play in a city for more than a decade and ever call that a road game for them while the divisional opponent loses a home game on their schedule. It is the NFL that wanted to experiment and see if it gives you an advantage to arrive a week earlier. I love the Bills and (most of) our fans. 😋 I’m pissed at the NFL for undermining the integrity of the game.
  5. Well, you are wrong again. It is NOT that simple. I could not sleep on the red eye this trip, just as I was unable to sleep on my previous trips. Some people are like that, including some Bills, I’m sure. It’s not just 5 hours different, it is a full day of travel, even if they had the best possible conditions. Jet lag is real, and most people know that. I was also shocked and bragged here and elsewhere how Bills fans took over London. That’s the way it looked because only a handful of Jags fans were walking around wearing gear. On the streets of London and out side the stadium the Bills were represented FAR more the the Jags. That is true. What was shocking was that if you were not in Bills gear you were almost certainly cheering for the good things that happened for Jacksonville. The optics were very different from the reality. Jags fans were louder in London than the multiple times I’ve seen them play the Bills in Jacksonville. They might have worn a Steelers or Dolphin jersey, or just street clothes but they were pro-Jags, and they were most of the people there. You’d EXPECT that after a decade as the “home team” in London, and that’s exactly what it was. .
  6. What did you put in your math? These are “mathy” things I speak of. Don’t claim math makes you right, then refuse to show your work.
  7. You are familiar with math, correct? You need to plug things into the formula. The things you want to plug in are nothing but wild a$$ guesses. We do not know these things. We CANNOT know these things. So it’s just a way for you to try to confirm your own personal biases. Period.
  8. I was there, and I was shocked! There were not many people in Jags gear around town, but almost everyone there NOT wearing Bills gear was pro-Jacksonville. It is their “home team” for the locals in London. I was also surprised that every team in the NFL seemed to have a jersey there representing them. Apparently the exact team affiliation is not critical, but if you live in London the Jags are your team. We had nice seats in the NE corner (albeit with the sun in our face early). What section were YOU sitting in? This happened. They have been building that fan relationship since 2013, so I should not have been surprised. And you are uninformed and naive if you were not there and are skeptical. Might is have been mid 70’s percentage against us? Sure, but it was NOT a home game. It was a bad joke. I arrived about when the Bills did, and I was still struggling a bit at game time for sure. Not being able to sleep on a red eye KILLS you.
  9. Math based upon wild assumptions is less than precise. That is just a fact.
  10. At least nobody is getting an extra home game in front of the fans they have been cultivating since 2013. Still the same $#@% field, so that is about the best thing I can say about this game.
  11. I would not watch out of principle unless the Bills were playing.
  12. I say all “Home Games” should be played in front of a stadium filled with 80% opposing fans. That was “special” to entertain the crowd the Jags has been actively cultivating since 2013. Taking up a perfectly good field so we can subject to players to the dangers of a $%#@ field also has a certain appeal. This makes as much sense as filling cups of beer from the bottom up. Yes, they really do that. They place the cup on a spigot of some kind that fills thru a small hole in the bottom of the cup. The obvious problem here is (who can guess?) you then have a cup of beer with a hole in the bottom. Beer that went in thru that hole can also come back out thru that hole. For this reason, once the beer is poured they take their time pouring it into yet another cup that does not have an open hole in the bottom. All done with ZERO sense of urgency. THIS is how you spend most of the 2nd quarter standing in line watching on TV. When I got back to my seat I was asked “where the hell you been?” It’s hard to believe, but I have a video to prove it. The NFL is rapidly losing my interest. I very much enjoyed the trip to London, but to me the game experience exposed how little regard the league has for the integrity of the game. Playing a “Home Game” on a clearly hostile field that has been deliberately built over the last decade is inexcusable. The “experiment” of playing one team with jet lag against another team fully adjusted is equally unacceptable. Add in the countless streaming services I am forced to buy and this may be the last straw. I will NOT be adding Peacock or any other additional streaming service they want me to pay for. I don’t hate the owners for being wealthy. But I am starting to hate them for not protecting the integrity of the game. The Competition Committee is failing miserably.
  13. My father-in-law was a dentist on the Missouri when the treaty was signed with Japan. My wife has an amazing collection of newspaper clippings, letters to his parent and memorabilia. A retired General lives up the street and he came to see it one day. The letters are incredibly touching.
  14. My Dad took me to see Dirty Harry when I was maybe 11-12. I guess he wanted to see Dirty Harry, and I enjoyed the brief nudity quite a bit more than the shoot ‘em up part. Remember, I was 11-12.
  15. That went about as I expected. 😋
  16. Sorry for the tangent, but I have a college buddy who coaches girl’s high school tennis. I have told him a thousand times to make sure he is never alone with any one of those young, hormonal tennis players. You don’t have to do anything wrong to wind up in a HORRIBLE situation.
  17. Not at all, regarding the bold. There is no lumping together an entire gender. We live in the real world, and you have to guard against that one situation that could bite you on the arse. It just takes one to create an unfortunate situation, so there is a rule against those relationships. Plus, you are making the assumption that they are lying. What if it’s real? What if the female is the supervisor? Did you think of that? Now who is being sexist? To me this is very simple. The employer has a rule that they feel is in their best interest. You follow the employers rules, or you face the consequences. These restrictions apply to all people, in theory, not one gender or the other.
  18. Yes! Pretty neat! Selling beer with a hole in the bottom of the cup! People were 3 beer cups deep and still had dripping. The absolute lack of urgency was annoying (I was forced to take video) but they were not properly prepared. Apparently the soccer crowd is not allowed inside with beer. They just hang out and watch on TV. Nobody picked up on the difference. One more thing to learn. But I’m glad I went.
  19. I see what you did there! But RIP anyway. This gets younger and younger.
  20. Umm, I’m not sure what to say! You had blotter notes???
  21. Do you think the insurance company might catch on?
  22. ….that we know of. …..yet. 😋 I’d love to be rich, and I’d hate to be famous. Everybody you run into is going to have that moment as their perception of you. Sometimes I might have other things going on and just not be in the mood. But you’re still leaving that as their image of you that they will share with everyone given a chance.
  23. Every big company I worked for had policies against these relationships. I’ve seen these relationships develop countless times, and someone always has to go. Regardless of whether you think you might lose a lawsuit, the employer has rules they put in place for a reason. Follow the employers rules, or pay the price, in this case both of them it appears. I’ll also caution that we probably don’t know as much as we should to be jumping to any kind of firm conclusions, IMO.
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