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Everything posted by Augie

  1. I had one buddy in College in Cincinnati who was a Communications major and he often had a camera with him. His Prof let him develop black and white for free. I only recall this now because many decades later he sends a group of us old photos. Never too incriminating, but they sure bring back memories. Long story, but in college I knew he was from WNY so we kind of bonded. It wasn’t until Junior year that we realized he lived on the other side of Maple Rd, and my group used to play hockey against his group on the frozen pond over there every winter. He went on to start the club hockey team at our college. I was an unskilled thug on ice. In rugby his skating skills were wasted, and we were both thugs. 🤷‍♂️
  2. AND…..she found a photo of it! I’m equally impressed with that! Well done then and now, @muppy!!! .
  3. I wish they would AT LEAST try to keep it fair. They sacrifice that at times for the sake of money and……the ”experiment”. THAT makes me angry.
  4. Tell the truth, that is you Halloween portrait, isn’t it? Bravo! (Which one is you?)
  5. Just tell us that is you in the pic you posted above. It’s the internet, so that’s how it works! 😂 .
  6. He’d probably enjoy a change of scenery at this point. For good? Should we hear you out??? 😋
  7. Pretty bold to include pics of your wife AND your girlfriend! I’m not here to judge. 😋
  8. At least the “road team” hasn’t been building a fan base in Germany for more than a decade and didn’t arrive a week earlier than the “home team”. Another hot garbage idea. The NFL has found an easy way for me to miss what should be an interesting game. Way to go, Roger.
  9. I wasn’t into any specific candy that much, it was more of a VOLUME thing. We would get pillow cases and garbage bags full of candy, stash them in some bushes and start filling up a new one. There was no way one person could eat all that candy…..and live to tell the tale.
  10. BUT!!! What would you pay to see him and Nick Wright in a cage match? I think I’d cough up for that one!
  11. I wouldn’t leap to any conclusions at this point, because it’s all conjecture. The facts will change nothing. God bless, and RIP. .
  12. This goes to the greater question, which need not be answered at this time, imo. Was it a heart attack? Was it after some substance abuse? Something else? None of that matters in this moment. It’s certainly curious, but right now I’m focused on his life and his legacy. I LOVED his bit above where he knew he’d be remembered for Friends, but he wished he’d be remembered for trying to help people. I will choose to remember that, Matthew, in your honor. You deserve it. RIP
  13. Do I assume correctly multiview is a Sunday Ticket feature on YTTV? I honestly watch 95% Bills, and just sample the rest. I’m honestly curious. Non-Bills games are mostly background noise to me, and baseball is deeeeeeppppp background noise.
  14. First Field of Dreams and now Rear Window for me today between dog walks. Two great movies imo. My early game stinks and I don’t feel like flipping over to YouTubeTV. I know, it’s just a few clicks, but it’s not worth it to me. Maybe a little bit of a late game, time will tell.
  15. Not in my backyard, but I took this on a trip back visiting Hilton Head. Our old Vet was retired and his retirement gig was taking people out on boating excursions to take photos of the wildlife. A mutual friend gave us that trip as a gift. He’s got extra cameras for you to use, and he cleans up the photos before sending to you.
  16. If he were putting up those rankings with another team we’d have an Official Hire Ken Dorsey Thread. 😋 We have some nice parts, we just need some fine tuning.
  17. Since the NFL demonstrated how little they care about the integrity of the game during our London trip, I have learned to care far less about the NFL. Home game my ass. They have been building a Jags fanbase there since 2013. The Jags should NEVER play a “road game” there. And the jet lag “experiment”? Sorry, you lost me. They also took out a perfectly good field and played on what Von Miller called the worst field he had played on in 13 years in the league. Guys were dropping like flies on that field. I’m still a Bills fan, but I’m also still pissed at the NFL. I’m not sure if that will ever change. I won’t make a point of watching any NFL today. .
  18. Do those with bad knees get out of the old curtesy thing? ADA strikes again!
  19. One case where “insanity” might actually be warranted.
  20. About 1980 in college we had a Halloween party at our house. I was in an Animal House situation with a dozen housemates, six kegs and countless guests. This is about when MASH was at its peak. On days when a new episode came out we could see MASH up to 5 times a day. Not surprisingly, a bunch of people showed up in scrubs with a mask, etc. The “etc” included syringes. We had no Jell-O shots in those days. People found a way to use the syringes with hard liquor, and make it a game. How far away can you be and still catch a shot of Wild Turkey in your mouth in a sea of people. Everybody was getting rained on. I can’t believe the house didn’t burn down that night, but it was briefly condemned when we moved out. I was not sad when college ended, but the memories are amazing! The best costume was a guy from our rugby team, Nej. He wore a simple robe of a coarse fabric and sandals. That’s all he needed. He already looked like every painting of Jesus you have ever seen. .
  21. It’s almost like cheating! He doesn’t need a “costume”. Umm, I’m hoping that wasn’t a permanent marker! 😋 .
  22. But at least it might be fun to watch! I love a good snow game, as long as the Bills aren’t getting screwed somehow (or off to Detroit).
  23. I’m with you. Someone needs to get word to Roger.
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