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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Jeez, if only we had some friends willing to deal the most athletic freak of the last 5 years, for pennies on the dollar. God forbid McD has to deal with a single strong personality. If Marv could handle Bruce and Talley and Jimbo, ssssssssurely McD can handle a 190lb WR
  2. I highly doubt this is where hes at mentally. You don't get to the NFL without a mindset of I want the ball every play. Were talking the top .01% of athletes in the world. Their bodies are strong but their willpower is what seperates them from normal human beings.... Im sure he wishes he could get the ball 30xs a game, but we've seen enough dudes burn out fast, and its just not possible to do this over any length of time. Id rather be a WR for 10 years, than play both at a high level for 3 or 4 years, and fizzle out. Gurley s career ended at 26!!!! And was no longer elite after TWWENTY FOUR (24!!!!)
  3. First, he should've been at TC last year, but it is voluntary. Frustrating for sure, and stupid. But acting like he's this untouchable red flag? It's been reported that he's been quietly shopped since Shoen got there. I wouldn't show up either. Dan Jones, Mike Glennon and Jake from. Jason Garret fired week 7. Judge started the year already losing the locker room. No Giant had more than 600 yards receiving. Golladay had zero TDs in that JV offense. NY media is ruthless because you got covid and missed camp. When you do come in your electric, they do nothing to game plan you in. Could you see how this would sour a player pretty fast? Completely toxic environment. Would every player become a malcontent in that scenario? No, but plenty would. The point is theres nobody from last year or this year, that can do the things he does. Homerun threat everytime you touch the ball. Defenses have to scheme specifically around you. While also covering Diggs, Davis, oh and Josh might take off running too. Kc you had to double Hill, and then get ate up by Kelce... just by him being on the field. His presence alone opens things wide open for everyone else to eat. Diggs is getting single coverage. Two high safeties that we struggled with? Nope, you can't do that anymore. Also, I'm excited about Gabe, but I'm not ready to anoint him a HOF. He had a nice season and should've been starting, but he's still a bit of an unknown.
  4. The risk reward isn't there? We're talking about a 4th 5th or 6th, for a guy with an unlimited ceiling. To put it in perspective. You'd rather have a Tommy Doyle, Marquez Stevenson or Damar Hamlin type of guy? When you have a roster this built, is the time you can take a home run swing. The risk is minimal and the reward potential is sky high. With our roster as it is, what are the odds 2 of 3 of those picks wouldn't make the team this year? Stevenson isn't making the team this year period. Hamlin is safe. Doyle will be on PS. These guy's aren't a drop in the bucket towards a SB
  5. It's 2022 players aren't durable like they used to be. Players are stronger, faster, more violent then ever before. Rbs used to have 10 good years WITHOUT splitting carries. Now backs who are splitting work loads are toast by 26 or 27. Just a sign that these guys bodies are pushed to the absolute max of human capabilities. The heavy single season usage is what kills guys. Cmc. Gurley. Leveon. David Johnson. Arian Foster. Dalvin Cook and Zeke are coming up quick on being toast. Dude runs like an absolute animal, and played 2 positions at the same time the last half year. They saw a ton of success running him from midpoint on. Why would they stop doing it? Pay the man. If he hit open market he'd get 100+million contract... but he should carry an even heavier load next year for $4m??? Pay the man, they know what they're doing to him
  6. Brady is a weird case for me. I spent two decades hating the dude so much, that as a football fan I couldn't enjoy the GOAT. Glad he went to Tampa, where I could shift my perspective. At 34 I'm not old enough to remember Jordan well, nor Gretzky, nor the early 90s Bills. I wish that I'd got to see them play when I could appreciate them. When I'm old there will be new generations that talk about Brady like that, and im glad to have the last 2 years to see him in a diff light(without stomping my testicles in). Bradys been pretty fun since he got out from the Hoodie. Would love to see him in MIA next year so Josh can formally rip the torch from his manicured nails
  7. That's a really cool way to become a fan, tip of the hat to ya. I happened to be driving truck and stopped in Laramie overnight in 2019. Happened to be a big week 16 game against NE, think it got flexed to a night game. Lost a close game, but I had my Allen jersey on at the bar... damn good thing I had a few days off cause everyone was feeding me free booze in the excitement of meeting a Bills fan lol
  8. It's gotta be that. Why else would he say don't even offer me an extension. I respect him even more if that's what happened. Dude wants to have a longer career, and doesn't care what the contract offer is. That's the complete opposite of the "find a new sport" take
  9. I'm not half the a-hole Baker is, and if I saw that, I'm not showing up till they fix it. Have him looking like he just smoked crack lol Ray Lewis' was really bad too if I remember right
  10. Normally I agree but I don't blame him one bit for wanting a contract now. He was used as an absolute work horse last year for $2m. You see guys like CMC have these types of seasons and their bodies are permanently broke. The way SF used him the last half of the year certainly looks like that's their plan this whole next season. I'm sure he loves getting the ball, but I'm not letting them run my body into the ground for $4m this year, then cut me loose before my 2nd contract. Pay the man accordingly cause he does not look like he'll see a 3rd contract
  11. You think so? Obv I've been pretty vocal about being a fan of the guy, but I don't think so. Maybe top end speed, but this guy's acceleration is bonkers to watch. Their 40 times are close though (kt 4.39 v mckkitrick 4.41). And yes, played outside about 1/3rd of the time at Florida.
  12. I gotta say if Beane is interested (not saying he is) you'd think we have the inside track to land him. Our front offices have close ties and its cross conference. Seems like a good candidate to move during draft day to move around the board.
  13. agree to disagree lol i aint mad. the whole situation reminded me of matt nagey and allen robinson last year, he only played 9 games. he got put in the doghouse, and even when he saw the field he was treated as an after thought. theres 0 reason to not get that dude 3 or 4 bubble screens , 1 or 2 end arounds, anything to get the ball in his hands. hell golladay had zero TD's and 500 yards playing most of a season. their OC from last year is in the freaking USFL 😆 dan jones sucked, then he got hurt, then Mike Freaking Glennon, and Jake Fromm. Hot dumpster fire!!! anyways im beating a dead horse, but if buff cant get him I hope he stays in NY. be cool to see what Dabs can do with him. i will s*** out my **** if he winds up in KC. id make the trade to block them alone.
  14. Who was your team before Buff? Just curious. I think theres a lot of Wyoming fans on board like you
  15. I like Skyy Moore but they aren't comparable at all. First Skyy can only play outside, Toney has played in slot, outside, and in the backfield. Moore just can't do what Toney can on the short routes, and thats my point nobody can. Their 40 times are close, but nowhere near the same acceleration. MAC vs SEC player. I get this isnt the type of player we go after, but why? You're an NFL coach, you might have to work with a guy whos difficult... so what? We've built a staff/locker room that should be able to get this guy to buy in. Isnt that part of the reason you build a team like this? The finishing piece can be a guy with some concerns but ABSOLUTELY ELITE talents. Look at what Hill did for the rest of the Chiefs offense, now he's gone, and nobody is worried about KC. Game breaker, and I want one
  16. Tyreek beat up his pregnant gf, broke his son's arm (dont care if there were no charges, the audio is out there him admitting it), and fetched the most trade capital ever for a WR along with an insane contract. This guy isnt worth bringing in on a rookie contract for a 3rd - 5th rounder? Name a player in even the 1st rd of this draft that brings this skill set. I'll wait.
  17. Dudes not a diva. Judge is the biggest blow hard I've seen in a long time. None of that team respected him. Giants put him in the gameplan twice and he was electric. It's not hard to get this guy a few bubble screens, slants, and end around. Judge was too busy cutting off his nose to spite his face
  18. "In 2018, Toney was among seven Florida players suspended for “not living up to the Gator standard.” A month prior to that suspension, Toney was also stopped by the Gainesville Police Department and found to be in possession of an AR-15. At the time of Toney’s traffic stop, police questioned whether or not to arrest the receiver for improper storage of a firearm. However, because the rifle was not actually in Toney’s hands at the time of the stop, they deemed it to be in accordance with state’s open-carry laws. He was not charged." Also, he seemed to butt heads with Judge last year over not getting playing time early. He missed voluntary camps, and some of mandatory camp last year due to Covid. I guess the final straw was him not showing up to voluntary training this week. That said, Judge is Coughlin wanna-be. That style doesnt seem to work too well in the NFL anymore, and especially not for a terrible team. Judge kept him on the bench until injuries forced his hand. He came in and looked absolutely dynamic. I'm sure having Danny Dimes Nickels at QB didnt excite him either. Nobody is confusing him for the smartest guy but I think the problems are relatively minor, and being tossed into an elite offense, with a strong locker room around him could easily fix the problem. Seriously the guy was doing to NFL defenses the same things he did in college. Damn near untackleable!!! He's an absolute superstar in the making. I've never seen anything like it. 60 seconds of this video is all it takes. He's Tyreek but more athletic. I'd easily give up our first for him, and it won't take anywhere near that. Hes on a rookie contract. He's going to be the biggest trade steal in the last decade.
  19. I am so proud to have this guy in Buffalo. He just gets it! Seems like he'd be an absolute blast to hang out with, and no doubt in my mind hes the center of the culture in that locker room. All starts with him😍
  20. I have never seen a player move like this. Tyreek is faster but can't move anything like this. Look @ the play at 00:40 mark. His whole reel is doing stuff like this. I don't care who blasts me, this would be bigger than the Von Deal, and for next to nothing. Stick him in the slot, with Diggs and Davis.... how are you going to stop any of them? We're the Chiefs offense (with a better D and better QB) if we pull this off. BEANE AFTER DARK WAAAAAAAKE UPPPPPPPPPPP
  21. Not me. If Schoen has some attachment to Epenesa he can have him in this deal. I just can not see any player in the 3rd or later bringing what this guy does. Character concerns? I don't care if he's difficult to work with. Dorsey/McD are professional coaches. Work through it as best as you can. Even if its only a year or two, this guy is a threat to take it to the house EVERY play. Not to mention the impact of what he'd open up for Diggs/Davis.
  22. should be fairly easy. plenty of friends in NY, and he was just drafted last year (should be scouted well). This doesnt feel like a move our FO makes, but dang this would tip the scales. KC lost Tyreek, and we swing the closest comp you can get to him. Plus hes an absolutely electric return man.
  23. Weird that if this is the issue they couldnt work something out. Express your concerns (which i think are valid), ask to keep it under a certain number per game, or limit them to red zone. Seems dumb to let 1400 receiving yards out the door for 350 rushing yards. Edit: looking at his stat line he had 8 rushing Tds. Anybody watch him enough to know if most of those carries were coming in RZ?
  24. Justifying a DT in the 1st rd is hard enough and there certainly are exceptions... but add in a few DV's, and the fact he was surrounded by talent, and I'm not a fan of drafting him.
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