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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Because theres a 1 in 31 chance at landing a guy, provided you do want him. Giants take on half the salary in a more cost controlled scenario. Get rrrrr done
  2. Sure, as a non Titans fan lol would anyone have been cool with Hughes saying this about Rousseau last year? Exactly Nobody is outraged. I'd expect a qb to think that way, but volunteering dirty laundry to the media is stooopid
  3. Great interview. I love McAfee and what he brings to the table. He's got a great balance between dry ESPN type stuff, and Barstool where coaches players might be a touch hesitant to associate with. Beanes a cool cat. Surprised at how much inside baseball he gives. GMs are so secretive and rightfully so, but giving the fans a little taste is cool. Not exactly giving out trade secrets lol
  4. its just a dumb comment i didnt miss him before that, and i dont now. should be a major upgrade for us
  5. was fine up until he said "really just let us down, cause the fans arent out there". pretty tone deaf comment for a guy that spent what, 4 years here? lost focus, lack of attention to detail... wish we replaced him with someone the opposite of that, OH WAIT
  6. I'm likely in the minority here but I enjoy having Jerry around. I'm glad he doesn't own Buff lol but he's a big dumb loveable idiot, and basically a mascot for the league
  7. Anyone know what day this interview was from? I wanna go find the full length clip! It's the 2nd appearance in 2 or 3 mos, pretty cool. Pats gotta fill slots but there's no doubt he recognizes Beane has a cool chemistry with that shows vibe. You'll get a lot of candid insider info on the day in day out kinda stuff that takes place. Really cool hearing that kinda stuff.
  8. Mines more like **** 13 seconds, my life would be better if I never thought of it again. But thank you von Miller, beane, and I will thank kc for getting rid of tyreek Hill! The effect that dude has on a team is incalculable. If Cinci has him, they win SB. Same with us, San Fran. Maybe GB. Even if he turns in 3 catches, 48 yards, he amplifies everyone else that much. Imo, of course
  9. I'm in north Carolina and haven't been able to do online bets in the playoffs last year. I think I can place them at a casino though. For what it's worth, I also will be spending time in NY next month, and I believe I could place it up there I guess my question is more, can you bet on where a team will finish in a division? I know you can bet who wins the division, but unsure If you could bet who finishes 4th as it's a bit different bet than who a winner is
  10. I was wondering if he got nailed before too. I thought first strike was 4 games?
  11. Just not a great compound for the nfl. You can only run it a few weeks. There's a lot of water that cones with it. I guess they could run it during their off season strength program, but even then they're running it side by side with test, and test is doing 90% of the work. Strength gains and size from it are pretty short lived as well.
  12. dbol would be worthless to these guys. hgh makes a ton of sense for recovering from injury, but i doubt testing for that is very good, and league should turn a blind eye to it anyways. the only way its enhancing them is recovery, and theres no way the nfl wants these guys recovering at the rate that normal human beings do
  13. anybody that believes this league isnt by far the most PED riddled prof sport, by farrrrrrrrrrr, is naive or intentionally playing ostrich lol
  14. I get this way at the end of the draft too. Weird how much fun these are while literally zero actual football is played
  15. One of the admins posted a pic of her playing volleyball few mos back. She was a dime. It was in a thread about Dolphins coach not looking black and how genes can work like that.
  16. Hey im not exactly a gambling aficionados, but there's a fun bet I wanna put in. Anybody know a spot online I can bet that NE finishes last in division? No clue what odds would be but my uneducated guess would be like -250. Could be totally wrong there
  17. i remember their daughter is gorgeous and a good volleyball player
  18. Hopefully knox never saw her tweet about the shame of getting older is 'missing ankles behind her head sex' 😆
  19. not when your qb cant throw on the perimeters. God help us if BAL ever gets ahold of a QB who can use the whole field
  20. im stoked on this pick. worst case scenario, he checks the boxes that Edmunds does, while struggling with the same thing, getting off blocks. Hes speedy enough to avoid more blockers though. I think most realistic scenario, theyre mostly a wash, minus $15m cap, decisive , effective blitzer, and higher ceiling. I'm all about this pick
  21. BMI is a great chart for growing pre- pubescent children, and less useless than the wonderlic for pro athletes. people complain about things they dont understand in the least. theres not a single scout in the league that cares about BMI. Arnold during his Mr Olympia run was "obese" on BMI scale
  22. ok? josh is an elite runner at 3rd and short and would take him over atleast 25 other backs in 3rd n short. we shoulda took one of the multiple jonathan taylors of the draft lol and yeah because no pass catching rb has ever helped convert 3rd downs. you sound really smart, im more than willing to end a conversation with you
  23. hey you leave my ex out of this, she worked that pole as hard as she could to buy organic Whole Foods. Yes she burnt everything and it smelled awful, but you should see what she can do with non-GMO cucumbers!
  24. You must be trolling, some things never change lol
  25. Always loved the draft. Lacked a bit of the top end star power as usual, but as far as drafts go, theres football picks, highlights and dudez talking about them LOL exactly what i expected
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