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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. not to mention their body has to take a few bumbs, bruises, time practicing at 100% (not 75% or 95%), to get their bodies into shape to take a regular season beating. players sometimes get hurt in pre season, and taking their first hit regular season week 1 isnt doing them any real favors either. youre just changing the timeline of it
  2. Couple quick pinches in the ass and hulking food for a few weeks and muscle memory bounces back. Look at Gronk! Honestly I don't think there's anything to him trying to play, BUT hoping he's trying to get on staff!
  3. Anybody have a link to rewatch it? There used to be one called like TIMEKILLER???? ANYONEEEE PLZZZZZ
  4. Anybody know why Sewell was playing RT? Mentally it's the same thing, but muscle memory takes a hot mirroring your normal moves like that. Rousseau looked great, that sack looked exactly like his college tape. Bull rush yourself in the vicinity of qb and let them long arms finish it up. Super hard to defend. The dudes so raw, he has like 2years HS and one year college at the position. And shaking off a 16months of rust. Pretty impressive
  5. Wasn't it like a dog or a cat dying in an accident lol I mean prettyyyyyyy stupid way to piss off your boss that pays you absurd $
  6. Pass rush specialist. Not saying 10sack guy or anything but that seems like a pretty straight forward transition Lol I dropped a strong list with a handful of hall of famers
  7. The overlap between football and wrestling is huge. Mainly, understanding using your hips to generate sudden power. Possibly one of the most discipline driven sports. The dude might not ever be an all pro, but not difficult picturing any high level wrestler being able to carve out a role with some coaching. Off the top of my head here's some elite wrestlers that went on to have NFL careers Ray Lewis Robert Quinn Lorenzo Neal Tedy Bruschi Ronnie Lott Bo Jackson Bryant McKinney Warren Sapp Fred Smerlas Bruce Smith Ricky Williams Roddy White Jonathan Ogden 2020 there were 4 HS State Champ wrestlers drafted in the NFL. [Edit alot of those were of the top of my head, but I looked up an article to add some extra juice to the list lol]
  8. From my understanding the player has to be able to prove they aren't healthy enough to not play while under contract. There was a whole big thing with the Jets about it 2 years ago I believe. Team doctors cleared him, he refused to play, and he was fined heavily. That was a legitimate injury, if Watsons making up an injury seems it would be pretty easy to disprove, no? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.northjersey.com/amp/4021849002
  9. I thought to get in the stadium at all you needed to have a vaccine card? Did I hear that wrong? The wording of vaccinated fans won't be required to wear them outdoors, sounds like unvaxxed people will be in the stadium?
  10. Texans buried the guy on the nfl depth chart so the nfl is staying hands off until they "have" to do something. What I don't understand is at this point why not name him the starter, amd let HIM decide not to play. Then they're not paying him and might even be able to fine him. The whole situation is just bizarre
  11. Raw doggin' in high school, that end part was the bees knees. now im just tired and look like a raccoon all the time 😆
  12. dang im getting old lol first thought was wtf is that, followed by get outside ya damb kids 😆
  13. Id be beyond peeved if they exposed one of these guys, theres 0% chance of that happening, and 100% chance those players would get poached
  14. Oddly enough, that's only the 2nd weirdest thing I looked up online today 😅
  15. Anyone concerned with Darryl Williams. I feel like I've read about a few tough days for him now
  16. If you're not concerned with the perception of being a DB, it can be both things at the same time 😆 just gotta stomp your feet loud enough
  17. Would anyone dislike it if he stayed in the AFCE even? He's the type of LB we'd look to for a big ground day and pick on
  18. We've had a few gms that might have been in that spot 😆
  19. You flipped my view of siding with Howard when all this started. The Van Noy getting cut and other similar cuts/trades, that Howard s plea made sense... and I agreed, then you left me on this boat alone 😆 WFT broooo
  20. Thats like saying My favorite kind of genital mutilation 😆
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