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Everything posted by Manther

  1. I am Canadian and live in Southern Ontario. Actually very, very close to Hamilton. I am 100% against the Bills moving to Canada! The Canadian fans and market don't deserve it and would not support the Bills the way an NFL team should be supported!
  2. I am concerned. As long as Crossman is there I am concerned. It is also dissappointing we have given him so many resources to offset his inability to coach!
  3. If he is cleared how is it irresponsible for a team to sign him? Someone will sign him. It is not the teams job to worry about morals and ethics.....that is why doctors are used to clear or not clear players.
  4. I am not sure if Hackett can cut it. But, love the fact we surrounded him with every tool possible to succeed in the offseason.
  5. Agreed on the 2nd tier QB and the pay grade. I do not think it will happen until one of these QB's is allowed to hit free agency and it corrects the market. The first chance at this happening would be Dalton. Or will Cincy sign him to $20 million per year? Luck is worth more than Kap for sure.
  6. Agreed. A gamble that does not seem neccessary! Don't you think the 49ers could have signed him for less than Aaron Rodgers and Manning? Did they just throw the money at him or did he command it? That blows my mind!!
  7. I would take Robey over Brooks 10 out of 10 times. Past performance is the greatest indicator of future performance. Robey is limited, but, excels in what he can do. Brooks has proven over and over again to not be able to compete in this league AND not be able to stay healthy. Add that to he is from previous regime. Robey, 10 out of 10! Hands down! I don't disagree with you. I THINK we are on the same page?
  8. I don't remember the exact situations. I agree with you regarding liking stats and exacts, unfortunately I don't have them regarding Robey. But, it was late in the year. It was not often. It was 1-3 times a game when he played a lot of downs and the oppositions knew he was going to play a lot of downs when we had 3 CBs in the game due to lack of depth usually when a man was in motion to gain the mismatch. I don't dislike Robey at all. I like him....but, just for certain situations. Size is not everything, but, when you are 5 to 9 inches shorter than the WR you are one on one with it is very tough for Robey to win the battles. Blitzing and covering the WR in the slot he is excellent. It is when he is covering the slot WR and they run motion or audible Robey and the Bills are at a disadvantage. Once again, sorry for not having facts and examples...I would prefer if I did too. I don't recall him ever losing his man either.
  9. I love Robey. But, he can't play every down. When he did last year it allowed the opposition to get him one on one against a size mismatch. He is great as a situational and/or blitzing CB. He can't be our #3 CB. He can also fill in for injuries quite well more so during a game. When the opposition knows he will be playing a considerable amount, beside situational and blitzing play, that is when he gets in those tough matchups and gets burned.
  10. Agreed, true and funny! Totally agree. I think Manuel will be better than fine. But, if not, we need to get an established veteran QB with our ready to win now team!
  11. I just hope he is allowed to play in enough games to get 7 sacks!
  12. So true. It just isn't right. To make the money on the front end and then after for suing how you made your money. You can't double dip! Funny! But, probably true!
  13. I I agree with everything you said EXCEPT I don't think Searcy is a sure thing to make the roster. Not saying Searcy won't make the roster, but, I think it is far from determined already. Ladler could be a very good player for us. I do think he will make the roster. Also, Ladler thinks he will make our roster and that is why he signed in Buffalo.
  14. QB - Jim Kelly 5 RB - Thomas/Davis 4 WR = James Lofton 3 TE - Reuben Gant 2 DE - Phil Hansen 1 DT - Pat Williams 2 LB - Bennett/Talley/Conlan 5 CB - Nate Clements 2 S - Jairus Byrd 3 $27 on the button! Pretty tough to beat that team!
  15. I think they will be above .500 hundred. So, yes, we should worry about them.
  16. I like ours, Seattle's and Philly's the best. IF the coaches learn to get him in space OR he learns to run more north and south.
  17. Agreed. Not a knock on Leonhard, but, just the reality of the situation. He is old, slow and useful in only certain situations and schemes.
  18. I think it is obvious are FO and coaching staff feels our safeties are better than Leonhard or at least as good or we would have signed him. So, I feel we are in good shape if the FO and coaches do.
  19. Agreed. Brooks is getting looks to see what the staff thinks of him. He is a bubble player to make the roster. I believe he is on his 3rd coaching regime? And, has done nothing in many schemes.
  20. I was okay with Trump. Then read this topic. I feel even better about Trump compared to most options. +1 for Trump!
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