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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Too many people will stay with someone because "it is best for the kids" and truly mean it. One side is good until they have the kid and then let the crazy loose. I will tell you teaching these kids I can often tell the children of these parents because kids emulate their parents and I assure you that in the long run it is better to end it quickly then let it drag on for years. But I wish the best to Fluker and his family and hopefully somehow this comes out well.
  2. I really like Milano and know our defense is better with him on field but I think he has to be odd man out on money. We can't pay everybody 12 million a year and they need to look to pay Josh 30 at least. I also think his best attribute is flat speed and we can replace that easier than the other physical gifts of Tre and Edmunds.
  3. I definitely do not bash drafting him but wish contract had a lot more escalators in it. I though will admit I was shocked how lazy he got so quickly
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/news/research-puts-good-guy-gun-140100122.html This article is awesome in its limited scope to make a point. It's entire point is that in mass shootings - which is 4 or more people at once- that a good guy with a gun has almost never saved the day. They state there were 418 mass shootings last year of which I would bet 400 are gang related. When you have limit your argument is such a manner and then try to make overarching deductions it shows how little ground you have to stand on.
  5. I will wait for a source other than the family to confirm no underlying issues. I saw a story on CNN last week where they stated the people had only asthma as an underlying health issue but when I found pics of the two they were morbidly obese. I just don't trust CNN or anyone who runs a story simply off a family says. I feel bad for the family but their story on background is suspect since the mom is a teacher who wants to stay home.
  6. The virus has killed 0 kids who did not have serious health issues prior to getting Covid. That is why doctors are saying it is safe for kids to go back, 80+% of kids are more likely to be hospitalized by the flu this year than Covid.
  7. I appreciate your expertise but I am gonna go with the CDC, the pediatricians, and the vast majority of groups who deals with epidemiology.
  8. Actually he is at least trying to use logic and I have too much time on my hands. But you are not wrong.
  9. Your argument is done huh? I will rephrase what I meant and I agree I should have been more clear- in comparison to the death rate of liberal areas conservatives are doing a great job. Couple of things- the word is obfuscation and just because you don't like the facts I use does not mean it is a logical fallacy. If your entire point is the more recent info then you were using logical fallacy because you kept mentioning total numbers while trying to argue against only the new numbers.
  10. Poor rural whites got worse healthcare under Obama care then they got before it, so we have that. But more importantly what do democrats offer poor rural whites that Republicans do not?
  11. You special blend of total numbers and new numbers is fun especially where you look at percent increase and think it means conservatives are failing. We have huge increases because we kept out numbers so low. Also there are several areas of MS and AL that blue, just like as you pointed out Orange County CA. Lastly comparing Orange County CA at 556 deaths when they have a 4 million population to LA county with 10 million and 4300 deaths is exactly my point, conservatives are not perfect but overall we will do better than liberals with same rules and consequences
  12. I would be shocked if they did the race in January- I was at EPCOT Monday and it was a ghost town. The marathons are big money makers but the way they crowd you will make it unlikely
  13. I agree but I am wondering at what level a no knock warrant is issued? How bad of a dude does he need to be? Because this should only be used in extreme cases of literal drug Lord's who hire out executions. I don't know if this guy was really that bad but from the stories around the situation I doubt it. I think the issue is more with the warrant structure than cop structure.
  14. Good for him giving up money to help people who need it, not something you see very often.
  15. So you think the "circumstances" of the situation is by chance? I am glad you admit that conservatives have done a better job even if you think it is mere coincidence that the circumstances are different. I am going to link to a video of people I am confident are liberals, and besides the shooting I see no masks despite the mandate, and no social distancing. And yes I think this is much more typical in liberal places than conservative. www.foxnews.com/us/chicago-police-release-video-of-deadly-shooting-in-hopes-of-nabbing-suspects.amp
  16. Where did you read/hear this? I think you are making up this rumor to make a point.
  17. The problem for Florida is many of the testing sites are not reporting the negative tests. Orlando Health had a site that forgot the decimal point making 9.8 into 98. And they did not do it once but many times. Also Miami Dade and Palm Beach are basically different worlds to the rest of Florida, they will continue to have higher tests than the rest of us due to the lack of proper behavior
  18. In 2016 they predicted Hillary winning 3 states she lost and that is not including the "tossup" states. Even if they are not political operatives their handle on Trump is not great.
  19. You have gone back to simply being a troll- and the best part is you are proving everything Sowell says about liberals and there inability to separate facts from emotions.
  20. That was a lot of words to say you are only looking at recent cases and only regarding the State color, not the area color. If you restrict your data that way, then you are right. I think that looking at the cases more locally is important, not to mention the openness of businesses. I though certainly understand how your students might get lost in your meandering directions, I find being succinct works well with high school kids
  21. I perceive winning as 90% of companies have kowtowed to them. All sport leagues are "honoring" them even overseas.
  22. I will invite you to come to Florida- no income tax, low property taxes, and our governors don't go to jail or kill people. Please avoid Miami area, it is great to visit but don't live there.
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