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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. So are you telling me that 1989 to 2019 was cooler that 1988? That would seem to debunk the whole global warming thing, but I am quite sure you mean this as an "interesting" piece of trivia with no implication beyond a small fact.
  2. You are very reasonable and therefore you will be no fun to argue with.?
  3. They have not given a name or information on how they know who it is. They also are not pressing going to arrest him or charge him I found out from CNN. The only official comment I could find from the MPD said it was an ongoing investigation. Lastly they reported a month or so ago this guy was a cop, but now we believe it is a white supremacists. Slim just keep believing whatever you want and only read what you agree with.
  4. I think this was taken back when he was in Iowa for the caucus. It just was buried for awhile.
  5. I have already stated that DeSantis never should have opened the bars, I also know Miami is rough shape because people there refuse to follow the rules and laws set out about Covid especially social distancing. As for a one term gov, I will wait to see our options because I am not a 1 topic voter. I am curious do you just dislike him because of Covid or other things also?
  6. So I am correct but it is much more common knowledge then I realize? I call that a win for me. ?
  7. We fired the head of the state health dept? When? You figured that would be big news. I assume you mean the girl who wanted to put unverified numbers online. She was a geography major who was hired to input data and helped build the interface. She was fired because she would not put in proper data. In the two months since she was fired she has been charged with cyberstalking and not one person she worked with has defended her but several have called her out. We still have issue with data Orlando Health forgot decimal points a few times which skewed out numbers to look worse than they were but I doubt it is in deaths.
  8. Short version- we will not agree because you think 48 states got lucky and NY did not. There is one reason that NY had such an absurdly high number- Cuomo sent sick into nursing homes when it was known age was the largest factor in death. If it was not known why did 48 other governors not do the same thing? As I stated Florida has not been perfect but I will use death rate as my biggest indicator of proper response. If you notice my discussion with him total deaths is not a good way to determine leadership, in fact from what I can gather it is the only thing that does not matter in leadership.
  9. I grew up in Rochester and was told by some Kodak employees that Kodak created a digital camera before most others but mothballed it because they did not think it would viable for decades. Those decades obviously were shrunk down to much less.
  10. I live in Florida and wish we had not reopened the bars, and recognize that as a mistake but your defense of a completely inept response is mindboggling. Your state has 32,000 deaths to Florida's 6000. It is not hind sight to say putting sick people in with the most vulnerable is a terrible idea and it was known in early march, because of Italy, that being older made you more vulnerable. I will not argue past this because you and I value different numbers, I think deaths is the most important by a wide margin, you clearly think a case with minor symptoms is equal otherwise you would not mention NY as doing well.
  11. I used to think being a Nazi was worse than being a Communist but then I spoke with some old men while visiting Latvia a couple of years ago. The Nazis did not rule your life like Communists did. In Latvia they recognize that Communist would murder you for any version of disageement, the Nazis allowed much more flexibility, just don't get in the way. Both are evil, the degree is only question.
  12. If you were trying to defend Communists you failed- if you are simply proving the point Communists suck, you are correct.
  13. To state NY did it smart tells me something-you live in NY and don't understand why people keep moving. NY handled it terribly and while other states are not perfect the example of what not to do it NY and NJ.
  14. The death rate is not a big thing apparently but young people with a sore throat is, I am confused by this logic.
  15. I stated in the beginning- but I will repeat for those of whom reading comprehension is elusive- black neighborhoods are mainly ones being burned, blacks are mainly ones being murdered in NYC and Chicago. If having your home burned down and your neighbors killed is winning what is losing?
  16. Yesterday someone emailed me from here to apologize since their tone came off bashing teachers in general, but when our union does the crap it does while "representing" me it is hard not to bash teachers. I am am thankfully not forced to pay for my union and I have not and will not since it is more political than helpful.
  17. Trump has never been a true conservative but he is much more conservative than an Dem. Fiscally he is conservative compared to Biden, and State rights he is better than either Clinton or Obama. As for the government interference you are simply showing how proudly ignorant you are, that is one of the accusations against him from the left that is allowing too much to happen without govt oversight. I don't love Trump but he is far better than the leftist alternative.
  18. Actually this kind of quote is pertinent today because so many people are proud of their ignorance and remain that way to help their arguments. My ten year old has a bed time of 9 pm during the summer. She for a few days early on get in bed at 830 and read, so we would say our goodnights. The problem was she would not go to bed at 9, and would simply not look at her clock. She said twice I didn't know what time it was and she should not be punished due to that. Liberals are using a similar thought process, they don't want the info that disagrees with them but want to not face the consequences of their beliefs
  19. So what caused the 1st 45 days of violence before the Feds showed up? And why do you care about the racial makeup of the community? It seems you think White people should be treated differently despite the violence.
  20. as a teacher these tools make my job so much harder in convincing parents my main goal is to help their kids, not get paid. If a parent believes I want to help their kids they help me but if they think I am there for the money they fight me.
  21. After much too much thought about this trade I think the Jets did extremely well. They traded a player who was going to cause problems in the locker room most likely and got a strong haul in return. I also think the Jets GM might be ok with this being a lost year and this makes them better in a few years.
  22. I can clearly see that reading comprehension is not your strong point so let me write the whole thing again- if we shut down the country completely again to save people from Covid then we will spike domestic abuse and suicides to a higher level than the Covid deaths during the shut down. The fact you actually believe that a Twitter post will make it more true tells me a lot about you.
  23. Put him on ignore- he is the only person on my list. He has no intention of being reasonable or intelligent.
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