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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. If you consider every player based on financial cost to the team, then Long can easily be replaced at less cost.
  2. So which states do you feel is doing it properly? I live in FL which is only state he has praised because we require you to actively ask for the ballot by mail. In Cali they are sending it to dead people and people that use to live at that address. Hell in NY they can't count 30k ballots for a primary, what will happen in Nov with 40 million mail in ballots? I do love the comment about being independent, what you mean is that you are happy being ignorant and it is easier to insult other than actually argue logically or intelligently.
  3. Good to know you think that sending out ballots the way the blue states are doing it is a bad idea. I also appreciate you recognize that both sides have committed fraud and stamping out the fraud should be out concern but currently that is not something any blue state is doing and it appears some are promoting fraud.
  4. I am out of the NHL even more than the NBA because the NHL actually flew a Canadian citizen to a game they were not playing in just to kneel for the American national anthem. I was all primed to watch also but they had to ruin it with politics
  5. miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article244480437.html Ithis article from a liberal newspaper quoting liberals in Bidens campaign stating he is trying to suppress the Latino vote here in Florida, says your blame is misguided. I bet you think the long wait at the polls in FL is due to conservatives also?
  6. How would they check a signature u less someone went down to the office to give them a signature in the first place? Why not just give them a ID when they prove who they are.
  7. I am curious if you can tell me who won the 12th district of NY primaries that was suppose to be finished in June? Because if NYC can't reasonably count 40k in less than a month and a half, how do expect our country to count 40 million mail in votes? Or are you cool with the count going into March of next year? But it funny you use NY as your example of how to do things because NY is once again the prime example of how not to do things.
  8. If you watch MLS it is not even close to Premiership. MLS is basically double AA ball, and will remain so unless for some reason they start paying at a much higher level. Few great European will come to USA to play unless the money is substantially higher.
  9. I know you aren't attacking me but in FL info not have to join the union, I would if it was not so political, but right now they work for me about 25% of the time
  10. If she had simply stating it was at end of quarter and they would reevaluate it in early October would have at least given the possibility of it being anything except politics. Her acting like she does not understand the question shows how few times she gets asked a hard question.
  11. The charter school is a threat to my job just as other banks were a threat when I was in banking. If I can't convince people I am their best option for their kids, why should they be stuck with me? No one of intelligence argues that competition causes worse results for the consumer, no matter the industry.
  12. This is a rant and I know this is anecdotal but just got out of first meeting of year with about 40 people in meeting room, the rest teleconference. 8 people were hugging, and hovering around each other for several minutes until my principal had to actually tell them to separate. The reason I am so pissed is these 8 are some of the biggest union people who have publicly bitched about having to return to school and how schools will not do a good job of stopping the virus. I was not overly worried about getting sick at school until I saw them because how can I discipline a child when they can't be responsible?
  13. Actually I am pretty sure it is Section 8- they both use the same stupid arguments and one types hoax and the other Liar as whole responses
  14. If a team wanted a bubble they could make it happen at a local college dorm that did not have students on site, but players don't want that. This season will go on fine because even if a player gets it he will only miss 2 games most likely and every team has to work through rosters that way every year. Will it always be pretty of course not, but I would not be surprised if teams did a bubble the last 2 weeks of season and into playoffs.
  15. I agree that the debt is a bad thing- so you think Biden will make it better? Once again name one conservative item Biden is better on?
  16. Why do you feel the need to take away others freedoms? My first real job out of college I got 5 days of vacation each of my first 4 years. I also made 25k more in 2005 then I do now. That job allowed me the ability to build my house and set up a life for me and my kids. If that job required me to take 5 weeks of vacation the office would have had to hire more people and that would have been less for me. I understand you are a minimum effort guy but please allow us who work hard the freedom to use our abilities.
  17. Of course you did- which policy does Biden espouse that previous GOP candidates believed in? I know you believe Trump is a racist, bigot, idiot because you said so, no evidence needed.
  18. I am not bothered by the cutting after a year because usually the player gets a nice signing bonus and makes a good chunk of change just for signing. I also know players can buy insurance against injury which would still make them multi millionaires. I do see your point but just disagree.
  19. Wow I feel like I am in 1975 with the mention of Archie bunker. Minorites are truly only oppressed in progressive areas. The blacks and minorities who go to school with my kids compete and succeed at the same level as the white kids. Your ignorance that 90% of the worst school districts in this country are fully run by liberals shows you just want to blame others for your failings. My job is to make sure my kids get a fair shake and my students achieve as much as possible, both things I am quite sure you do nothing to help with.
  20. I am serious when I say this- the American left has turned into Nazis. They burn books, attack anyone who disagrees, want socialism, want to destroy history,blame societies ills not on individuals but on institutional problems. The problems for these people are not themselves or their neighbors but the others who have no relation to them. I am amazed also at the number of people who complain about problems that are far worse in progressive areas and lay them at the feet of conservatives.
  21. I especially understand guys holding out at the end of rookie contract but the guys who sign the next contract then hold out quickly. It is not an ethics situation but why not just get a better contract in first place?
  22. In 2018 Josh threw bullets down field on every attempt. Last year he attempted a lot more lofted throws, which are needed to be a great pro. He was terrible at them early in year and just bad at end of year. If he can get average at it this year he will be a top 10 guy.
  23. I am not stating you are wrong but the job description is very pertinent to this. My cousin does small business finance and they were quickly able to do their job from home, and they will likely change there the office needs based on currently only needing to go in twice a week and getting everything else done from home. I as a teacher need to see kids face to face to make it work properly. The 4th quarter was abysmal for effort and achievement from the kids.
  24. We already discussed this and your lying again- more than half of state have a free form of ID and the rest should but you can't force NY and CA to do the right thing. Petition fraud being different than registration fraud does not mean the second one does not exist. Trying to reshape the narrative just shows what a poor lawyer you must be. The they is people like you- people who have TDS so bad you have no ethics
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