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Everything posted by BUNCH OF MULARKEY

  1. Better them overpaying him than us... hope he works out for them like Byrd did for the Saints.
  2. Happy Birthday! Only sausage at that party is on the grill !
  3. Actually, your both right. Genearal Tso became somewhat of an American sympothizer many years after the Great War with constant recollections of Pearl Harbor.
  4. I was just gonna say this.I think those tv mounts are a joke anyways. I made my own for 3 bucks. Hasn't fell yet.
  5. Because....he's an idiot.I get what all you constitutin gun toters are sayin. The guy tried to get noggin and got set up. Then waves his piece. He should borrow Colin's socks. Bye bye..this isn't Reggie White here.
  6. I used to like frizbees, think it was on elm wood or Delaware, more towards Sheridan. Think they had stereos and headphones you could use there. Probably 20 years ago.
  7. Best part is you can usually find a vacancy.I worked in a nearby building, we would watch them take at least 2 or 3 bodies out of there a week.
  8. Exactly. The only tank Mike "mad dog" Waufle is interested in is Sherman tanks that flank enemy positions. I bet no one here has the gumption nor the intestinal fortitude to even suggest this to mad dog or butterbean junior. He would rip your head off and crap down your neck. How dare you people live under the blanket of protection that he provides and the question the matter in which he provides it.
  9. Hey look there's obviously problems with this guy. He's not resigning here. Low first or high to mid 2nd ...take the pick and run.. Y'all work your little jobs
  10. Don't get me wrong I'm against taxpayer money funding stadiums. But there is at least some return on investment with all the money it brings to the area. Hotels, alcohol, charcoal, parking, wegmans, airfare, merchandise, gas sales, restaurants, etc etc. But hey if you'd rather them leave and think no money out, no money in is better, then I don't know what to tell ya.
  11. Thanks 4 posting. I thought peterman looked good, remember they only practice a couple days for this game. He's in control.
  12. Peerless Price's mama named him after a Peerless moving truck drove by.
  13. It's a gettin closer. Goin faster than a roller coaster.
  14. I've seen "hustle" and "set the edge" more than once in this thread. I didn't like the pick, and I still don't. Hope I'm wrong.
  15. Let's not forget Liberache wore giant rings when he played piano.Not exactly Super Bowl rings, but if steel sharpens steel so be it. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-Mu5HlQk1QII%2FWAJmoly-5GI%2FAAAAAAAAhko%2FZNSllsZy9D4Kdm6xp9DZCXPtnj79b11gwCK4B%2Fs1600%2FLiberace%252Bthe%252BKing%252Bof%252BBling.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.billionairegambler.com%2F2016%2F10%2Fliberace-rings-jewelry.html&docid=58HnzIOFNl-01M&tbnid=soAssyv4ASm14M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwieioPM997TAhWJxYMKHa4cAjIQMwglKAEwAQ..i&w=642&h=450&hl=en&client=safari&bih=729&biw=1024&q=liberace%20rings&ved=0ahUKEwieioPM997TAhWJxYMKHa4cAjIQMwglKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  16. Did you know he was in a rap group as a child? https://goo.gl/images/WCnfpX
  17. Pancake blocks and finishes are great. Looks like he needs to keep his arms inside more or he will draw some flags at this level.
  18. "But several nonprofit monitors said Best Buddies appears to be falling short by not reporting the payments to Brady’s foundation on its state and federal tax documents as fund-raising expenses." “It looks sloppy,’’ said Art Taylor, president of the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. “The charity might want to clean it up a little bit and say Brady is providing this fund-raising service to us, thus we are compensating him in this way.’’ - He even cheats at charity.
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