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Everything posted by BUNCH OF MULARKEY

  1. Dennis: I can't find quarters coverage on this thing anywhere. What the heck..Rob: He's right Rex. It's not on there! I looked twice! Rex: Um guys, that's the card for Jacksonville.
  2. I don't know what it is about him, but at 6'3" he reminds me more of a heavy wide receiver than a tight end. He is fast and a willing blocker. Id prefer more of the Jason Witten (6'6), Pete Metzalaars (6'7) type larger frame TE's.
  3. I'd rather risk a second rounder on Kelly vs. a pick like Cyrus K.
  4. I used to enjoy the coaches press conferences. I liked Chans southern charm and (sorry).. I even liked Marrones because he was a nut case.Rex just spews the same garbage every time like you said. I at least was hoping he'd be good interview when he was hired. Now I don't even listen.
  5. It would be a nice Sunday surprise if they won. Like finding a ten dollar bill in the laundry. A little hope. On the flip side they may be better off in the long run if they get blown out.
  6. The book is out on him. Jets and Ravens were dead set on keeping him from breaking contain and covering routes between the hash and sideline. Unless they can counter this he is toast.
  7. I was skeptical when reading your crusades as far as spiller and Goodwin. They get pushy and old but you weren't wrong.Now I'm thinkin ur right again. It really irritated me he wasn't on the field in desperation time Thursday, if only to be a decoy. Instead he mopes around like a big shot on the sidelines. Makes me wanna puke.
  8. This. Good teams make tough decisions and let good players walk.The philosophy supposedly was to draft a corner every year. There will be another good one next year.
  9. The problem is that we always try to either save a buck or hire an offensive or defensive genius, who has to wear two hats. When in fact a head coach should concentrate on being a manager. Game manager, clock manager, media, flight manager, discipline..etc. It's too much for anyone to be a coordinator and a head coach.
  10. Anything is possible from that mess I suppose but I doubt it. If a series is scripted the idea fast pace, don't let the D substitute. Our guys expect what play is next. The major complaint from that game were calls coming in slow, so no I don't think so.
  11. The idea of scripting plays is not so rigid that the quarterback has to throw to a certain receiver no matter what. He still has to make his reads.The idea is setting up a series of plays that compliment eachother that are rehearsed so that they can be ran quickly. Like using a stretch running play early to set up the QB to boot off the same motion later in the series when the D is gassed.
  12. I like the second line of Rex's quote. "He's been with me now for seven years. So he's a great football coach." Oh so just being around the almighty Rex makes him "great". Wow. Just wow.
  13. Kid rocks distance is perfect now, kicking just inside the 10 is better than giving up the 25
  14. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FDJnKm6ftPu0%2Fhqdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDJnKm6ftPu0&docid=3Mu4D7GjaCW8QM&tbnid=q2qX9n-phl3EaM%3A&w=480&h=360&hl=en&client=safari&bih=672&biw=1024&ved=0ahUKEwj21ridi_LOAhVGOSYKHfPND1cQMwhvKDMwMw&iact=mrc&uact=8Maybe this guy
  15. Thank you kind sir... It's a bonus we don't have to play him on special teams anymore.
  16. May be off thread but...Guy 1 gets arrested once for DWI. Vs... Guy 2 who smokes weed at home playing xbox. While.... guy number 3 is driving 4 kids in a minivan. Who is the loser?
  17. I listened to the interview on the way home from work. I enjoyed it because even by shooop and bulldogs standards it was very laid back. I think that the football team at St. John fisher were practicing, and bulldog asked him what he was thinkng when he was that age.. And then why he decided to go to Clemson and whatnot. They finished with asking him about the foot said nautaulantly, "I'll be good"
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