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Chuck Schick

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Everything posted by Chuck Schick

  1. Shady McCoy....great trade that really helped give the team some credibility for a few years. Of course Whaley botched it by renegotiating his contract, but oh well.
  2. Seattle’s D was every bit as bad with Adams as they’ve been without him. What else we got
  3. ... the Dolphins dismantled the Forty-Niners. NE dismantled the Dolphins. Wait, where was I going with this??
  4. Exactly. Edmunds was scraping from inside out so he wouldn’t overrun it (somewhat shockingly!), and Burkhead 34 got his outside shoulder and then Wynn 76 immediately got him on his inside shoulder.
  5. Edmunds played much better today but still made some big mistakes in the second half. Don’t forget the NE o-line is still legit. Let’s just hope he continues to improve. He seemed more decisive today, which is nice to see.
  6. Milano seemed to have an absolutely horrible day. Multiple missed tackles
  7. And this was of course before the scoreboard and clock were constantly in the corner, along with the crawl at the bottom of the screen. People would lose their minds if they did that now
  8. People (including Greg Gumbell) saying that was the team's first INT today....did Wallace not have one against the Rams??
  9. I haven't seen any "Ahh $#%&, I JUST got my Spain #67 jersey from Amazon!" complaints, so we've got that going for us.
  10. We are so used to the Pats running away with the Division and essentially playing for home field after about Week 8, I think we have a warped sense of reality. The Bills just need to scrape and claw, hopefully get healthy and hot at the right time. McD will also need to keep making adjustments, obviously.
  11. I'm really curious to see what McD does with Hughes in the upcoming weeks. He blatantly crashed down and gave up his containment multiple times, finally getting the hook from McD late in the game. I could see this turning into Hughes' undoing if he isn't contrite about it. I get the vibe that McDermott will take this defensive meltdown very personally and won't hesitate to tear someone a new a-hole if he needs to.
  12. Are you sure hip hop is a thing any more? 🤪 ( I actually have no idea, but I think it's all called rap now from what I can tell...but who knows). Rap is king right now for kids but there's definitely a chunk of business going to "classic' and alt rock. Buying record players and vinyl is kind of a thing again for kids (I am talking late teens/early 20's).
  13. A true statement probably 5 or 10 years ago, but look around at some of the younger kids (HS age) and you'll see a bunch of 80's era rock T-shirts, etc. It has come around full circle. They are seeing stuff like Motley Crue's "The Dirt" on Netflix and thinking hard rock is pretty cool again. Go figure.
  14. Aikman was throwing Gregggg all kinds of praise during the game, which was weird.
  15. Yeah, he “caught” that thing with his forearms. Ball was moving all over the place. Shortly after they tried to throw a fade to the corner... he did some weird stutter step move on the LOS that fooled no one. The commentator was perplexed 🤔
  16. He overthrows that ball by 6 inches and people are screaming that he didn’t just put it where it needed to be to get the first down (which is what he did)
  17. What I saw yesterday was Josh putting the ball in pretty tight places, often times with the receiver right at the sideline. Jets D wasn’t giving up the home run ball. Even that pass to Beasley down the middle, I think that was a great throw. We needed to move the sticks, don’t hang the ball up over the tiny Beasley’s head or give a Jet DB a chance to make a play on it.
  18. To say any business- or even industry -is bullet proof is kind of a weird thing to say these days. My kids’ HS team had to cut kids just 4 or 5 years ago, and now they’re barely fielding a team with like 25 guys. Things change, appetites change, and sometimes you don’t see it coming.
  19. I’ve looked all over the place and can’t find any new info... are you guys hearing any updates on attendance at Bills games? I’ve got tickets and an AirBnB for Pats game, and the host is telling me there will be no fans allowed, and is asking if I want to cancel. Im clinging to hope that there’s still a chance....?
  20. Maybe, but bringing in a high profile vet QB seems to never end up being low risk. Any other position, sure. But if Cam comes out and gets hurt or craps the bed, and the QBs behind him are now unprepared and unconfident, things might get ugly.
  21. You going to the bathroom was the good luck that led to the Bills’ winning! ..or at least that’s how I would look at it ?
  22. Love the hat/ jacket combo! Leave no doubt
  23. Good point about the tackling... from highlights he does have a good habit of swallowing up the ball carrier. It seems guys like Hughes and Edmunds have a tendency to reach at the guy, with less impact.
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