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Wazzu Bill

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Everything posted by Wazzu Bill

  1. So based on your post, it appears that a 9-7 team may enter the playoffs. If so, who's shaping up to have the advantage? Is it divisional record or strength of schedule? We had a better shot winning the bengals game than the browns. But, you're right....
  2. Anyone else secretly hoping refs ruled Johnson's grab a completion in order to supply more rant material?
  3. This one. For the second time this season, we failed to get in on first and goal from the one. Not to mention, we're starting our FOURTH string quarterback - stupid announcers kept getting it wrong. Kolb, EJ, Thad, Tuel is 4.
  4. I count that roughing the passer call as payback for the unnecessary roughness called (on Aaron Williams?) where the shoulder pad happened to hit the receivers helmet as they were running past each other. As far as I'm concerned, the NFL owes us 50 yards, or however damn long that play was. I'm sick of knowing the outcome of a review before the broadcast. It started with the illegal forward pass 13 years ago in Nashville, and it continues today. You're right that call didn't decide the game. BUT I disagree when you say it was questionable in the first place. IMO he had as much possession of the ball as Dez Bryant had last week in his TD before stepping out of bounds. When you roll on the ground maintaining possession and the DB knocks it away from you, it should be a catch.
  5. That makes sense in every way. Unfortunately some things will never become reality when there's too much money at stake for the high ups in the world.
  6. Win-lose better than a lose-lose situation. Damn dolphins.
  7. Dolphins filling less than a quarter of their seats don't deserve to win. Here we are at 3-5 with a sold out game this weekend. Why do the gods hate us
  8. As pointed out earlier, I agree pompoms seem to lessen crowd noise. Something that hasn't been pointed out - does it seem a little strange that they expect fans to show up in, of all colors, WHITE - everyone owns a white T shirt, but it's freezing outside. Who in the hell owns a white jacket? 2-1 for white out, I'm not sure if we had the pompoms in all 3 games?
  9. The Bills never have an even playing field what are you talking about. Per usual, it will be a crop of healthy starters vs. our backup skill players
  10. For the super bowl I like Green Bay or the Saints vs. Denver. I think the Colts will make an excellent run but when they visit the Mile High City, Peyton will be back for revenge. I don't think the Hawks have what it takes to get a run of playoff wins. I agree with you on everything you mentioned, except I think San Diego is a clear cut better team until the Browns get their QB situation handled. I think KC gets the edge because of better QB and coaching...they won't let an easy game slip. But damn Cincy is good. I think Cincy has more potential to keep games close against tough opponents. Honestly I think KC would get destroyed by a team such as the Colts or Pats.
  11. The redskins stayed in the game against Denver for over two quarters yesterday, and quite frankly could have stayed in it if RGIII and their backup didn't keep throwing so many picks. Point is, the playoffs are the playoffs, anything can happen. Making the playoffs would mean more than "feeling great", it would be a significant step for this organization. When our team isn't perceived as a joke we won't get star players wanting out of here when their contracts expire.
  12. It was on the tip of my tongue that I read that somewhere....thanks for bringing that up. Bernard seemed real down to earth. Now that he made the team and will likely get resigned I'm sure he'll fork over the cash for his own car though lol
  13. Thinking about this makes me so heartbroken we couldn't pull off Cincy for 4-4. 3-5 is rough, but I like our chances of going 8-8 or 9-7.
  14. Agreed...while Thad has an impressive arm sometimes, I think he struggles making quick decisions. His inexperience shows.
  15. Did you watch the game today? Geno is boom or bust, Manuel is far more consistent and will improve
  16. Its great to find good things to keep your mind off the bills loss. Watching the Lions take a **** on the Cowboys definitely cheered me up. And watching the Jets play like a division II college team is also giving me a quarter chub.
  17. Yeah...there is no doubt we were pretty messy at times. But 3-5 with the schedule we have had is something I can stomach. I expect the Bills to get hot in the second half of the season. Thad has a good arm he's showing some serious issues with his ball control.
  18. The Saints won because they have a hall of fame QB chucking the ball against a talented, but still young secondary. No shame in us losing to them. The Bills showed that we have a chance to give KC their first loss next week, I'm pretty confident in that. We played pretty well.
  19. True for most cases. However our WL against the patriots seems to be an accurate curse/prediction Outside of the division, especially outside the conference, it is a meaningless stat
  20. I know Tebow is a pretty bad QB, but one has to think he would be a decent filler until the end of the season so the rams can draft one next spring...Tebow at least knows how to manage an offense and throw some mildly accurate check downs.
  21. I agree, except Indy should also be at the front of the pack. Spot on. We have always had flashes of excellence, but we can never maintain it throughout the season. Hopefully this is something Marrone can fix.
  22. I think the 3 games after the Saints are far more important. If we lose to the Saints, I couldn't give a darn. I personally think they are on par with (or better than) the Seahawks and 49ers. Not to mention we are on the road with Spiller unlikely to play, leaving Freddy with most of the work - with his nagging injury, this isn't a good idea. Point is, if we win, AWESOME. But I'm not getting my hopes up. What will be most important is can we beat the Chiefs at the Ralph? Can we get revenge on the Jets? If we win 2-3 games going into the bye, we will be in playoff contention.
  23. And losing three straight, latest being off a bye against the 4th place div team, won't help their ticket sales.
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