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Wazzu Bill

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Everything posted by Wazzu Bill

  1. Yep, that's how I see him being used best. Freddy is an excellent RB between the tackles...someone who can just plow through and pick up a few yards even when there's a stacked box. We need CJ to be running more routes to the flat and right over the line like a TE. If we do this more often we should open up the box so when we want him to run up the middle he won't be met by 7 waiting defenders
  2. I look at what happened to the GB Packers yesterday and realize it's what separates the big dogs from...us. They start off the season with RB Eddie Lacy, then he gets injured so they play James Starks. He also gets injured so they play Jonathan Frankin - who I believe was this year's 3rd round draft pick for them - and he lights up the field! We are spending nearly all of our draft picks to fill the holes in our starting line ups, while other teams get to use the draft to create depth when their starters (inevitably) get injured. I'm not blaming the Bills organization for this. There's nothing they can do to stop all these injuries. I mean who would have expected our start CB to get injured, then our next rising star CB to get injured 3 games in? It's terrible luck....just part of being a Bills fan.
  3. Exactly. Not only has it been up the middle every time but it's been out of #&%ing read option every time. The defense sees the play before it even happens! I was thinking that too...it used to be "we must be hiding the deep ball, can't wait til we unleash it". Now its "oooooh...that's why they were hiding it" While from what we saw of Goodwin he didn't have great hands, he was definitely a burner and that also hurts our deep ball...=/
  4. After reading through many of the threads, it seems many fans are not happy with Spiller's performance. While it has clearly not been stellar, I have been finding his opportunities slim. He is a dynamic player and can do many things on the football field - so why do we keep feeding it to him up the middle OVER AND OVER again. Maybe I'm wrong. Admittedly I watch the games at a Seahawks sports bar so I can never get a great view of the Bills games. But from what I can gather, Hackett seems to think that if we just hand it off to him up the middle every time CJ will break free. What happened to the screens, the dump offs over the line, etc.? I've always thought those type of plays were Spiller's strong points. That being said, I feel like the playbook we have seen so far lacks a lot of novelty. Why did we go deep 5+ times today on third down when Manuel wasn't even able to keep the ball in bounds? I have been way more unhappy with the play calling over the past 3 weeks than with Spiller. Thoughts?
  5. Giants. I understand everything on the bills flow chart except no facial hair? Every bills fan needs a giant beard - it serves a dual purpose: keeps you warm in the winter games and is a disguise if you're ashamed when the bills are losing!
  6. I agree completely...although I'm not sure if I would put any money on us making the playoffs this year. HOWEVER there is a difference between this rebuilding season and previous rebuilding seasons...where before it was "we need new players at every position and coaching staff" it's now "we have good players here and there, all we need is a few holes to fill and we'll have a sure playoff contending team" That being said, the AFC is really up in the air this year so who knows?
  7. I second that. I love chandler but there's something about him and EJ that just isn't clicking. It may or may not be his fault but either way it's the nature of the game and we need to think about new TE options!
  8. While running backs do have short lives, it's critical to have a good RB to keep your passing game alive. Since the browns just threw away their star RB, they are taking a step back in developing their pass attack. The way this season is already looking for them, they will get a better pick than the colts as it is if they were looking at drafting a QB...(unless they have traded their 2014 1st rd pick away and need a new one?) In any case, it makes my fantasy decision easy this week. I'm playing the waivers for DEF and was either gonna pick up Bills (v. Jets) or Vikings (v. Browns). With Weeden out and Trich gone, the Browns will essentially be a turnover machine. I'm putting my waiver request in for the Vikings DEF now...any opinions?
  9. I was listening to the game on the radio...both teams played so bad I almost fell asleep at the wheel. I don't know who's compiling that list but no way in hell are the raiders the 21st best team in the NFL
  10. A perfect power ranking is one that accurately ranks which teams are better than others. Since it's mostly opinion based and basically impossible to predict the outcomes of each franchise for the rest of the season, none of the power ranking polls are perfect o_O I like that one! Except I fail to understand why the seahawks are considered a better team than the broncos. The hawks beat the 49ers in a complete downpour of rain (which they are used to in seattle), and with a home crowd that was the loudest in NFL history (kaeprnick was having to use hand signals just to call out plays). I would find it hard to believe that sophomore Russel Wilson would be able to go against Peyton Manning and walk away with a win...that's just my two cents.
  11. There are many websites that publish their power rankings week to week...I prefer the AP Pro32, but none of them are perfect. What power rankings do you all tend to give the most credit? On to the main point - the Bills! According to the AP Pro32, we went from #30 before the preseason began, to #29 after the preseason, and #28 after our close loss to the Pats. http://www.pro32.ap.org/poll It will be exciting to see where we end up after yesterday's win. Granted, the Panthers aren't an outstanding team and we do have a lot of work to do, but I think the Bills have proven we won't roll over every week and be a free win for other teams. We should be the favorite against the Jets, and if we make it to 2-1 we could even have the confidence to give the Ravens a run for their money. I'm hoping for AT WORST #25 in tomorrow's poll. If we can keep our momentum we should be in the low 20's in no time.
  12. What kind of people are you playing with that you could trade stevie for gore...I want to join your league.... But in the mean time, give stevie the start
  13. I believe we did on the drive where we punted around the 50 yd line....the drive everyone wishes we went for it on 4th and 1
  14. Just a few personal thoughts: First, NFL rewind was a great investment. I saw the game muted at a sports bar and was very distracted while watching so I didn't exactly get the full feel. On rewind, you can watch the entire broadcast without commercials, or a condensed version where they just blow through every play back to back. Pretty awesome... Second...WOW I know we lost, but I was very surprised at how poorly we actually played. Our defense was BEAST though for how many times we gave it to the pats. But our offense....really? We only had two scores, both with good field position to begin with. The penalties absolutely killed us...every time we got on a roll it was negated by a stupid penalty. Finally, Spiller: I have to admit, I stopped watching half way through the third quarter. I figured I would save myself the disappointment of seeing EJ go 3 and out every drive. But as for Spiller...I didn't seem to think he played as bad as his stats would indicate. Definitely got stopped up at the line way too many times but that's not always his fault. He had some decent 5-10 yard carries that he fought for every step. Against the panther's tough D line I expect another slow week but I think it will get significantly better after that. That is all.
  15. I think if the bills execute drives with creativity and aggressive play calling, we have a chance to do some damage to the panther's D. However if our offensive scheme looks anything like we played against the pats, we'll get shut down more often than not. On the opposite side of the ball, I think the bills are prepared for the most part (holding pats to under 30 was an accomplishment in my book). HOWEVER we are not used to seeing the running QBs of the NFC, so this could be a tricky week for bills D.
  16. Or hesitant due to the insane amount of fumbles he lost last season...he probably knows he's gotta be more conservative running or he could lose his job.
  17. Concerning the Texans vs. Chargers MNF game: What do you guys predict for the fantasy production (non-ppr) of Antonio Gates + Arian Foster combined? Over/Under 30 points.
  18. Hmmm I might be wrong...I had a terrible seat at a crowded sports bar and was watching the game on mute from across the room haha. But if I remember correctly we were like between the pats 40 and 45
  19. That is a very good case for the punting play... I have a bigger problem though. Why the heck did we have no offensive creativity? 3rd and one in pats territory, we have to get one damned yard on two plays. Instead, we give it to Spiller up the middle AGAIN, and he gets stuffed AGAIN. Next, we punt. For crying out loud try a play action QB scramble to the outside, try a screen to Spiller, try something different...heck a QB sneak probably would have worked. But everyone and their mother saw Spiller up the middle coming, so of course they just stack the box.
  20. There's no room here for a moral victory. Bills had the chance but choked in the fourth quarter like usual. Terribly heart breaking...
  21. That's pretty dumb of Tebow...he could at least take an offer to be TE (If it's even true he got an offer) and work on his QB skills in the process...because right now it's not looking like he's worth a dime as QB so he might as well count his losses and switch positions
  22. Peyton sure knows how to make a fantasy owner happy I was even playing against Eric Decker...who only got thrown to a few times and had butter fingers all night! Needless to say I slept well
  23. Go Broncos! Not only do I hate the Ravens, but I've got Manning on my fantasy team. Sucks it's raining...means he'll probably throw less
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