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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I think the world we live in today, everyone would hate whoever they have doing the telecasts.
  2. I can't think of any football player that has changed my opinion of him, so drastically, more than Rodgers has this season. He has always had a aloof sort of "I'm too smart for everyone" vibe, but in a low-key sort of way. But this season, he confirmed whatever possible negative ideas I had about him... he is a smug, arrogoant douche. But, a hell of a QB. Unless he is playing against the Patriots in the Super Bowl, I don't think I will ever find myself rooting for the Packers, like I always have, when the Bills aren't affected...as long as he is there. I might even find myself pulling for Brady (who, if they insist the MVP has to go to a QB, is every bit as deserving if not more-so than Prince Rogers), should the Bucs and Packers somehow face each-other in the playoffs. Rodgers is a bum!
  3. I absolutely hate Monday night...Saturdays are not great for me either, unless it is the late game. Any time Sunday works best!
  4. Denver seems the logical place for Rodgers, if he doesn't retire, or stay in Green Bay. They have talent, draft capital... good group of receivers in need of a QB. I could see Wilson with the Giants as well. Their commitment to Daniel Jones this week is a facade.
  5. So, 2nd round of the playoffs. Is anyone still alive out there? Who you got?
  6. Not going to say that Sanders is over the hill or washed up or anything like that....but for whatever reason, some of Allens' worst passes have gone to Sanders...like he is trying to force the ball to him, so he doesn't feel left out. I am sure there is a bit of that with all the receivers from time to time...and Sanders certainly doesn't seem like a "diva". Davis is up an coming... he continually comes up big for the Bills, in his limited role. Let him play more!
  7. Not really...it indicates that the Bills have blown out bad teams, of which there have been many on their schedule. The Bills are clearly a "good team", but are they a "great" team?
  8. Sorry if this was mentioned earlier in this thread, but heard this interesting stat, in reference to last nights game: The LA Chargers became the first team to be stopped twice on 4th & Goal in the first half of a game, since the San Diego Chargers were stopped twice on 4th & goal, in the first half of a game against the Kansas City Chiefs...on December 16th, 1984!!! Somewhere it was mentioned in the post game analysis last night, that as much as people are complaining about Staley's decision making last night, the Chargers won 3 games this year, employing the same "go for it" mentality. So, it sucks when it doesn't work (and you look kinda stupid) but it is pretty exhilarating when it does work.
  9. It's too bad, because Mahomes seems like a good guy...but his family is kind embarrassing.
  10. No, this is the creepiest song ever...hands down... you just gotta give it your attention... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I_zt-SekHY
  11. Yes, not good by todays standards. But if you go back and look at AFL stats, I think Lenny Dawson and John Hadl were the only AFL QB's that pretty consistently had completion percentages in the upper 50%. Different game...
  12. Seeing Jack Kemp at #10, with 25 is even more surprising to me!
  13. They were both great. It doesn't have to one or the other. Tasker was not only a great gunner, but his game awareness was a major factor in flipping about 8 games during those Super Bowl seasons in the Bills favor. The fact that both guys stuck on the roster of an elite team for 10+ years, playing almost exclusively special teams, speaks volumes.
  14. I happen to be a bit of a card collector. That middle picture (with the text) is Pikes' "rookie card". Don't know if you all remember this, but his rookie cards weren't issued until 1995, ten years after he had been in the league. He (and I believe Steve Tasker, if memory serves) started a campaign for him to get a football card issued, as he wanted one for his kids, who collected. Of course, this was before the days of the internet, so even then, Bills fans mass-pestered the card manufacturers to include him in their sets.
  15. Crazy. Just saw him back in early October, when the Bills played the Texans. It was really funny. I went to the game with a friend of mine, and his young son, Jake, who had never been to a game before. The kid was excited about maybe getting some autographs. As we were walking through the lot, I saw Mark Pike standing on one of those podiums to sign photos. There was no line at all (it was a miserable rainy morning as you may recall)...I said to Jake, "Hey, you want to get Mark Pike's autograph?" Pike looks at Jake and smiles, and the kid, who is very shy says "Umm..no thanks"! Mark smiled and kind of chuckled, then looked at me and said "well, at least he is polite" Of course, Jake is 10 years old, and has no earthly idea who Mark was. Pike handled it with humor. I had met him back in his playing days too...seemed like a really good guy. That was just about two months ago...I didn't realize he was sick. He looked great.
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